Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations

055 - From Anxiety to Alignment: Maila Snow on Meditation, Mindset, and Nervous System Regulation

Lisa Huff

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In this inspiring episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, Lisa welcomes special guest Maila Snow, a certified life coach, breathwork facilitator, meditation teacher, and NLP practitioner. Maila shares her journey of overcoming crippling anxiety and depression, leaving her career behind the chair, and building a life centered on aligned strategy, mindset shifts, and manageable self-care systems. Together, Lisa and Maila explore the transformative power of meditation, journaling, and nervous system regulation, offering practical tools to help beauty professionals thrive personally and professionally.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • How journaling and meditation became Maila’s foundation for self-healing.
  • The importance of nervous system regulation (and how to practice it).
  • The role of breathwork in releasing trauma and enhancing emotional clarity.
  • Why intuition is your most valuable guide and how to develop it.
  • Quick in-salon stress-relief practices like box breathing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healing starts with small, intentional steps like a 15-minute morning routine.
  • Journaling can help reframe negative self-talk and track accomplishments.
  • Intuitive practices such as meditation and breathwork create clarity and calm.
  • Your nervous system holds onto stress—release it through somatic practices.
  • Seasons of growth, implementation, and rest are essential for long-term success.

Mentioned in This Episode:

  • Maila Snow’s Zenith Meditation Collective: A membership program offering weekly meditations, journal prompts, and monthly group breathwork sessions.

Connect with Maila Snow:

Let’s Connect:

Call to Action:
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck, this episode is your invitation to take the next small step. Try a 15-minute morning routine, explore journaling, or check out Maila’s membership to start your own healing journey.

And don’t forget—if this episode resonated with you, reach out to Maila on Instagram or leave a review to let us know your favorite takeaway!

Connect with Lisa Huff

Audio Only - All Participants:

Hi friends, welcome back to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. We have Myla Snow joining us today. Myla is a certified life coach, breathwork facilitator, meditation teacher, and NLP practitioner. She helps beauty pros build the life and business of their dreams through meditation, aligned strategy, mindset shifts, and manageable self care. Systems. Hi, Myla. Thank you for joining me today. Hello. Thank you so much for having me. You're so welcome. We were chatting before I hit record, as we always do, and I was telling Myla, I feel like I know you. Between Thrivers, Hunter, you worked with him for a while. I'm very good friends with him. Just kind of being, and even like as I read your intro, it's like, duh, we clearly need to know each other better. So I'm really looking forward to this. this is such a cool opportunity having this. Podcast to have a longer form conversation and network with other people in the industry. you can DM people back and forth. You can have these comments here and there, but there's nothing like sitting as close as you can to face to face having a long form conversation with people that I'm just so grateful to get to meet so many cool people in this industry. So yeah, thank you again for coming on. Why don't you take it back? When did you start? Learning these things, what has made you passionate about these things to build a business around it? Just tell me everything. Yeah, so really how it started was, I just didn't feel good. Like that's really how it started, you know, like I was building an amazing business behind the chair. I was making good money, getting a lot of really good clients in on a regular basis. And, I was working through Thrivers, you know, and everything was just like, Working really well for me. But I felt awful. I had crippling anxiety. I was slipping into, some pretty intense depression. And I had a really volatile, like hot and cold relationship with my mom too, which I didn't want, and I didn't know how to. Fix all of those kinds of things. it started with therapy and trying to figure out what I actually wanted and what made sense for me and what was going to make me happy and how I could stop feeling so horrible all the time. And so just like, Everything would make my mind race. Everything would, make me doubt myself. And I was always putting myself down and telling myself I wasn't good enough. And like, just doing the hardcore hustle lifestyle too. So like, what time frame would you say this was? This was in 2018, 2019, when, in 2019 is when I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. And that's when I really started to try and figure out, what made sense for me. I had already kind of started dabbling in meditation, a little bit. and I just, kept on going with that route, kept on going with the therapy. Like, okay, this is kind of helping, yeah. this is kind of helping, like, keep it going, doing journaling every once in a while. And then I just started getting, like, really into the journaling aspect of it. And just, like, getting all of my thoughts out. And the first thing that, like, really made me feel good was, at the end of every day, I was writing down all the things that I did do. All the things that I was proud of myself for doing, and it could have been like the simplest little things, and I just made sure that it was stuff that was like giving me that dopamine hit. Yeah. That made me feel like, okay, I did do stuff. And then when your brain starts to turn against you, as you know you're predisposed for, you have these pages and pages of lists of like, no, come on now, like I clearly am doing things and I get that. It's not fair to beat myself up in that way because you have this track record now. Yeah, literally. It's like your track record. And I would go, like, when I would have hard days, I would go through and look at that and be like, wow, look at all this stuff that I was doing. I was beating myself up all day long. And then I would go and look at that and be like, I did so much today. How amazing. What got you into journaling originally? Was that just like recommended from your therapist? Because I've recently gotten into journaling. I've talked about it quite a bit on the podcast after reading a book. when did that start for you? And how did you even start? Because a lot of people would be like, oh, journaling doesn't work for me. Or I don't know how to do that. And it's like, there's more to it. that's a really good question. I think it was just, when I was meditating, it was kind of recommended to do them together. I had started meditating when it was still like a hippie thing or whatever, you know, like not like socially acceptable. Yeah, exactly. Cause I was doing that and like, I don't know, like 2012, I'm when it wasn't as like popular as it is now. and so I would Journal every once in a while then during my time with my therapist and everything like that I started doing a little bit more Realizing that I liked it and started doing it more and more and then as I continued to do my research and get more serious about my meditation practice and started doing yoga It just, really clicked in. You just, subscribed to all of that and then the whole world of that stuff kind of opened up. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So when I had my son in 2022, I decided to step away from behind the chair. Was that a hard decision to make? Tell me about making that decision. No, it's exactly what I wanted, Anita. Yeah. Yeah, no, it really was not a hard decision. I knew that I wanted to be home with my son. I knew that I needed that time with him. And that I just had to figure out something else to do in the meantime. So I went into being a VA for hairstylists cause I am really good with my systems. I think I remember seeing that when that was happening. Yup. And I had a couple, clients who I was getting on calls with them and it was turning into coaching. Every single time, you know, they come to me with all their problems. I don't know how to deal with this client. I don't know how to deal with this within my business. This is where I want to go. I don't know how to get there. Like all of that kind of stuff. I was just getting on a daily basis with my clients. And then I was like, okay, well, I'm doing way more than just. VA work. I should probably get some sort of education around this. So it's ethical instead of me just like winging it. Yeah. You know, so I got my Life coach certification and that, like when I did that, that's when like everything. Okay. Tell me all about that. Like what were the big breakthroughs with that? I just loved it. I was obsessed with it. I loved being able to be a safe space for people. Be their true authentic self and just tell them everything that they have going on and what they want and being able to see things from a high level view because they're so deep in it that they can't see it from up here, you know? So to be able to be that person for them and be like, okay, I see like all these different things you have going on, here's what you need to focus on, and seeing it making such a huge impact in their lives I think at this point in 2024, a lot of people do know that by now, but if you've never, Invited someone in to take a non biased look at your life. Be it a coach, be it a mastermind, be it I mean something outside of your circle of influence already that knows you so well that knows the inner workings They're almost too close to it because they're in your world as well absolutely life changing and I think that that is one thing that is really important for people to know as well is that All of us that are doing these kinds of things, we're also getting that from that too. Absolutely. You have to, to be able to show up for other people, you have to be able to continually get that feedback and help from someone who's in the room. Ahead of you in their journey. Totally. And you even saying that made me realize, because I'll go through periods where I almost, like, I'll go hard into education in a specific area. And then I'll feel like, okay, I really understand this, like, trajectory now or this roadmap now. However, I'm extremely intuitive. And I'm excited to get into this because I can tell that you are as well. And so when I take education, like, I appreciate the knowledge, but then it almost has to be Just like filter through my intuition. So then I intuitively know it's time to take a break and be alone with my thoughts for a little while, I get that itch again where, like, I do need new perspective, like, my intuition has brought me as far as it knows how to go on its own. I need another download of information which I can then filter through my intuition again. And I've never even really, like, put it into words until you just said that. So, I call that seasons. Those are, like, your seasons of life of where, like, No one can be in that hustle mentality forever and not break down, right? No one can be in this knowledge, in this season of gaining knowledge and then not get burnt out if they're never taking a break in implementing it and doing something with what they're learning. So I call all of those little areas in your life seasons, because you have a season of knowledge, you have a season of implementation, and then you have a season of maintaining, and you just like cycle through that for your entire life. Yeah, absolutely. Or, you know, you kind of upgrade to the next level in the video game and there's a new, like, you become a parent and now there's that. Is mixed into the cycle and now the cycle isn't repeating quite as fast anymore because you keep like picking things up along the way Okay, so you got life coach. What about nlp? I know a little bit about nlp like when did you work that in? So, when I was I took my NLP practitioner training when my son was like nine months old. Okay. so that was around the time that I was getting my life coach certification and my friend was just like, Hey, I, I heard about this thing called NLP. I think it's something that you would really enjoy. I think that you should take the class. So I did that. And, It was amazing. It's really, really interesting. And I actually think it's something that is super helpful for hair stylists. Hair industry. Yeah. just because it teaches you rapport and how to connect with, whoever you're talking to on a And what is it? Neurolinguistics? Neurolinguistic programming, yeah. And so it's kind of like these little, correct me if I'm wrong, this is what my perspective, I've never taken it and I just know a few people that have, it's like almost reading into like subconscious cues a little bit, right? Yes. Okay, so definitely helps with communication. Yes, so like it helps you to learn, as I said, rapport, so like, How someone else is, moving and, the way that they're speaking, the tone of their voice, the cadence of their voice, stuff like that. It helps you to match and mirror those things that people feel more connected to you, more drawn to you. So to open up more because they feel comfortable. and then it also goes through things like how, when people are thinking through things, how they look away. Like I always look up this way when I'm thinking, and it tells you how. What that means inside. Yes. How they process things. Stuff like that. So it just helps you to learn how to communicate on a more effective level. Okay. And it also really helps you to deal with your own baggage and get rid of a lot of stuff. It's a different version of life coaching, basically, that is really, really based in science. And it's like a lot of, scientists, psychologists, like all those. Kind of people and like all of the clinical studies that they've done. Okay. And taking it from like a whole bunch of different people and putting it into one program is basic. Did you do that in person or digitally? It's in person. Cool. To be able to get your certification you have to Awesome. And you loved that? Loved it. I think that it's helped me so much in understanding how to help people better and connect with them and really understand like the things that they're saying so I can help them on a higher level. For sure. Yeah. Amazing. All right. And so then you went from the VA work, you kind of felt this, you know, ethical pull to get more educated. When did that transition from VA to what you are currently offering and sharing? How did that come about? it's just been like a natural progression, with the life coaching and doing my certification for that. they, the program that I used. Had you start every session with a meditation and all of my practice clients were just like, you're really good at this. Like, this is something that you should be doing regularly gifted at. Yeah. Yes. It's just a natural thing for me. And, I was just like, you know what? I really love doing it. Like that's my favorite part of every session is being able to see someone just like drop down. And get grounded immediately, you know, it's amazing how that happens and you can just see it like them just kind of melt a little bit and like, okay, so much better and they have more clarity and they're able to communicate with you in a better way. So I started with that because I was so, I was having so much fun with it and doing that part of it, so I was like, okay, let's learn how to do this correctly instead of just like finding some meditations online and reading them, right? So, I got my certification for that and, I was just like, I need to figure out how to make this an offer. I need to figure out how to make this a consistent thing for me. And it's also so helpful for the season of life that I'm in with a young child. Yeah. To be able to do something like that, that I can pre record it when you sleep and stuff like that. and that just naturally led into breath work. Cause breath work is such a huge part of meditation. And I took a mastermind program, where that was happening. in like a lot of the sessions, it's like, okay, I need to do this, certification as well. And that is like. the missing piece. Okay, so now given everything that you know about meditation and breath work, like how do you share that with hairstylists? What do they need? How do they start incorporating some of these things in if they're feeling awful like you were all those years ago? so the easiest way to implement it is making it a part of your morning routine. and you really only need like 15 minutes. Do you do like a five minute meditation or, five minutes of breath work and then just journal afterward? is the easiest way to implement it, and then as you get more used to that, and you're able to quiet your mind easier, because it's a practice. Like, it's, they call it a practice for a reason, because you can't just That's another thing when people say, I'm not good at meditating. Like, other than just accepting and understanding what meditation is, it's not like you ever hit a point where you're like, oh wait, I am good at meditating. No, you just understood that there's no really such thing as being good or bad at meditating. It's just Being exactly that that's exactly what it is. And it's just like any other sort of workout that you do, right? Like you don't start off with amazingly strong muscles. You have to work towards it This is the same exact thing you continue to work towards it and quiet your mind And learn how to tap more into your body and your intuition and This is someone who had like, crippling anxiety. Like you said. My mind was always racing. My mind was always like, oh, I should be doing this, I should be doing this. My to do list was five miles long, right? And I could never sit down and just be quiet and calm. It took a really long time for me with my mental health journey to be able to just like, Sit down and do a 45 minute long meditation. Years. Two years. And obviously that crippling anxiety to like, wait, this really works to the point that I could share it with others, like that obviously didn't happen overnight. What were those like layers like, or those seasons like as, I guess it was, I'm assuming messy at first and then probably like, wait a second, this is kind of working. Tell me about that. I mean, it all just came together with my journey of working through everything from doing, the therapy and through, I feel like the biggest catalyst was having my son. isn't that wild? I know. And I try to be empathetic to saying that because people will ask me questions about my journey and I'm like, I would not be who I am. My brain chemistry shifted so much with both of my children that I don't, so I totally relate to that, that that was like a huge turning point for you. It's like it rewires everything. Literally everything. Like, I don't even know who that person was, which I had my kids very young, so I obviously have like, really grown up and my brain has developed, but like, I don't relate to who I was pre children at all, and I know that's kind of an extreme take on it, but yes, it rewires everything. Yeah, and I am so confused when I think back on who I used to be and everything like that. how did that person function? I mean, there's Dan. And who is this, half the time now? I'm like, how am I functioning? that's what you just said to me. You were like, my son is three, how do you have two? And I'm like, mine are so old and you just, you're almost like in the season as soon as you feel like you understand the season, they're where they grow and everything's different immediately. as soon as you get used to anything that's, but isn't that also just life, right? Yeah, pretty much. Just kind of rolling with that. So you also put nervous system regulation and kind of like our talking points. So what does that mean to you? And like, obviously I know meditation and breathwork is part of that, but like, tell me more about what that even means. So nervous system regulation is a huge thing. That everyone really should be practicing, but especially if you have anxiety, depression, kind of those kinds of things going on in your life, or if you are not ever able to identify your emotions, or understand, like, why you're reacting to things the way that you are, that's all because you're always in fight or flight. Nervous system regulation helps you to get back to neutral so that you can check in with your body understanding where things are sitting within your body because you tend to hold on to all of your baggage in parts of your body And without actually tapping into your body and making sure that it's being released. So that's one of the hot words right now is somatics. Nervous system regulation is somatics. they're the same thing. Mm hmm. Um, that's just like a very like, Keyword hot term right word. Yeah. Yeah buzzword. That's what I was looking For nervous system regulation, it's literally Tapping into your body grounding yourself getting back to neutral and moving through whatever is within your body that is needing to be released. And how does one do that? So there's a lot of different ways. you can meditate, journal, breath work. it's also like intuitive dancing. Like, have you ever done ecstatic dance? I've seen somatic dancing. any sort of like intuitive somatic ecstatic dancing is literally just like moving your bodies in ways that helps to loosen you up and release the tension. you can also do with like shaking, like just shaking any part of your body that's feeling weird, intentional movement also. So yoga is super helpful for that, but you're doing it in like a, slower way of like, Oh wait, this part of my body feels kind of weird. I need to like stretch it in this way. Like I hold a lot of my tension and emotions in my hips. So I always end up doing a lot of really weird squats and stuff like that to Move through it and release it and yeah finding where that lives and moving that. Yeah Exactly. So that's what nervous system regulation is. It's just literally a whole bunch of different options for helping you to Get grounded and tap back into your body and see what's actually going on with your body and getting out of You Fight or flight mode. Yes, love that. So let's say someone is like having a moment, a season where they're, like you were saying, crippling anxiety. All of these buzzwords sound great, but it's like literally in this moment, like what is it that I do? So I'm trying to like paint a picture. Say they're in the salon, they've had, you know, they just had a really tough client that, you know, Totally hijacked their energetic space. They got another one coming in, and they're just like, Oh my god, I can't do this anymore. Like, what are some like, instant gratification drop in practices that you recommend? Box breathing. Okay. So, in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four. And just doing that, just like a box. And hold, out, hold, Yes. so box breathing is the fastest way to kind of dispel the, tension within your body. And especially if you do have anxiety, that is one of the biggest things that, is recommended. to you by therapists is box breathing. And it's proven. Like, it's not just like, oh yeah, of course I can breathe. It's like, no, it's actually like, hormones and chemicals get released to actually chill you the hell out. Now, when you say breathwork, I've done a few breathwork sessions, and I've done some just like on my own breathwork where I've done a meditation and it's been part of it. I've done a couple in person breathwork sessions that were very moving and I didn't even realize. Breathwork is trippy, so I'd love to hear, I guess, what it means to you, but yeah, like, we did one, not this last year's retreat, but the one before Kristen Sosman led a breathwork, exercise, and I don't think any of us realized what we were getting into, like, it was like doing drugs, kind of, like, it was wild, I did not realize how much the breath could affect your psychological feelings. Yeah. So tell me everything about Breathwork. So Breathwork is, it's the only autonomic bodily function that you have control over. Like, even if you, like, you could choose to not control it, but you can tap in, like, you can't choose to make your heart rate faster or anything like that. Exactly. That's exactly what it is. So it's the only thing that you can actually tap into and have control over. So it will literally like your. Tapping into your nervous system that way by controlling your breath. So even when you're doing box breathing, that's breath work. Like anything that's intentional breathing and intention paying attention to your breath is breath work. But when you're doing it in a session, like you did with Kristen, you are. choosing to more intentionally drop into your body and see where things are living and release what needs to be released. Do you have some crazy experiences if you feel comfortable sharing? Yeah, I mean, I have released so much of my baggage around. So I mentioned earlier that I was struggling with my, relationship with my mom. I have mom issues too. So go ahead and pop off. we actually have an amazing relationship. And, I could not live life without her. but all of my generational trauma comes from her side and I realize that it's not her. It's all generational stuff. So through Breathwork, I have released an insane amount of, trauma and abuse and neglect and abandonment that comes from my mom's side of the family. it's amazing. And every time I think about it, it gives me goosebumps. Like I have goosebumps right now. It's just what I've been able to release and how I've been able to care for myself on a whole new level, especially since becoming a mom is just insane. I have to share this. I have to help other people have the same experiences that I have had and feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. And not be so confused about like, why I'm angry, why I'm sad, all of those things. And I don't have anxiety anymore. Wow. I don't have depression anymore. Those are gone because I started doing these things. Did you go into those breathwork sessions knowing, like, that's what you were trying to do, or did it just kind of happen on its own? Like, how did that progress? You typically, like, have an intention for what you would like to work through during a session, but your body is going to tell you no matter what. Something more important needs to get worked through, yeah. Yeah, like, I have, I don't know how many times I've gone into a session and be like, okay. I want to work through, like, this block, or I want to try and manifest this, like, all these things, and you're like, No, no, no, babe, we gotta work on this first. Yeah. Like, no, this is what's ready to be released today, and it just, Your body, your body is so intelligent and we as a society are told that we need to be in our head all the time when your body will always tell you what you need, your body will always tell you what's right for you, but we're taught not to listen to it anymore. That's the problem is that society has told us no, you can't listen to that. Your way through this, do it this way. Yeah. So it's, and that's exactly what you're doing. You're intentionally letting your body care for you during those breathwork sessions and tell you what's ready to be released. It's amazing. The one that I'm talking about was more of the, like, fast pace. Have you learned what all of that equals for people now that you know how to lead them? Yeah. So, depending on what the group or the individual is needing, it, I am able to intuitively know, like, okay, this needs to be a little bit more intense. Mm hmm. And you have, like, Different kinds of, breath work techniques that will give you a more intense, release and help you get, like, more into your body. And then there's ones that will help you to kind of down regulate or balance and stuff like that. So there's like up regulation ones. that will like get you energized or really tap in to help you release something and then there's stuff that will help you to completely neutralize and get back to natural or there's down regulating ones to help you really calm you down and relax you depending on like what you need and so during a breathwork session you typically start with just like getting super calm and more into a meditative state. And really, really grounding. And then you go through like really intense somatic rounds to help you figure out what your body is trying to tell you that day. And help you to release or, understand or sometimes your body just tells you like, hey, you just need to chill out. Yeah. You know, and I could be, this isn't yours to solve. Yeah. And I can be doing like a really intense breathwork session for the group, because that's what the group needs. Yeah. And if someone's body tells'em like, no, you just need to chill. They chill. So the retreat that I'm talking about, we had 40 people doing a breathwork session together. Mm-Hmm. And yeah, I mean, for me, I definitely had never done anything to that extent. So it was very much like a. Almost like an immense, almost hyperdrive like clarity. Like a very, like a very like trippy, disorienting, whoa. But there were people in the room and she warned us in advance, like you may feel the need to talk. Twitch shake move. And there were people in the room that like, you could see at the end like, oh, that person definitely had something more happen. Like I didn't have anything like super crazy happen, but there I can, I won't say their names, but I can think of specific people that it's like something needed to happen during that. And it was intense and they were freaked out, you know, but it was safe and they worked through it and it was really profound. And so I, Like I said, I didn't realize how intense breathwork can be. I think I had always just done intentional breathing through meditation, and that was the first one that was maybe, I don't know what we call them, up, down, whatever, but yeah, very fascinating. So, how does somebody even start to explore this world? Like, where do you even recommend they begin? The easiest way is to start with meditation and journaling. that's why I created my membership. Tell us about the membership. She told me about it before we hit record, but tell everybody about it. Yes. So I have a membership. It's called Zenith, a meditation collective. Amazing. and it is, you literally get every single week a meditation journal prompts, and then a monthly breathwork session with the group. that's the easiest place to start. Having a guide through all of that is the best way to do it. Instead of like kind of bumbling about and piecing things together like I did. You know, it's not going to be a Years long thing that I had to figure out for myself. This is just like so easily packaged up into you look to see what you need that day. If you have something going on or you just do the meditation that I send you that week. Cause I have like the whole library basically for you to go through if you need something specific. Yeah. and you have the journal prompts that go with it and it just helps you to really move through so much stuff and It's incredible. Sounds so amazing. Yeah. So we'll have the, all the information for that membership in the show notes, but yeah, all in all just kind of saying, start dipping your toes into meditation. I think for everybody it's different. Like I've done. guided meditations. I also just, listen to what my body craves. Sometimes I'll start doing guided meditations. I'm like, this isn't landing. this isn't what I need to hear. And sometimes I do just need silence. And sometimes I need Deepak Chopra instead of this person it's just so fascinating. And so I really just, trust and, let my, intuition guide me. if it doesn't feel good, then, I listen to that and I trust. that. but it sounds like what you've created is really special. And like you said, it's not like a, let me just kind of wild, wild West figure this out. It's very intentional with a guide. These are the prompts, what comes up based on what comes up. Let's work through this. Then, like you said, it's a cycle over and over and over and over again. Yeah, exactly. And that's really what it comes down to. I think one thing that is hard for people, is they don't know how to listen to their intuition yet. They don't know how to be like, okay, this doesn't feel right for me. They don't, they can't hear that voice. I find the intuition conversation so fascinating because you're right. A lot of people have blocked intuitions and my intuition is so, I am so co creating with my intuition at all times that like, I don't even comprehend. Like, it's like a sense that people are missing, that it's so, it's like, oh, you can't hear or you can't see? Like, duh, that's just, my, another sense of mind. tell me even what intuition means to you and how you kind of work people through finding that. So, intuition to me means that it's like your body and your higher self are guiding you to what's right for you. It's like in the simplest terms that I can think of. what your intuition is. It's literally for me, my intuition is my stomach. Like that gut feeling, that's what I get. Like, You can put two things in front of me, and it's an automatic. See, mine's a knowing. I don't know if I can point to where in my body it comes from. I think it's different every time. I think sometimes when things aren't the right fit, it shows differently. But there is a knowing. Almost all the time. And there are some times that I'm indecisive, but I almost know if I'm indecisive, then it doesn't really matter. But when I need to be decisive, it's very crystal clear for me. when I'm indecisive about something, it's about stuff that really doesn't matter. I have this back knowing in the deepest depths of my soul of like, if I'm not super drawn to one or the other, then I'll take this journey and it's not gonna change things either way. That's kind of like almost how I understand it. Yeah. Yeah, I think that that's fair and that's kind of how, I am to an extent as well. Like if I, you know, I am not getting a sense of a yes or no, which is honestly really rare for me. then I'm kind of just like, okay, well, I'll come back to this later. Like this is clearly not something that I'm ready to decide right now. So we'll figure it out later kind of a thing. Yeah. but honestly, most of the time when I'm like that, it's because I don't actually want to listen to what my body's telling me. Mm, you're avoiding. You know, you know the answer. I know the answer. But your brain is telling you, your headspace is arguing with your, with your body. Yeah, exactly. but yeah, it's, it's rare for me to like, actually not know what's right for me. Cause I'm very much of like, and this is something that has stuck with Hunter since I said this, if it's not a hell yes, then it's a hell no. Absolutely. And everything is that. Easy. Yeah, I've been living by if it's not a hell yes, then it's a no. And I don't say hell no, because there are sometimes where like, no, I know it's not a hell no, but if it's not a hell yes, then it is a no. Like, I live by that. Absolutely, I live by that. I love speaking intuition with people because everybody, it is really spiritual. It's really personal. It's really different for everybody. For some people, it's very clearly God. It's very clearly something else. And I don't think there's any right or wrong. I'm not yucking anyone's yum. I agree with all of it. it is very different for everybody. And I just love hearing the inner workings of people's minds with that. Okay. So I will leave everything for the membership in the show notes. Is there anything else Myla that I, you wanted to touch on that you feel like we've missed or do you feel pretty good? I feel pretty good. I just want people to tap into their nervous system and listen to their bodies and heal what they need to heal and just be happier humans. And I just think we're all just out here working through our journey, trying to do the best we can, taking every each breadcrumb as it presents itself to us. And so if you are somebody listening to this and you really, really relate to what Myla was saying where she was a few years ago with crippling anxiety, depression, like that's how she was feeling, maybe this is the next step. Tiny little breadcrumb. And like, that's literally just our purpose here is to just follow those, follow those curiosities, see where they lead. So again, I'm so grateful to have all of these conversations and put it out on whatever platform, you know, I'm given to share that. Mila is also a very regular ass human being. So you can also just reach out and send her a message if this resonated. And I say that all the time, because I think people forget that, especially when you're listening to a podcast, it feels much more like unattainable, but I don't know about you, but I'm answering every single DM, That's what I was literally about to say. Like, I do not have a VA answering my DMs. That is me. Like, and if you have a question, if you have something that you're struggling with, I am so happy to work through it with you. Like, I don't care who you are. So thank you again, Myla. Like I said, every single thing will be listed in the show notes. thank you all so much for listening and I will talk to you all next week. Bye.