Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
Welcome to 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', your source of inspiration and empowerment inside the beauty industry. Hosted by Lisa Huff, this podcast aims to ignite passion, purpose, and potential in hairstylists, salon owners, and industry professionals worldwide.
Each episode, ranging from concise 15-minute insights to detailed hour-long conversations, is thoughtfully curated to offer a mix of solo musings, co-hosted discussions, and interviews with members of our close-knit Stylist Soul Tribe community and other industry trailblazers.
We delve into business-building strategies, lifestyle design, personal growth, and the power of the law of attraction. Our conversations are both uplifting and insightful, crafted to help you build a life and business beyond your wildest dreams.
The power of community is at the heart of everything we do. At 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', we believe in the magic that happens when likeminded individuals come together, support each other, and collectively raise the bar in the industry.
So join us as we explore the transformative power of community and celebrate the beauty of becoming, together.
Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
056 - L&L Chit-Chat: Joy Beyond Business is the Vision for 2025
In this episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, Lisa and Leisha are back with their quarterly L&L chit-chat! They catch up on life updates, reflect on personal growth, and dive deep into finding joy outside of business.
Leisha shares insights from her 75-day social media challenge, focusing on consistency, creativity, and engagement. They also explore the importance of crafting harmony in life, embracing mindset shifts, and preparing for the upcoming Vision Casting Workshop in January 2025.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- How to balance personal and professional life for greater harmony.
- Insights from a 75-day social media challenge: what worked, what didn’t, and how to stay authentic.
- Why younger stylists are redefining success and prioritizing happiness.
- A sneak peek at the Vision Casting Workshop and how it can help you align your vision for the year ahead.
📌 Mentioned in This Episode:
- Vision Casting Workshop: January 2-3, 2025 – Register now to kickstart your year with clarity and purpose!
✨ Connect with Us:
- Follow Lisa on Instagram: @StylistSoulTribe
- Join the Stylist Soul Tribe Community: Learn More Here
Connect with Lisa Huff
Hi friends, welcome back to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I am with Alicia again today for an L& L chit chat. I was wondering when our last one was and I went and looked and it got published back in July, so it's been a while. Oh my gosh, wow. I know, I know, we initially said we were going to do every quarter, which we're just over a quarter, but we probably even recorded it before July. So it's been a while since we've done an L and L podcast. We have L and L weekly meetings every single Wednesday morning, but it's been a while since we've done an L and L podcast. I think back to July, you were in California still in July, right? I was. Yeah. So give us a little life update, Leisha, on what's happening in your world. Yeah, I'm still in California, which has been really nice, really beautiful, you know, getting to just go to the beach for the weekend is definitely, like, part of my lifestyle now. I really love Marco Polo ing with you and you being like, you're taking your breath away every time you're just driving to and from the salon because you are in such a beautiful area. Yeah, I know. It's so beautiful here. I love the area. I don't love the traffic. It's amazing. Traffic everywhere, but you know, you gotta you gotta have a little give and take but yeah things are moving so quickly, which is so it doesn't surprise me that we haven't talked since july I feel like it's been such a whirlwind of things and both of our lives and just like soul tribe and also just my business of the traveling hair stylist. So, yeah, I'm just in the groove and continuing to buckle up for, for next year. And knowing there's no slowing down anytime in the near future. So you're going to be in California until when? And then do you want to share where you're going next? Or is that not? Yeah. So I'll be in California till the end of the year. We're going to visit some of our family in Ohio. For the holidays. And then starting at the end of January, we will be moving all the way over to the East coast, to Raleigh, the Raleigh area of North Carolina. I've been to North Carolina lots of times, but not that specific area. So I always get excited to go to like a new place and we'll be there for a good bit. I'm still working out the details on exactly how long, but it could be like a six month stay again. So, yeah. I love that. Amazing, amazing, amazing. I'm trying to think of what's happened with me since July. as I think about it, I want to say not much, but I know I've been really In my personal life, and I've been really, my kids, Skylar's about to turn 12, Bennett will be 8 in February, they started at a new school this last year, they have been in sports non stop, so I just feel like when I think about my life, lately it's just been Thank God the kids have the best new group of friends, like Skylar, which is who I was the most worried about, has the best new group of friends that she's hanging out with every single weekend. They're such good kids. She's getting so settled. It feels so good. Benny's super busy in sports. So honestly, I've just been, home. And I still, it's been, I want to say, two years now that Ryan has, since he switched his job, but I still, like, I think because he traveled for so long, like, I'm, it's not lost on me how grateful I am that that's just, like, our groove now. We just have such a solid routine. we've been really on our A game with, like, exercising and moving our bodies, Ryan and I, you have. Yeah, we had a very busy October. We took a family trip to California. We had the retreat, which we'll chat about a little bit. So I think from July to now, I've just been really busy in my home life and I wouldn't want it any other way. My kids are growing so fast and things are changing so fast that I'm just trying to be very present. And I think that's where my head's been at, so that feels good, yeah. I know, I always forget that your husband used to travel all the time for work, it just feels like your flow right now just feels like how it's been, so yeah. No, I mean, unless you're like inside my house, nobody would realize how I don't want to call it lonely because I actually was, obsessed with it, but the years that Ryan was gone was when I was growing Soul Tribe. him and I were talking about that the other day of just, how much time he wasn't there when the kids were young. Like, I'll come across an old video and he'll be like, God, I feel like I missed so much of that because he was gone. But, like, we were even talking about him, like, Would we have, like, done it any other way? And he's like, honestly, it worked. It set us up financially for where we are now, and I'm grateful for that. But we also had so much growing up to do over the years that I'm like, I think the weird, non traditional way that we operated while we were growing up, because we started dating so young, worked really, really well for us. we're just, older and wiser now, and calmer. We just have a really good groove right now, It is not at all lost on me how grateful I am for that, I've shared some of my personal stories, actually, I don't know when this episode's gonna go up, but I did just share the replay of The Radiant Resilience with Tawny, things have not always been chill and good, it's just so chill and healthy and calm and slow right now, and it feels really, really good. Yeah, that's amazing, I just love that. Yeah. so, Leisha and I were chatting this morning when we were on our L& L call, and we were just kind of like, what are we going to go over on this podcast episode? And she had a good idea about, we just had a hot seat, that took place, what was it, just on Monday that we did that? Yeah, just a few days ago. for confidentiality, I'm going to leave the person's name out of it of who was in the hot seat, but those of you in Soul Tribe were there and you'll know, I'm not going to just to keep it private. But there's someone in Soul Tribe who has been, dabbling with education for years now and Really popped off, honestly, kind of the same time frame that I really popped off. Like, there was just a different energy on Instagram back in, 2017, 18, 19, even 20 a little bit, you know? And she was having, a little bit of a crisis, as we all do. Totally relate. I go through this all the time. She was having a little bit of a crisis of just, like, My messaging isn't resonating anymore. I don't know who I'm talking to anymore, and, like, I'll put out a piece of content and it flops, so I go back to this old content and it performs better, but it feels really inauthentic, It was a really interesting conversation, so I'd love to hear, what your takeaways were from that and, where your mind goes with all of that, because you were there, obviously. Yeah, I think there really was, two main things that I really took away and was, really hearing in the conversation, the first one, and I don't think this is really surprising to people, is just really how much we as consumers have changed and I think we even talked about this the beginning of the year a little bit just social media in general and how much it's changed but I think the thing that's interesting with that is from the other side of it whether you're a hairstylist marketing the clients or your hairstylist marketing to other stylists or an educator But it really is like we are definitely at that point where it's like, yeah, We can't keep doing the same shit that we've been doing for years. Like it did work well, and we got to like ride certain highs, you know, like a handful of years ago, or even just a few years ago, but it is different. And I think we're still trying to figure out exactly what it does look like, but I think one thing that. Often, I feel like we have to really, like when we're putting things out there, really asking ourselves is like, What, like, how are you operating on Instagram right now? Are you on Instagram? Like, I think just like really turning these questions inward and learning even how you yourself are kind of looking at things. Like, what's catching your attention? What's not? What are you bored of? What feels fresh? Like, it's so insightful because. I think all of us could say how different it is for ourselves versus even six months ago, a year ago. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I don't know about you, but I have found that, and maybe it's just my following, maybe I need to like do a reset on who I'm following, but I have, okay, so I have obviously my Instagram. I have the style soul tribe Instagram, but I don't get on that a whole lot. And then I have my personal TikTok, which is I mean, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but my algorithm is so good. I'm sure to nobody else, but like, my TikTok algorithm is so fucking funny, so insightful, like, it's, it's so addictive. I, and then I have my stylist Soul Tribe Instagram, and that one is very curated for hairstylists, and I don't get a lot of that on my personal feed. In fact, I intentionally don't. react to it because I want two different headspaces when I get on that. And my stylist soul tribe TikTok feed is really, really, really fascinating. And just the other day, every so often I do these things called like awareness pitches, where I just kind of seek out what are other people in the industry. If I was a consumer and I was in the industry, you know, looking for education or looking for inspiration, like what would I stumble upon other podcasts, those things like that. And I went into this. awareness pitch flow. I didn't even really realize I was doing it, but I went onto, my For You page on TikTok through the Stylist Soul Tribe account, and I was kind of just scrolling, liking, commenting. There was so many fascinating conversations, and I reached out, so you guys will hear episodes in the future. Like, there was one person like, this viral video that was, like, This girl packing her lunch to go to her job to support her career as a hairstylist popped off. Comments were so insightful. I sent her a message. I was like, will you come on my podcast so we can talk about this more? there was another one that was going off about if you're a hairstylist and you very much act like a W2 employee and you don't control, this and this, and then your, salon owner tries to 1099 you like, we all know that's a red flag, but the comments of this video were like, So good. So I messaged her too. I'm like, will you come on my podcast, talk about it? And I think I'm going to keep doing that. And so you just saying like, go into consumer mode. Again, I don't know if this is the case for everyone, but like, I'm not finding anything interesting on Instagram personally these days. I don't know about you. I have kind of switched over a little bit more to TikTok, but not really to look for Insightful things, it's more for escapism, truly, and I think a lot of people are like that, they just want, like, fun, and whether it's to laugh, or they want something just heartwarming, or I don't know, you know, I think we are all kind of falling into a little bit of that escapism with, like, our social media, but I guess the other point of that too is, I don't feel like it's not working at all because I know for myself, I just got off of like a 75 day social media thing. And I could tell the difference of like being super consistent, I could tell that there were certain weeks where I didn't. Either plan ahead. I felt like I didn't have very creative ideas for how I wanted to like get my word out. And I could tell that that like slightly changed course, my engagement of course. Whereas, yeah, there were other weeks where I just kind of had fun with it. Mm-Hmm. and those were the ones that did better. Okay. I thought less about what I was putting together, how I looked, how the editing looked, how it looked on the reel. Okay. Those are the ones that perform better. And so I think the thing with doing like consistency of like, I had to do this thing where like, I just have to post, I have to post, no matter if it's good or if it's garbage going out. Yeah. The consistency of that helps, but I think also the consistency paired with just doing something that felt fun or fresh or creative to me so I think that's the thing that maybe sometimes we get too in our heads about still where we're totally recycling content is great, but there gets to a point where it's like six years old. Yeah And every so often like once or twice and I think for so long that was preached because that's like what the algorithm needed Back then and I think we just got, had these like, it was like something so new was in front of us that people really found systems that worked and shared them on a large scale, and then since then everybody's just been doing the same thing over and over and over again, and like time has evolved and people's like, Honestly, just stamina. They just can't keep up with the same level of just noise. That they've just like kind of lost interest. That absolutely, if you're recycling content from five, six years ago, at a certain point, and I told the person this, you should delete all of your drafts. And she was quiet for a little bit. She's like, well, I'm not going to do that. It's like, okay, that's fine if you don't have that in you. But I, I think sometimes I kept using the like defibrillator analogy. Like sometimes you just need a. Shock the system, they fuck everything I used to know and I used to do, and start fresh, so feel free to give shout out to Ani, however you say her name, that you've been doing this challenge with, and I would love to know, Leisha, how you went into it, maybe, was there more strategy behind it that made it feel more new, fresh, and kept you going for 75 days that you didn't give up? Yeah, I mean, I did get kind of serious with, like, planning an idea, so I had a whiteboard, and I actually did the whiteboard, and I kind of just, like, for a few minutes at the start of the week, I would just think of, like, first things that popped in my head, just rough ideas, and sometimes I would even just kind of, like, Sometimes I would do a little bit of scrolling on Instagram, but I really tried not to do that. I really just wanted to be like, here's one piece of what I want to talk about. How can I talk about it just a little differently? And sometimes I was even going back to some of my content that I wanted to recycle, but maybe there was like one sentence in the caption that I'm like, you know what? I could actually recycle that, but do it in a very different way. So I had kind of like a color code system and I know I'm making this sound like I did way more than like what I actually did. It really was like five minutes on a Monday. Well and sometimes that's easier. And Leisha and I have said that a thousand times. Like I am totally just like a physical in front of me and sometimes just wiping a whiteboard rather than trying to create this whole big thing on Canva is way more beneficial. And how long did you do that? You didn't do that for 75 days from the get go. Were you doing a week at a time? How, how far? I did like a week at a time. I tried to just plan and think about the week. Leading up and there were definitely weeks where it was like, I would get to a day that I maybe didn't get fully everything I needed. so that when I had a moment at the salon and I was like, okay, I would, I took a picture of the calendar so that I could always refer back and see like, What were some of the ideas that I had coming up and what do I want to film to kind of work with that content? And I leaned heavily into b roll which was like just literally random things You just put your camera or your phone up anywhere and just do something I mean there were moments where I was like just grabbing empty color bowls and pretending to make I really didn't try to overthink it, and there were some posts that I spent more time having more creative content, but maybe a simpler caption, and then other ones I maybe went deeper in the caption, and it was really simple content. Do you know on those 75 days how many of those were video? Because you were doing mostly video content. Probably 85 percent of those, maybe even 90 percent were real. I really tried to only do maybe one graphic post a week, maybe a carousel along with it, but it really was about leaning into video. And on top of that, it wasn't just posting. It was also interacting with people and that made a difference too. So like I had to take 10 minutes. Every day and just interact with new and current followers. So I'm sure that even kind of helped me get back into like the motion of like an algorithm on Instagram. So there, there were obviously some things that she kind of helped give you some inspiration of, and I definitely took that, I just, I think the biggest thing through the 75 days was honestly not overthinking the content, just putting it out there. Some of it did well, some of it didn't. And that was okay. I was still nurturing my platform either way. And I don't have a large following. So it wasn't like I was trying to get. A hundred thousand views on something. Yeah, I think at most I got like 3000 views, but really what worked well for me is I got lots of new followers. I had a ton of saves and share. You did a lot of discovery calls and stylists. Yes. I had a ton of dms and people asking me about my services, people filling out my forms. That mattered more to me than getting a thousand times more and. comments even sometimes. So now that the 75 day challenge is over, are you going to continue doing daily? Cause I, as you were saying that it was almost coming to me that I swear it almost has to be all or nothing. Like when you're so consistent and you just say, fuck it, I'll throw up anything versus when you're going to do two a week. I think we get way more creative and intricate than we need to. And I hate to make it that way because you don't need to do seven days a week, but I do think something changes. mentally when you do that. It really does. It's very odd because right now I was like, all right, I made it to 75 days. I'm done. I need a break. Yeah, I think i'm okay with that right now because i'm at a point where I have more I'm over capacity of what I can take on as services and it's also the holiday So like you have to kind of also just be aware that like engagement is going to be a little bit lower And i'm like, you know what? Maybe i'll just take a little bit of a breeze I'll just recycle some of those things just to keep like something's flowing and maybe at the start of the year I think I might want to try to do I'm kind of thinking about doing another 75 days again and just like going at it. You know the system, you know the process and run it again. I love that. So that's my thoughts of what I'm thinking I'm going to do, I might have to jump on that with you. I'm the same way though. I'm like, I'll go for a chunk of time where it's like tons of content and then I need a break for a little bit. And I think it's fine. I think I'm not going to overthink it. And this is how I feel about a lot of things. Like if the energy that I'm going into something with is like, I don't want to do this. This, I'm forcing this. This doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel authentic intuitively. Like this isn't, yeah. Where my energy wants to go like I listen to that like crazy and I just trust that that's going to be okay. So, but I do surprise you though, because I had some moments where I was like, man, this is a shitty real. I don't really know where to go. And then it was like, I would get so many people talking to me about it. And I'm like, Oh, that just tells you to the consistency. Yeah, yeah, yeah, truly. But from the conversation Does Aki publish daily on EN? Does she post daily? She does. Yeah. She's pretty I think there's something to that. Either turning it on or turning it off. That's interesting. your mindset definitely changes when it's like an all or nothing. And It's part of your routine. So it's not like, oh, today I'm going to make content and then now tomorrow I'm not, I always can tomorrow versus the same way you have to brush your teeth every day. You must capture content every day. you wouldn't bring a tripod into the salon for that, would you? No, I never did, no. And, and that's the thing, it's like, because I am working in other people's salons right now, so I always want to, like, respect, like, other people's space and things. I just got, literally, I was using shampoo bottles some days to, like, lean up against, or, like, I do have a little mini, Like thing that I would bring sometimes, but I never was setting up like a tripod. Anything for clients. Well, I just upgraded my phone. I actually should have put that as one of my reports because I'm very happy about that. I finally just upgraded my phone. And if you're in my life, you know, my phone was dying like 17 times a day. So it feels really good. so I have more storage and I have a better camera and that always inspires me. Spend thousands of dollars to get inspired to post on social media. Yeah, that always inspires me too. And I texted my client that I'm doing tomorrow. I texted her last night and I was like, do you mind being on camera on Thursday? And she was like, no, not at all. I was like, okay, I've been so uninspired lately. I haven't taken any content behind the chair. I really wanna do a video, so hold me to it. And she was like, get it girl. I am all about it. And so I'm going to, that's a trick that I tell people in S Soul Tribe a lot. When you get on, like, a monthly meeting or if you're listening to this podcast, you're in, like, Ooh, I need to better my business mode. And then you quickly will fall out of that. That I think when you're in that mode, you need to text all of your clients that week and say, Hey, I need to create some content. I don't want to put you on the spot. I'm curious if you feel comfortable being on camera on Thursday. Totally okay either way. And then if they say, yeah, say, okay, hold me to it. And then they're going to come in, their makeup's going to be done. They're going to be excited about this content that you're going to create and you're going to actually do it. So you guys content of me with Ashley tomorrow because she's the best. Obviously, that's different for you because you're doing other people's clients, but if you've got your own clientele, they love to be on camera and sometimes you just need to give them a heads up. Or they'll say no and then they won't feel weird and pressured and awkward. They'll just say, no, I'd rather not. And that's totally fine too. Yeah. Yeah. But I think the other, and for me too, maybe I'm not reaching out to clients, but the thing that helped me was having an idea of what I wanted to kind of get before going into it because I had so many times where I would like maybe finish up a little early and I had like 15 minutes at the end of the day. And then I'm just like, oh, I need content, but like, what do I, what do I even do? And then you spend almost more time trying to think of what to do and then you're like, oh, I gotta go. So like having that picture. Were you planning the b roll? in advance. Like, were you saying, I'm gonna fold towels or I'm gonna mix color or you, that you would pick on the fly? I wouldn't necessarily pick the task, but I would just say like, okay, with this particular caption, any kind of B roll that feels right in the moment is good. And then sometimes there were things where I'm like, okay, I want to get this. I wanted to do this with a client, like interacting with a client, so let me make a note to make sure I do that throughout the day. there were some things where I'm like, okay, let me, I want to film myself doing a task in the shampoo areas. I had a rough idea of like going into the day, what it exactly was that I wanted to capture or some essence of what I wanted to capture. this morning we were talking about what this podcast was going to be about, and then we were also kind of planning for Vision Casting Workshop teaser. we do it every year. We're starting to think about what it's going to look like this year, and we were really talking about, you know, we always really touch on mindset, and we touch on vision during the Vision Casting Workshop, and when it comes to mindset, we were just kind of like, okay, what's like, What feels right right now? What feels relevant right now? And Leisha brought up finding joy outside of business. I think for a period of time, it was very much like integrating your business into your being was a thing for a while. And I don't know about everybody else, but I'm definitely authentically in a phase of those being more separate. Like I said, I'm just, I'm present with Ryan. I'm present with the kids. That's just kind of where I'm at. so we wanted to kind of step into that conversation a little bit. So tell me what comes up for you, Leisha, with that. I think for me, cause I'm always hanging in a lot of like hairstylists, Facebook groups, just for my own business purposes. And that was something Scene come up so many times with stylists where they're feeling Just sort of like out of place in their business or they're feeling stuck or a lot of people feeling lonely and just Looking for something to like bring them Joy through a time that just either felt like stagnant in their business a time where maybe they are Rebuilding and it's just been difficult and I think for a lot of stylists too just also a time right now where things just feel like uncertain and it's like you know, we're all kind of figuring out like What is this next year gonna look like? Like what are things, how are things gonna change in my personal life, my business life, like things like that So I think a lot of people are just feeling this little bit of like, eh, feeling and trying to really seek something that I don't know, it's just fulfilling you in another way Whether it's again in the salon or outside of the salon, I think maybe a little bit more so Um, I just it seems like a very relatable feeling and journey that people are kind of on right now And kind of looking ahead of like what do I need to change? What do I need to add? What do I need to take away to kind of bring myself a little bit more? bliss peace joy Yeah, and maybe just get your business set up so that you're not constantly on this hamster wheel of always having to think about it and taking one task off and then putting it at the bottom of the list again and just non stop. I think we were talking about how our starter packs performed and automate was pretty popular, you know, performed pretty well and you're like, I'm surprised by that one, but actually I'm not like, I think a lot of people are in that place of like, let me get the systems and processes in place and do the work so that I can. Be every other version that we are because we are so, so, so much more. Hair stylists, salon owners, estheticians, whatever it is, like we have so much more happening at all times. And I know, yeah, when you, when you brought that up of like that kind of being the spin, I'm like, well, that's extremely authentic for me this last year because I be in my garden. I be, like, I am so. So in my own little zone and like doing my own thing and it feels really really good So what other things came up in that facebook post that you're thinking about of like Like how are other people finding that joy and that bliss right now? Well, I think a lot of people are just really like Seeking it and trying to figure out what it is, but something actually you just said, and I'm actually gonna take this back a little bit to the hot seat. So I'm gonna segue tiny, but I'm like, Oh, this actually really makes sense is something else that came up in the hot seat. We were talking about was also, I think a little bit of generational thing and how like younger stylists aren't always concerned about. Making money. And so I feel like there were a couple people that were like, I don't know what they want. I don't know how to speak to them. I don't know what they want. And I'm actually kind of like, it's kind of interesting. It's all coming full circle. Yes. I'm like, okay, wait. So we're all actually kind of, I think craving the same thing, which I think is a little bit more like. Harmony in our lives. I was like just you're saying with like automating And having a business run smooth, but it's not like running smooth where it's like I need to crank out numbers and crank out grinding non stop like Yeah, just having three days in the salon that feel good and balanced so that you can have four days out of the salon to just Like be in your garden or be with your family wherever the hell you want to be. Yeah I think our journeys look different whether you've been in, you know, Three years, ten years, twenty years, forty years, whatever. But I think a lot of people are kind of coming to like this similar place right now, where it's like a lot of That's so interesting you say that, cause obviously when we were talking about that, I saw the salon owners in the room, so I knew exactly what it was that people were dealing with, cause, you know, insult tribe, I hear all their stories. And I do think we're all out here, and by all of us, I'm talking like millennial, I'm 32, I just turned 32, um, and, and I mean, give me, give me a 10 year range, maybe 5 years younger, 10 years older, like not, not overgeneralizing, but it's easy for us to be judging these like 20 year olds right now of like, they just don't want it, but I think None of us want that, like, crazy, crazy, crazy hustle. This is the tale as old as time of even, like, senior stylists way back in the day, of, like, you have to pay your dues, you have to do these things. I think we all want the same thing. We just will, um, position it in a way of, like, we used to work hard, but now we want this. And everybody really just, does want harmony and balance. And I don't think that's too much to ask. And I think if anything, I truly don't think there could be an industry that could give you that more than what we have. I think our parents also understand that and want that too. And like, just owning that, and like accepting that, and intentionally crafting around that. Everybody can have it. I didn't, yeah, it's, like, what does that look like for you? And I think for a lot of people, they don't even know what that looks like sometimes, and that's that, like, really unsure, should I give this option, do something entirely different? What do you want? You know, because you almost have to strip away the like, the logistics of things, like strip away how much money you need to make, like strip away, like what systems you need to put in place, like what is there? Like the bare bones of like yourself, what is there? And like, you almost have to kind of work from there and, and build upon that and, and shift and ebb and flow when it feels like it even changes a little bit. Cause it does, you know, like that. You can always like. Shapeshift a slight bit too. Well, in that, we were kind of worried about, you know, vision casting workshop, how do we make it not just the exact same as every single year, because what's the point of coming? But you know what? I will, you know, backtrack on that and say, it does change, and sometimes you don't even realize how much it's changing, that checking in with yourself on a somewhat regular basis, at least annually, to ask, does this, I'm going to look at my vision board right here, does this still feel very in alignment, or? I didn't even realize it, and my vision has changed, kind of. And I don't know, and I think this is an interesting place to be, too, and I don't know if I just need to, like, learn how to dream bigger, but I also know there's quite a few people in Soul Tribe that are older than me that I've heard say this. Um, There comes a point where, like, you really have hit, like, everything, and it's like, do I, like, what more do I really want? Um, and I, I think, I won't, I guess I won't say her name either, but there was someone at the retreat who, we did a workshop at the retreat, which we're gonna kind of hopefully intertwine, and, bring to the vision casting workshop, but we did something at the retreat where we just kind of like brain dumped, then we took all those ideas and we made a little vision board and we plugged them into the year, but this one woman started kind of like breaking down a little bit. I'm like, you good? She's like, let's go talk. And so her and I stepped aside and she was like, she had like eight things on her list and it was basically saying she doesn't need anything else. Like she has designed her life and she has set things up. She just wants to. work with the people she loves, which she's already doing. She wants to spend intentional time with her husband and, like, be the, you know, aunt and all these things in her life that she wants to be. And she was, like, crying, like, I'm just stuck. Nothing's coming. I'm hitting a wall. And I'm like, no, bitch, you are, you found it. You have the key. Like, I can't tell you how much these people here with overflowing brain dumps You have clarity, and that's literally all we're all looking for, and if that's your truth, like, that's also completely okay, and that doesn't mean you have to, like, totally give up this, like, personal growth, like, trajectory. It just looks different, and it's actually just a lot easier, because you've done a lot of the work already. Mm hmm. I think we have such a hard time allowing ourselves to get to that place, because, you know, Even for myself, like my, I'm definitely in my, my business. I'm really doing a lot of things, but personally I've noticed even myself slightly wanting different things than I thought I would, where I'm just like, am I, am I getting wiser? Do I just want to like have some simpler things in my life? Like, and it almost feels like, yeah, you almost feel like, no, no, like that's, that doesn't feel like enough, but like, that's everything we're always trying to work towards. So then it's like. It, it's more than enough, like, I don't know, it's just, it's funny how we almost, like, sabotage ourselves, like, getting into that place. That resonates so much, and to be honest, over probably, um, today I'm feeling pretty good, but over the last, like, couple of weeks, I think just coming off the retreat, post retreat, I'd get these little bursts of anxiety, similar, of like, Oh god, we got all the launch coming up, oh god, this is happening, oh god, this is happening, is something falling apart, is this, like, we're always kind of, like, firefighting, um, and I've had a little bit of that coming up, and then, Again, I won't say names for confidentiality. There is a couple people in Soul Tribe right now, and this would be the case if these were just my friends in real life or anything, but are dealing with really, really, really, really, really fucking hard shit. And I got, um, news from somebody yesterday that, like, they just got a cancer diagnosis, and I was driving in the car yesterday. I'm about to cry. I was driving in the car yesterday, thinking about, like, how I've just been, like, stupidly anxious over nothing, and, like, when you really stop and you are faced with something like that, which, God, I'm gonna knock on wood that I don't, you don't, and nobody else listening to this has to deal with this, but you so quickly realize how literally nothing that you are making a big deal about in your brain fucking matters, and when that moment comes, and I've been talking to both of these women who are dealing with very similar things, like, They just want the simple shit. That's all. When it comes down to like, this could all be gone tomorrow, you literally want nothing but the simple shit. And sometimes we just need to fucking accept that, like, lean into that, and feel really good about that. Yeah. Perspective is seriously everything in that. Like, you just start Like, we have to remind ourselves that, like, we are just, like, this one teeny, teeny, tiny little being in this world. Big expansive world. And so are these like little minute things that we go on day to day that we sometimes can make such a big deal over. I feel like it's going to like take a whole turn in our lives. I mean, it's so easy to do. I've done it. I literally probably just did that yesterday with something. So literally it takes one shift to be like, Oh no, no, no. Like, like these little things matter, like matter so much. And like, this is a good, you know, a good place to really be grateful for. So yeah, I think it's like you have to really remind yourself of that and that coming into like those ebbs and flows, even in ourselves as professionals or entrepreneurs, like feeling stagnant. Like, I guess going back to that, maybe it's not necessarily stagnant. Maybe it's like opportunity for you and outside of the salon to just to just be, to just be present, to enjoy maybe more of your family and up that time. Yeah. Cause. It's not like little things can't always pop in later, you know? Totally. Totally. And I think trusting that little things will pop in when they're supposed to. And you don't need to force it when it's not happening. There will come a time where opportunities are unfolding in front of you, and when that happens, you lean in and flow with that, but I think when that's not right in front of us, we think it's never gonna come again, and we almost need to like force them, and I think that's a good reminder for all of us. Like, if things are chill, you need to sink into the present moment and lean into gratitude because that's actually a beautiful place to be in and 99 percent of people are wanting that. that's what they're striving to don't have. So I'm glad we went this route with all of this because even just talking about what we were talking about on our L and L meeting, I think this just gives a lot of perspective of clarity of where both of our minds are at right now and I think we're very much on the same page. Should we wrap up with our quarterly report or do you have any other major thoughts? Um, I don't think so, unnecessarily, but I think if you're somebody listening to a lot of this and if any of it really does kind of hit anything with you, I think scheduling yourself maybe a little date for yourself and take a look at everything and break it down and maybe if that day happens to be the January 2nd or 3rd, join us for a vision casting workshop. A vision casting workshop is a great time to do that, yes. So it's a Thursday and a Friday, correct? Correct. We're gonna, we're gonna have, we're gonna have our annual Vision Casting Workshop. It is still in the, you know, creation phases, and we're, we're bringing it all to life right now. We're gonna start pumping out content and, and marketing for that soon. But I agree. And honestly, the way we run these events that we do every year is, It's in a Facebook group. The replay lives on forever. I may, I'm gonna see how it feels after, but I turn the resource fair into podcast episodes. I may do that with the Visioncasting Workshop just so it's easier to find. The Facebook group is so nice because then if people are just scrolling on Facebook, they may stumble upon it, but going back and searching for it is a little harder. So no matter when podcast, listen to this. Maybe you're listening to this in March of 2025. hello to the future. Um, you can always go back and just, I think sometimes just a good old brain dump. I know you love one. I love one. whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed and honestly, sometimes just a conversation with a friend even really helps. It just like, here's everything that's happening in my brain. I feel like I'm spinning and I can't, you know, find my bearings. Sometimes even just hashing it out and saying it out loud is so incredibly helpful. So, yeah. Yes, January 2nd and January 3rd. We, we're going to start at 10 a. m. I don't know exactly how long we're going to go on those days. Last year was about two hours. I'm still trying to see what kind of bells and whistles we're adding on to this year's event, but mark your calendars for sure. And I will have. I will have the registration for that in the show notes. I will make sure that is made by the time this podcast goes out. So, okay, let's wrap up with the report. I honestly forgot about the report. Leisha was on top of it, which usually I'm the one that remembers that, so I'm glad that you remembered it. But I'm also going to have you go first because I'm feeling mine's a little boring and I want to hear yours and see if anything changes. It gives you a little bit of time in case you need to replace one. Uh huh. Okay, so the report, so for R, the first R, is reading, and I actually just finished this book, so like, um, I'm not, I guess, currently reading thing, but this is what I just read, was called Never Leave the Dogs Behind, and it's actually by an Instagram influencer that I love and follow, named, uh, Is it fiction or non fiction? Uh, it's, she's like a memoir, so it's, uh, her name's Breon Media, and so she's somebody like, I don't even know when it was, but she like, traveled to Utah in a van, and she lives in the desert, she has four dogs, this is her second book, but I follow her on Instagram, I find her hilarious, she has a very relatable journey, and I love her books, they're really good, they're just, again, they're kind of memoirs of just her, um, Stories her dogs her travels. Um, I mean, obviously I can find things that I really relate to it, but it's just yeah It's like a nice read nice easy read. Um, so that's my first r my e So my eating this is literally so simple, but i've just been obsessed with sweet potatoes lately. I've been adding them into everything Meal prepping them in every single thing lately. I think fall, if you're like eating on season, I think now is a good time to be eating sweet potatoes. I, the date that I told you me and Ryan went on had sweet potatoes, like a puree on it and it was, it was a, it was short ribs, sweet potato puree and brussel sprouts and I'm still thinking about how good that meal was. Oh my gosh. I agree. Yeah, I mean it's not exciting. There's nothing more to say, just sweet potatoes. In all forms, do you have a favorite form? Or no. I mean, I love like just honestly roasted sweet potatoes. I love sweet potato fries. Um, yeah, I don't know. I, I like, I've been really doing that with everything lately. I fuck with the sweet potato. Skylar hates sweet potatoes, but I get down. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Um, and then my P, so for play, um, I put love is blind because My husband actually has, we've been, we just started Love is Blind UK, and we like to do this thing in the beginning, like if you watch it, they're in the pods, they don't see each other, and we almost kind of like play along, and even though we're Do you close your eyes? No, no, not like to that degree. We just, like, we just kind of like, I've seen people put like a blanket over the TV. I saw that too! That would be kind of fun. Yeah, yeah. But we sort of just like play along, and it's funny because like literally we're married, but we're just like, oh, so who would you want to go on a date with? Or like, what kind of, how would you answer that question? Or if you were in the pod, what's the first thing you would say? Like, I don't know, it's just kind of been this funny thing. We just finished the newest season of the U. S. and then we decided to do the U. K. one too, so that's kind of just been our. Fun, mindless thing lately. Um. And then the O, so this is Obsessed, so I kind of mentioned at the beginning that I'm just buckling up for a lot of changes next year, and some of those might just be with my living situation, so I have been obsessing over camper vans and Zillow house listing, which are two very different things, but I have been pretty much like looking at those. a lot lately, which is still kind of a little early for a Zillow house listing, but I don't know. It's like once you start getting that in your mind, you can't help but to start looking. I just purchased what could be my forever home. We are definitely not moving at least for the next 10 years until Bennett graduates high school, and I still look at Zillow listings, so I don't blame anyone. They're so entertaining. Yes, I know. So that's kind of in my little obsession. I'm excited for you to get a camper van. I want that to happen I'm really trying. I'm really trying. I think your Oracle deck wants that to happen, too I know I made some calls before this so i'm trying to see what I'm gonna have to catch up on that. Okay Anyways, uh, so then the second are for recommending Um, so I know this is going to come out and like we're kind of in holiday modes and stuff so I put kind of a new tradition for the holidays and I say this because I My in laws, my family, we decided to do something totally different this year and we wanted to all show up to Christmas in a themed Christmas, like, costume. So we're all dressing up as Christmas, like, National Lampoon's Christmas vacation characters. Fun! And we are, like, so geeking out and excited over this. I'm like, this is the simplest, dumbest little thing, but we have just been having so much fun with it. And I can't wait to see Yeah, I can't wait to see it all together. Is that your side of the family or Caleb's side of the family? It's Caleb's side of the family, yeah. That is hilarious. So, like, Caleb and I are gonna be, like, the neighbors in the Christmas vacation with the silver sweatsuits. That's so fun! I cannot wait to see pictures. I know! I'm like, it's So simple, but seriously, sometimes it's fun just to throw something a little different in there and just make it fun So that was my recommendation and then my tea for tree again, this is kind of basic with like holidays, but My I am there's one thing i'm known for for making Like baking every year And that's peanut butter fudge, and it's my favorite thing, and I'm not gonna, I'm guessing kind of tooting my own horn, but it's really bomb fudge. Yeah, yeah. So you're gonna make a ton of that? Yeah, so if you need a good recipe for peanut butter fudge, let me know. Maybe I can do that. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year, and I want to do some homemade things this year, so I would like that recipe. I've never made fudge. It's really delicious. It's very precise, because it's my grandma's recipe, so even down to end of Degree of what you boil to is literally very precise. Okay. Yeah, so you're gonna have to All right. Yeah. All right. I'm gonna share my report. I put this together five seconds before we started so I probably will Regret some of these choices, but it's okay. This is just my truth right now reading I would almost say i'm the same as you I honestly haven't gotten so super into a book since I finished The Artist's Way. Um, but I am kind of reading Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, but if you can't tell by what I talked about this last hour, I'm not really in that fuckin zone mentally right now. So I read it a little bit, but it's not hitting. Um, so that's just my truth. Uh, yeah. Eating, this isn't really eating, it's more drinking, but I have become obsessed with one very specific coffee creamer. Um, I used to be someone who would go on a run a little bit with one, but I like to switch it up. Um, years ago, sorry, very niche topic, but years ago, If, I don't know about if everybody else went down the same rabbit hole, but I went down the rabbit hole of realizing how many coffee creamers were like oil. that's disgusting, right? Like the, like if you look at the main ingredient on so many coffee creamers, it's oil. Once I learned that I got the ick, I couldn't un unknow that. And like coffee creamers have engrossing me out. So then I went just like with the pure ones from Aldi, and it was just like milk and sugar and it was really simple. Anyway, Chobani creamer in the cinnamon coffee cake flavor. Is the best that exists. Yes, it is like normal dairy milk. So I know not everybody can do that. I know you prefer coconut, but it is so good. My mom was over and she had a cup of coffee and you could tell she was judging my creamer a little bit because it comes in a little bottle. It's kind of expensive and she was like, okay, I'll try it. And then she tried and she was like, oh my God, this is good. She's like, shit, this is expensive. She doesn't want to get it all the time. Cause she drinks just like the oil crap. Um, but she agreed. It is very, very, very good. So the Chobani Coffee Creamer Cinnamon Coffee Cake is so good. It's in like a orangey kind of colored bottle. So good. Alright, play. I'm putting the retreat because Kylie got to come to the retreat, being with Kristen, being with you guys, running into the ocean with all of my clothes on. I feel like I filled my play cup up at the retreat. Um, we just wrapped up. The 2024 retreat in Miami and I had like one of my childhood best friends come and Kristen and I are just like such Children together and I just feel like that really filled my play cup up. So that's what I put Um, I have been obsessed with I mean to interrupt you If you didn't if you don't haven't seen anything about soul tribe retreat Lisa and the event planner literally found Somebody to put like coconuts together with the logo on it and drank that on one day. I mean it was like Just the things that came together for a retreat were so freaking cool So not to give anybody fomo, but yes It was so and all the video footage is rolling in now and I just keep living it over and over and over again Which is what I do. Um, so yeah retreat is definitely my play just because it felt well It was very much work, but we were really intentional with this miami retreat to like integrate more food fun into it, and I feel like we did a really good job doing that. I mean, me and Lesha were sweating our asses off playing pickleball. Oh my gosh. We made friendship bracelets, charm necklaces, ran into the ocean with our clothes. Like, it was so much fun. So my, my play cup is full, um, and I'm still riding the high of that. I have been obsessing with my Fireplaces. Um, we bought a house end of April. I have a fireplace in my living room. I have a fireplace in my bedroom. We did not have a fireplace in our last two houses that we lived in. And it's like, the house was built in 2021. It's like you just flip a switch and the fire turns on and it warms the room up. Bennett comes into my room in the while I'm still under all my covers because it's getting cold in Illinois. And it's getting dark and it's getting cold and I'm already should we have moved to Arizona? But no. And so I make him turn the fireplace on and I let it go for like 15 minutes before I even get out from under my covers. And I really love my fireplaces because I haven't gotten to use them yet because we moved in April and Ryan's like, turn that off the air conditioning is on. but now I know he has the heat set really low at night. And it's freezing, but we sleep really good. But in the morning, I never want to get up and wake the kids up, and my fireplaces have been saving my life. So, that's what I've been obsessed with. Recommending, this one's kind of lame, and it's probably a little too late for when this is going to come out. But I put my Christmas tree up early, I always do. And if you live in the Midwest, I recommend it, because After daylight savings time, I think the tree needs to go up. We need some twinkle lights, we need a fireplace, we need a kitchen lamp, we need vibey lighting. in order to make up for the daylight savings at getting dark. So I highly recommend, if your Christmas tree is not up yet, that you do that. Or just anything with like vibey, twinkly lights. Now is the time of year to do that. Treat. I had a very basic one and I changed it when I heard you talking about love is blind. And You guys heard me talk about this back when you and I were in person and we did an L& L. The Golden Bachelorette is out now. I was wondering if you were watching this. Skylar and I are. Uh, it's almost the, it's like the season finale is coming out actually tonight, but then we can't watch it till tomorrow. Me and Skylar are loving the Golden Bachelorette. I don't know how to I mean, I love I haven't watched Love is Blind in a couple of years, but like, I love that like, turn your brain off thing, there is something so fucking precious about it being old people. It is so Funny in these guys. Okay, so the first one, it was the very first ever season, it was all the older women. I mean, 60s, 70s that lived together in this house. This one with the men, I was wondering if it was gonna be as good. Because, like, girlhood. We know that women get together. No matter how old you are, that's gonna be incredible. I don't know if it's just this new age, we're getting rid of the toxic masculinity. These men, or it's their low testosterone, or what it is, they are so fucking precious. That is the love story, is these men. Finding friendship together, sleeping in bunk beds at 70 years old. It is so funny. So you guys need to watch The Golden Bachelorette. It's so fucking good. Highly recommend. Bonus points if you have an 11 year old to watch it with, because it's really funny. Yeah. Yeah. So that's my, that's my report. Yep. Yeah. And we're coming up right on the hour, so we'll see once we added this down how it goes, but thank you, Leisha, for getting on. It felt good to get a little L& L. Yeah. And, yeah, thank you everybody for listening. Um, I said, everything vision casting related, everything we talked about will be listed in the show notes, I'll talk to you all next week.