Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
Welcome to 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', your source of inspiration and empowerment inside the beauty industry. Hosted by Lisa Huff, this podcast aims to ignite passion, purpose, and potential in hairstylists, salon owners, and industry professionals worldwide.
Each episode, ranging from concise 15-minute insights to detailed hour-long conversations, is thoughtfully curated to offer a mix of solo musings, co-hosted discussions, and interviews with members of our close-knit Stylist Soul Tribe community and other industry trailblazers.
We delve into business-building strategies, lifestyle design, personal growth, and the power of the law of attraction. Our conversations are both uplifting and insightful, crafted to help you build a life and business beyond your wildest dreams.
The power of community is at the heart of everything we do. At 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', we believe in the magic that happens when likeminded individuals come together, support each other, and collectively raise the bar in the industry.
So join us as we explore the transformative power of community and celebrate the beauty of becoming, together.
Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
057 - Astrology, Awakening, and Authenticity: Yara De La Torre’s Guide to Living Your Truth
In this heartfelt and inspiring episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, Lisa sits down with astrologer and visionary, Yara De La Torre. Yara’s journey is one of resilience, self-discovery, and fearless authenticity. After a life-changing event in 2019 left her paralyzed, Yara experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led her to uncover the transformative power of astrology, mindset work, and energy healing.
Yara shares how she broke free from a toxic relationship, healed from deep-seated wounds, and reconnected with her true self. Through her story, she offers wisdom on overcoming codependency, trusting your intuition, and aligning with your soul’s purpose. Together, Lisa and Yara explore themes of surrender, self-love, and the power of astrology to guide and empower others.
Listeners will walk away inspired to embrace their own journeys, trust the process, and live authentically. Plus, get a sneak peek at how Yara will contribute her magic to Lisa’s Vision Casting Workshop in January.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- How Yara overcame life’s hardest challenges to live in fearless alignment.
- The role of astrology and energy healing in personal growth and transformation.
- Insights into breaking codependency patterns and reclaiming self-worth.
- Why surrender and experimentation are key to unlocking your full potential.
- A preview of Yara’s contribution to the upcoming Vision Casting Workshop.
Connect with Yara:
Instagram: @YaraDeLaTorre
Website: https://bio.site/yara.delatorre
Mark Your Calendar!
Join us for the Vision Casting Workshop on January 2nd and 3rd, where Yara will dive deeper into astrology, manifestation, and intentionality for the year ahead. Learn More & Register Here!
Apply for Stylist Soul Tribe Mastermind now! https://form.jotform.com/241785301437153
Connect with Lisa Huff
Hello, friends. Welcome back to Stylus Soul Tribe Conversations. I am joined today by Yara De La Torre. She is an astrologer, visionary, and optimist who helps individuals align with their authentic selves and live with clarity and confidence. She believes that answers we seek are already within us, and through astrology and energetic work, she guides others to unlock their true potential. After surviving a life altering event in 2019 that left her paralyzed, Yara's journey of rediscovery led her to a profound spiritual awakening. It was during this time that she realized the transformation power of astrology, mindset work, and mindful living to navigate life's challenges and find deeper alignment with her true purpose. Yara now uses her expertise in astrology to help clients reconnect with their purpose, heal wounds, and align with the universe's rhythm. Through this process, she helps them step into a life of fearless authenticity and unlock their fullest potential, living in alignment with their true calling. Yara, thank you for so, so much for being on the podcast. I'm so happy to have you. Thank you, Lisa. Oh my goodness. thank you so much for sharing all that about me when you hear it all laid out like that. I'm like, wow, I get like that too. When people read my bios, I get like that too. It's so, it's so cool. You know, I think that I meet people in person and, and it's kind of like, a similar reaction. It's like, Oh, you're a hairstylist. And I'm like, yeah. And they're like, and you're in a wheelchair. And I'm like, yeah. And they're like, and believe it or not, that's the tip of the iceberg. And I also read astrology and like all these, you know, wonderful things. I'm a mother and I, I'm just kind of a nerd when it comes to like, business and marketing, which I love. And there's just so many different avenues. And I think that That in itself is what sets me apart and what helps me be able to help so many different people from so many different walks of life. I'm so grateful to finally, I feel like we have been kind of like living For many years now, we've been in each other's world and in each other's ethers. We've known of each other, you know, from like a very acquaintance level, through different programs, through mutual friends, and just recently, actually, one month ago today, but one month ago, Yara and I were together in Miami, and I had met you at a Thrivers Live in the past, so like, we've had some connection in person, but never very much, and honestly, even that happened so quickly, I would love to get together and connect even further in person, but we just really got more connected, recently. And then we got back from the retreat, and I celebrated a birthday, and I booked a birth chart reading with Yara. So I just feel very grateful. I have known for a long time, and I think you said something similar, like I remember Clubhouse days, we had like little points and moments of connection as well. You're always somebody that I've been very drawn to, it does seem like more recently our paths are connecting a little bit closer, and I'm very grateful for that, I feel like as somebody who's just been a follower of yours for many years now, we see some things, we miss some things, because that's how the algorithm works. I would love to just go a little bit into your story. I'm curious how much my perspective and perception is accurate. Again, being a follower of yours, I can tell that you've been putting in the work for a long time. from my perspective, it sounds like you have really, I don't know when it was, stepped into your truth. And I remember you kind of sharing like truth behind that. Your situation and the accident that happened back in 2019. Like, that's my perspective from following you. why don't you share a little bit more of what that journey has been like. And I'm just gonna be a curious cat and ask you questions all the way, okay? Thank you, Lisa. Yes, I love that. I actually love to hear People's perspective from a story. Yeah. because social media and algorithms are so Yeah, like you catch some things, you miss some things. I won't see your stuff for months, but I know you're active all the time. I'll think about you randomly. I'll deep dive and, you know, creep some of your stuff. But it's an interesting, this internet relationship is very interesting. I know. I know. It really is. And I think a lot, a lot of us or almost every single one of us has had a lot happened in the past five years, right? Like 2020 pandemic happened. None of us are the same. No. Absolutely. Like the world is different. Yeah. I feel like my own transformation began. I mean, many years back. but really like the latest one began actually in 2019. So my injury happened in April of 2019, a few months shy of my salon having its first anniversary. So I opened my. First beauty salon. in the summer of 2018 in the spring of 2019, my injury occurred. And like in between all of that, I had become an educator for like a big, you know, color brand. And I was like climbing my way up into like social media, like educating. I had just joined Thrivers, which is like where I met y'all. and it's just so wild because life just has a way of happening, right? Like all of these moving pieces were happening at the same time. And simultaneously, I was in this relationship, which I thought was. Going to be the love of my life and the most adult relationship that I had had with somebody who seemed to have similar views when it came to success and working hard and all the things. And I really saw a family and a future for myself. And I was opening my salon and doing weddings and just, grabbing life by the horns. everything was good on the outside. but really on the inside, I think even to a certain degree, I didn't even fully realize how bad it really was. this relationship that I had been in for two years was actually so unhealthy and so out of whack and so out of balance. And I was in my mid twenties during this time I'm 33 now. So it's like 2019, which is like. Six years ago? It is insane. and this person was 10 years my senior and I didn't know it at the time, but I came to find out through much experience later on that this was somebody who had had a series of, criminal behavior and background Cheating in life, lying, and doing horrible things to get ahead. Yeah, really toxic, it sounds like. Yeah, and they were really good at it. Like, extremely good at it. Kind of like making con artistry like your life. Anywho, they were also very violent and very abusive in many different ways. And in April of 2019, An incident in which I was pushed off a second story and I landed on gravel and my back broke, which I can say now, you know, at peace because I've dealt with this for so many years. I mean, not just the injury, but even that, specific, night. But for a long time, I kept that a secret. You know, I actually went on with my life and covered for this person because I love them so much. And because I thought Can I interrupt super quickly? These are my curiosities that I want to know, and I have the opportunity to ask you them right now. Were you subject to violence and abuse, like, as a child? Do you think that that led to, I'm obviously protecting whatever you need to, but like, do you think that that led to the normalcy of that? Or finding yourself in this tumultuous relationship, like, did you, was it shocking that you ended up in that situation? Or was that something that was kind of normalized for you? Oh my gosh, that's such a good question, Lisa, and I've never been asked that. Thank you so much for asking that. I think that that is. That is so important. Um, and you know, I think that I always was the type of woman who was like, Oh, that will never be me. Right. how could you like end up with somebody who treats you poorly? Like, why wouldn't you leave? I depend on myself, you know, I started working and whatnot. I grew up in a home with both parents who were married and loved each other. And there was like a series of unhealthy behaviors for sure. Yeah. both of my parents like in periods of their lives struggle with like, alcohol or substances, but for the most part, they kept it really together for me. I was their last child and I definitely, like, feel like I had the most opportunities. And, like, I grew up in, like, a middle class sort of home. I went to private schools. So You wouldn't you wouldn't think like, you know, I didn't come from like a quote unquote broken home. despite, you know, like the generational stuff, like I said, alcohol and whatnot, which we've all like have battled to a certain degree. And like, even my parents, my parents also battled their bit. I've actually been pondering upon this too recently with my therapist because I said, I love therapy and I was like, where the fuck did this behavior come from? Right? Like, when did I stop? Like, when did I start believing that I wasn't worthy of love? Because that's what it really boiled down to. Like, once I realized and I had the breakthrough, Of like the type of relationship that I was really in. It wasn't until two years after my injury. So I was in this relationship for a total of four years. so blinded to it. And it wasn't until one day I realized what codependency was, I didn't know what codependency was and I always heard the word and I said, well, that's definitely not me because yeah, you're like, I am independent as can be. I'm like, I'm not depending on nobody. Until I came across an email that I was, I swear it was sent to me directly from the divine. And it had all these like. symptoms. It was like, do you feel like you're always doing everything for everyone else and nobody supports you? Do you feel like you never have time for yourself and you always put yourself last? And by the time that you get there, there's just no more time or energy or money. I do feel that. Yeah. And I was like, Wow, what is this? Like this is reading me like a freaking book. And at the very bottom, it's like, if you said yes to more than like five or whatever, you know, I said yes to like every single one, you may be codependent. And I was like, what in the world is this? So I dug deeper into it. And I ended up working with this codependent expert. And I finally got to the bottom. I was like, Oh, When I met this person, I started like this missing parts of myself and abandoning parts of myself in order to, I would sacrifice that in order to please them more. Right. And that was because I wanted love so desperately that I would do anything. even if it was abandoning myself or even my values or my morals or overseeing certain things, red flags, you know, because my yearning or my desire for love was bigger because deep down inside, I was trying to get. That love from somebody else that I needed to give myself. So I didn't love myself. So I was looking for, I just went down this whole rabbit hole. And then when I brought it up to my then partner, I said very much the same, at the beginning of my relationship, I abandoned myself, but now I'm here and I want to fix it. the response was like, Oh, so you lied to me. That was the very first moment that I was like, there's something wrong here, right? Because I had come to this awareness of like, this is what the problem is. This is what we can never forward. And then the response was very narcissistic, very like one sided. And I was like, hold up. So that led me down that now years later, we separated. I finally put an end to it in the summer of 2021. It's been years now. And it wasn't until recently in therapy that I started to really try to say, okay, now I know it was the lack of love, but where did that come from? I had loving parents. I had support. I had siblings like. According to the books, the show happened. Yeah. And then. Again, I came across something regarding codependency and it said, it said something along the lines of like children who felt emotionally, responsible for an adult or a caretaker in their life are likely to grow up to want to emotionally care for others. And I was like, Oh my God, there it is. I was always my mother's therapist and I knew entirely way too much about all the adult like ins and outs, finances, like all the things, and again, I'm sure it wasn't intentional or come from like a bad place from my own mother, but it did create this wound. Yeah. So what took place for you to finally decide to, like, speak up about that? Because I have to assume, and again, just from my very far away perspective, I remember thinking, like, she must have really done some serious work and some serious healing to come out and change that story to the truth. Like, what took place for that to happen? Well, I think to sum it up, it was another set of divine events that went down. Just like the events that led me to finally ending the relationship, which was just me beginning to choose myself. And when I say beginning to choose myself, I just decided to break a pattern or like a cycle that I had with this person where they would, you know, Essentially, they would get mad at me for like, they would do something awful and normal cycle would be, I would shut up about it and not say anything. Or if I did say something about it, they would get mad at me. Or saying for not like for even bringing up that their behavior wasn't the truth, right? So then they would get mad at me enough to where I would feel bad for even bringing it up. So then I would begin apologizing for it and then kissing their ass. In order for them not to be mad at me anymore. And then the cycle would repeat. It was so crazy, like saying it out loud here. But hopefully, you know, hopefully somebody is listening to this and maybe being like, wait, you know, maybe this will open up somebody's eyes because I know I didn't see it for a long time. And one day I decided to bring something up that bothered me that I knew was wrong. They reacted in the way that they did. And instead of me kissing her ass and lying. Um, you know, feeling bad about it or even getting more upset instead of allowing them to trigger me into some sort of response, I just remain neutral. And then I said, okay, well, I'm going to just go on about my day. And like continue on the plans that we had, because I brought something up, it was like, plans are canceled. I'm like, I'm just going to go do this very calmly. And it broke the cycle, right? So that just led down this whole like journey of discovery. And I finally put an end to it when it came to me telling the truth. Now that was. The end of it was in the summer of 2021 and I did not tell a single soul about it. First of all, it was very scary for me'cause I had never lived alone with my injury. And I also had a daughter who was like eight, nine years old at time. I can't even imagine So like my fear was like, oh, if I fall outta my chair or if like, I don't know anything. Like there was just all these fears around living alone and not having use of half of my body. and I didn't say anything to anybody. I even went to work at the salon with the girls and nobody knew that I had split up with anybody. I think it wasn't until like Christmas time, maybe like the end of the year that I finally started like telling the girls at the salon, like, Hey, we're not together, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. and everybody was shocked. And then some more time went on. And at the same time I was going through some. legal stuff with my daughter's passport. So I was speaking to my lawyer at the time and then I had an old friend come back from like my past who I was helping, who was actually going through a breakup with a person who was very similar. Like I was holding space for them and like kind of. Allowing them to see for themselves what I had seen and what I had found. at the same time, this is during the time where I was starting to learn about my own gifts and my own skills when it came to astrology and tarot. So I was using this opportunity with somebody who was healing to help them. Use my Reiki, like put into, like use my skills. And this person again, from way, way before they knew me, like when I was much younger at some point, and then we hadn't spoken in many years, I think they were able to see through my bullshit, Lisa. They had been there. And maybe because they just knew me before all the things that happened to me. Okay. and as I was helping them, they said, Hey, You know, if you ever need to tell me something, like, you can, and I was like, what are you talking about? Yeah, there's nothing to tell here. what do you mean? What are you talking about? I'm fine. Yeah. And then a few days went by and it was just like building up inside of me. Yeah, it stuck with you, yeah. and at the same time I was talking to my lawyer, who is also an old friend that I've known for a long time. And almost simultaneously within a few days of each other, my old friend. I, one day we called, we were on FaceTime. It was very unusual. It was a morning FaceTime, which I never really FaceTime in the morning. And I was in my car and I was like, I have something to tell you. and I said it out loud for the first time to somebody here in America, that codependency coach that I work with was a woman in the UK. And that was the first person I told all those years back, but it felt safe enough because she lived in the UK, but this person was here and they were real. And I was on the phone with them. And when I said this out loud, there was also like a noise. Like a cry, like an emotion that came with it that was unlike any sound or expression I've ever had before. And I'll never forget it. I wish I would have recorded it because it was so intense. And I think it was just like years of suppression, years of bottling up something and lying. To preserve somebody else's well being who had hurt me so much, you know, and it was such a release and my friend held beautiful space for me and it felt so good and it felt so scary. And then they said to me, I think you should, talk to somebody about this like, this is not right. and I happened to be doing all that lawyer stuff already. So I had spoken to her and I hit her up, Lacey, and I said, Can we call I have a question. And she knew the story. You know, I used to tell everybody that I had gotten locked out of the house. And like, if you've ever heard any of my podcasts in the past, I think I've might have been in Brits podcast or some of the podcasts that I did prior to me coming out, people would be like, okay, You're an amazing hairstylist. You're an educator. You're doing all these things. You're badass at it. You're in a wheelchair. And they were like, how did the injury happen? Or how did the accident happen? And I was like, Oh, I got locked out of the house and I fell. That's it. Let's move on. You and your partner at the time, like conspire that up together, or did you just do that on your own? When I first was on the floor, they came running down the stairs. And I was like, I can't get up. I can't move. And they were like, quit lying. You're acting, get up, come on, don't be stupid. And then they went ahead and like grabbed my arms and pulled me up several times, which created probably a lot further damage. And then after that, they were like, oh shit, like this is real. And, it's just like hovered over me. And they were like, What are you going to say? What are you going to tell them? Oh, Yara. I mean, this wasn't the first form of abuse. I got my, like, I got shit beat out of me at my, one of my best friend's weddings. Just in December prior to that, just four or five months before that, and I had like a black eye that I like covered up and went to work with every single day, you know, like it wasn't on. So yeah, you're like, yeah, what am I gonna say? I was like, yeah, I'll just tell him that I got locked out of the house and that I felt that I, you know, so. Wow. And I actually got airlifted to the hospital. Yeah. And, yeah, my partner didn't come with me. Oh my gosh, thank you for going back to all that, first of all, let me say that. I guess I should have asked before we started how comfortable you were with all that. thank you so much. those were just my own curiosities. And I think that just goes to show you truly Never know people's stories, like you never know what they have going on behind the scenes very powerful. And I'm very grateful that you have allowed me to hear all of that because I have to imagine that that's a lot to unpack. So where does astrology and, like you said, your gifts and all of these things come into play? Was this something you were dabbling with? Prior to all of these life changing, events, from injury to finding yourself, to breaking codependency patterns, to growing, to healing, like, when did all of that come into play, and how is that still such a huge part of your world? So, astrology, magic, the elements, connection to nature, has been something that I've always loved. been fascinated by. Yeah, like as young as you can remember. Always. Yeah. And like, it was also the only thing my mother's a Leo. So my mother was like hyper Christian. Like I said, Christian schools, church, the nine, like the nine yards and very much like she was trying to like create the it. Just most pure environment for me to grow up in. But the one thing that was allowed, that wasn't like devil, that wasn't evil, was astrology. Because of course she's a Leo, and if you know a Leo And it was the 90s, and the early 2000s, and the magazines had them, and like, it was so fun. Like, I grew up Spanish, so if any Spanish listeners, like Walter Mercado, who was like the astrologer in Univision, which is like, he was just super fabulous and flamboyant And he had like a little set like we all loved astrology. So astrology was the one thing that was okay I dabbled into it always I always loved like that I was an aquarius because like it made me weird and like I just always have more connected to that. Yeah Yeah, and like it was cool, you know, so i've always dabbled into it but like life happened especially like in my teenage years when I really did get more into, just connecting more, I think there was like a part of me that got like a, I would say maybe even a little freaked out and I was like, oh, why don't I back it up? And then when I was about 21, after I had my daughter, I, that's when I started. I read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Such a good book. Such a good book. Kind of crazy to be my first one. So, I had this entire like earth shattering moment around religion in a different way than I had before. I had an earth shattering moment around religion and like my connection to God and kind of like the guilt that I carried from having been embraced the way that I was. And then I had like a resentment towards religion. So I was mad about it. But then later on, after I read this book, it was like, I had like a deeper understanding. And like, respect for everyone's beliefs and methods of connecting with source or affinity, you know, and like, for my mother, it works. by going to church and connecting with her. And that's beautiful. You know, like I, so it really re, like, it restructured my way around thinking of, like, existence as a whole. Then later on, like, life just happened. And it was in 2021, Lisa, that just things started happening after my injury. What do you mean when you say that? Things started happening, like, I can't explain them. They were just, Signs from the universe and incredibly strong. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. And pools like I was magnetized to certain things and I could not explain to you why. And I, you know, I could have blamed it on like trends. If I really wanted to. Yeah, it definitely was Trending. But it was like, yeah. It was trending, but there was this certain amount of devotion and respect that went with it. Like, when I first started learning tarot, Clubhouse was dying out. But I still had the app and one day I just saw a notification with a little name and it had like the little crystal emoji. Somebody went into a room and I just happened to click on it. And I came across this wonderful woman, Jennifer is her name. she was just speaking and then I contacted her and I was like, I just wanna work with you. I don't know what you do. I don't know, blah, blah, blah. And she was just like, okay. Yeah. And then I was like, Jennifer, like I just got to ask her like, Hey, what's the difference between Oracle Deck and Tarot Deck? And she's just answer me. Just, and I was like, oh, how do you set up an altar? Like what are these risks? She would just share with me and like, I didn't know this woman. She didn't know me. We worked together. And at the time I was like, okay, she told me, she's like, tarot decks are harder, more difficult. You have to learn it. Oracle decks are easier. I was like, okay, I'm going for the tarot deck. Yeah. I'm diving in. No, I'm like, I'm definitely going for the harder. And then I went to order a deck on Etsy because that's just what felt good to me, Lisa. And I was ready that you had to make a connection with it and you have to be respectful and get to know it and whatnot. Well, little did I know, I picked the one deck that came from fucking France. Like, so it took three weeks to get to me. And so there was this whole like period of time in which I had to be patient. and then I started that year. I was still with my partner when I was doing this, like I was starting to get part of the journey. and it was freaking them out. Like, it was like, what is going on with you? Like, why are you getting all this witchy shit? And I couldn't explain it. And it like irked them, you know, like, they were like, what? You're not supposed to have a personality. Yeah. Or heal yourself or think for yourself or be empowered in any way, shape or form. Yeah. So that in itself started to create a bigger gap. Right. And then in 2021, I made some bold choices. I joined a mastermind. I was 16, 000 for the year, and I did not know how I was going to do this. I also didn't ask for permission, which is something that I always used to do with my ex partner. And I just started taking this bold action, and then I had this moment where I was like, I knew three people who passed away all within a week. And it sent me down this like journey. Like it was an inner child journey. I didn't realize that at first, but I was all alone for the first time. Like my daughter was with my mom, my partner, somebody that had passed away. So they had traveled and I hadn't been alone in years and I was told by my intuition. I know this now, like go in the car and take a drive. And I was like, okay. And then I just drove and I happened to drive to this neighborhood. That's really big down here where I live in Florida Keys. And I had a lot of history in that neighborhood and it led me down all these parts of my own life. And then one of the other people who had passed away was their parents lived in that neighborhood and I had rented from them at a period of my life, And I wanted to drive by their house. I felt weird about it. I was like, what am I going to do? Like their daughter passed away when they're outside. What am I going to say? Like, sorry for your loss. But anyway, I felt drawn to driving by there and I almost missed the house, but then I drove again and when I did, I saw their number, the number of their house was five, five, five, and I was like, This is strange. Yeah. I drove to the beach and I have always loved numerology. I think it was the first method in which the universe communicated with me in numbers. So I knew that they meant something and I Googled it. And when I did, I read this huge article on sunsigns. org that basically said like your entire life is about to change, it's going to be super turbulent, things are going to feel like they're falling apart and like everything's ending but it is for your greatest good and you need to hang on and you need to trust, you need to believe. Yeah. I read it all and with tears in my face I said I should call Kristen Sauceman, but I didn't know Kristen. Okay. I remember hearing this from her side. So keep going. This is really cool. I didn't know Kristen. At the time, I was more acquainted with Hunty. And, you know, because everybody was like starting their businesses. Yeah. Like Hunty was starting his thing, which is amazing now. but Kristen was just this like other person. Wonderful lady who I'd met, like, at Thrivers Live. I didn't know what she did, who she was. Have never really even spoken to her. But I had seen her in clubhouse and whatnot. And hopefully if you guys are listening to this podcast, know that she's one of the most special humans to grace the earth. But yes. I call her an angel. That's what intuition said, yeah. And I messaged Hunty, like, that day or the day after, and I was like, you know, where does this happen? But like I thought about messaging Kristen the other day, but like, I don't even know her and he's like, no, you should like do it now. And I was like, you think you think it's not gonna be where he's like, go talk to Kristen. I talked to Kristen and she tells me that she's like, This is like Tuesday. And I was like, hey, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was thinking about you the other day. And she's like, when? And I was like, She told me this. Keep going. She was like, when were you thinking about me? And I was like, Sunday at three o'clock. huh. And she's like, bitch, shut the fuck up. I was thinking about you too. Yes, I remember you telling me that. I totally forgot. my, like, kitchen. And she's like, I stopped. And something was like, I should talk to Yara. Oh my god. And I guess we should say this too, for those that are listening, that's how Yara and I have finally gotten more connected as Kristen has been at my last three retreats, Maybe four? Last three retreats and this most recent one was in Miami and Yara lives in the Keys and she was like, hey, would you mind if Yara came up and was like a little bit of a part of it? I was like, oh my god, I would love nothing more than that. So yeah, love to hear that. So then you started working with her? What do you even call that? Started this friendship? Yeah, I was like, I don't know what you do. I don't know what you offer, but like, I feel like I need it. And she was like, well, I do Reiki. And she was like, what is, I was like, what is Reiki? Like I've heard of it. I've seen it. but I don't understand it. And she was like, it's energy healing. And she's like, basically I do it from afar. I use a teddy bear as your replacement. And I was like, okay, I can get down with this, you know, let's try it out. And she was like, you just schedule a session and we go through it. I scheduled my first session with her and she first taught me about what chakras were. Yeah. Which was, it's literally now like a core concept of like, chakra tattoo across my arm. Um, I, actually now, like one of the gifts that I have as an astrologer and a healer is, my ability to sense or feel emotions, blockages, or areas of interest, I would say, and others, and I do it through chakras, like I will feel in messages through my own chakra. So anyway, I started meeting with her, I think at the beginning, I probably was meeting with her maybe even like once a week. Yeah. And, you know, energy healing is very real, even from afar, and I could feel it as she was working. It's fucking powerful. and then there were other times in which I would, you know, now that we were comfortable, I would go into the session, would dig right into it. Yeah. And sometimes I would go so deep into meditation that I would not even remember what it was, but it was so powerful. And it helped me so much. I think I worked with her at least on a monthly basis for at least two years. we're now in like a, we were both facilitators and we facilitate for each other now, which is touching with each other when needed. yeah, it was incredible. And she taught me so much. And she was one of my biggest, mentors. And just people who have walked the way with me. I could say the same. She's definitely impacted my life in one of the biggest ways. There's a handful of those people, but she is up there for me as well. So beautiful. And that just led me down a whole journey of self discovery. I had a very successful online course in hair color and balayage and all these things. I still have my salon, which we're going on our, 6th, 7th year, I believe, and, I have an amazing team. I work behind the chair and for the last, like, 2 years, I was in an exploratory mode. I was in masterminds. I was connecting with like minded individuals. I decided to, shut down my successful color course simply because it didn't align with my heart anymore. Was it good? Yes. Did people like it? Yes. Did it make me money? Absolutely. Was it lighting me up? No, not anymore. So I went an actual entire year. exploring and having fun. And I had an incredible mentor who, gave me the permission that I didn't need, you know, but she was like, you're allowed to give the permission to yourself to just play, to just see, like, try things on and taste feels good. Right. And like, particularly because she was able to help me, like, remind me, like, Are your bills covered? Yes. Like, do you have sustainability? Yes. Like, does it all have to be right here, right now? Do you have to start making money online right this second? And I'm like, not technically, But clearly, intuition is telling you that this is a sustainable way. Season if it's not right in front of you. The way that I, my vocabulary that I like to use towards that, this is just like my own creative process and my truth is white space, I call it leads to big magic. That's just vocabulary that resonates with me. That's my journey that I went through. and so I'm the exact same way. Like you can force and force and force and say, no, I want my big idea. I want my life changing thing. I want my empire, whatever. But if that's not crystal clear in front of you, you can try to force that all you want. But you just have to surrender and release and wait. That's my creative process. Hell yeah. That's so powerful. And something that I've said, and I remind myself, is like, you can do so much more on one, like, on a weekend of full alignment than you could ever get done in an entire month of forcing. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I mean, when the flow comes over you, it's insane. I remember when Kristen and I were touching base pre Miami, we had a call and it was just her and I just to do some intention setting and I just kind of overviewed her, kind of similar to what I just did with you for the vision casting workshop, like this is just kind of the vibe, the flow of what the event is going to be and she had like a chill and a drop in and she like shared this idea and I'm like, yeah, I just read this piece in the book and it like, totally, in this book that I was reading, it like, totally aligned with now the book that she's obsessed with that she's reading the artist's way. Anyway, so many bizarre synchronicities, but that's what I said to her, I was like, Kristen, we could have set a three hour Zoom call to try to force this idea, and we never would have came to that. But we just happened to, like, accidentally stumble upon this idea. And that, again, is so my process. maybe that's not the case for everyone. I know some people are more analytical. I resonate strongly with everything that you're saying, and I, during that same time, went through my own kind of journey and remember those similar feelings of like, oh my god, I'm so drawn to this, and actually right in this very moment of recording I've had a period where I've been less, you know, and I won't force it. Like if coming down to my altar doesn't feel in alignment, like I won't force that. And just recently within the last couple of weeks, I've really been pulled down and I've kind of reset out my little office space and have my morning, you know, practices and rituals again. I'm so intuitively led personally and it sounds like you're very similar in that way. I love that. I saw your story with your little morning. Finally back down. I'm avoiding magic. Yeah. I think you're totally right and I think it's, I think it's worth giving it a shot. Like, to anybody listening, if you've been forcing everything, like, why don't you just try being like, you know what, I'm gonna like let go, like let, let the gas, like the foot off the gas. And just see what happens even just for a little bit like you might be surprised Of what comes through by trying out a different? A different method than you have before. I like the theme of surrender. I like the theme of tasting and experimenting. and I, I think I agree anybody who this is really resonating with, go ahead and claim that and grab that for yourself. Oh man, Yara, I could definitely keep going. We touched like one of the many talking points we had. I honestly want to say I think this might be one of my favorite podcast episodes that I've recorded to date yet. Like, really, thank you again for sharing your story. As you were speaking, like, The chills that were coming over my body. I am so grateful, again, to be getting to know you on this deeper level. I feel so strongly connected and grateful for you sharing that, and I'm very excited to continue to Learn more about you, learn more from you, and explore, together. we are gonna collaborate again in another way. yara is going to participate in the Vision Casting Workshop, which I've put on for the last many years. it's a similar event, but we were talking before we hit record, and she was just giving some ideas of how she can touch on manifestation, and a little bit of astrology, and just some fun things for getting intentional for the year ahead. So I will have Yara, is there anything else that you really want to or feel called to share before we wrap up? I just want to say thank you for having me here and for touching on, all these cool subjects. And I guess just allowing your listeners to see all the different avenues of success and hopefully this helps somebody and I always like to say at the end of every podcast or anything that I do, that my inbox is always open. I'm a person with a lot of depth and a lot of room to hold for a lot of people. So if there's anything that you want to explore more of or that touched you or that you want to share or express, I never want anyone to feel alone. So my door is always open. I love that. I will have all of Yara's information in the show notes as well. Vision Casting Workshop is going to be January 2nd and 3rd and you can definitely get some more of Yara as well as a lot of other incredible things during that event. So thank you, thank you, thank you friend. we will go ahead and wrap up. Thank you everybody for listening. I will talk to you all next week.