Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations

022 - L&L Chit Chat - Mindset, Manifestation & Masterminds

Lisa Huff

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Join Lisa & Leisha for a heart-to-heart on the highs and lows of the beauty industry, the magic of mindset shifts, and the power of community through masterminds. Whether you're facing challenges or chasing dreams, this episode is packed with insights and encouragement for every stylist looking to grow.

What You'll Learn:

  • Strategies for overcoming professional slumps.
  • Tips on manifesting your ideal clientele and income.
  • The benefits of mastermind groups for personal and business growth.
  • Simple joys and personal picks from Lisa and Leisha.
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Connect with Lisa Huff

Welcome to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I'm your host, Lisa Huff. Over the last five years, I've coached hundreds of hairstylists and beauty industry professionals, helping them work their dream schedules exclusively with their dream clientele, and earn their dream income. income, all while fostering genuine connections and lifelong friendships inside the beauty industry. And this podcast, we dive deep into abundance, manifestation, business building strategies, and creating a life that you are truly proud of both behind the chair and at home. Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, success, and sisterhood then hit that subscribe button now and get ready to experience the pure magic of Silas Old Tribe conversations. Hello, friends. Welcome back to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I am here again with Leisha. We are doing another one of our quarterly L& L chit chats. So this is the second one, but you guys really enjoyed the first L& L chit chat. So Leisha and I obviously we talk all the time. We just got off of an hour long Soul Tribe call, so we're kind of switching our brains and going into podcast mode now. But we were talking, we were like, it's been It's been a few months since we've done that, and we should do another one. So this is just kind of like a co host kind of vibe. We have a few talking points just around like the pulse of what's been happening in our world and what we're seeing. No major script to follow, but that's how the last one went, and I felt like it was really beautiful. So yeah, how are you? Yeah. How are you feeling today, friend? I'm feeling pretty good today. I'm excited for the conversation that we have been talking about. So, yeah, I know. Me too. And I love that you're feeling good. And I know that the last few weeks, months, you haven't been feeling good. And it, I know that's It sucks when we, like, check in regularly and you're like, Lisa, I'm so sick of, like, us checking in and saying, like, I'm not in a good spot, really. Like, I don't like, really, what's going on right now. I'm trying to get out of this kind of funk that I'm in, but I'm in it. And you've watched me go through those as well. Just with how often we check in with each other and stay in touch, but I was telling Leisha before we started recording, I really would love for you to share kind of this coming out of a slump. And I tell you all the time if you guys didn't listen to previous episodes, Leisha has a business that she has created truly from the ground up, innovative as Hairstylist, and she has been living this different lifestyle for a year now. And it's had high, high, high highs. In low, low, low lows. Yup. And it's been, and I love that we can catch you right in this moment of the ride back up, you know, because I try to remind you of that too when you're in those lows and how quick the flip, the, the switch can just flip and it's like, wait, everything's good. Like if you could have just showed Alicia one month ago, girl, chill out. This is where you're going to be a month from now. you would have been feeling so different. So tell a little bit about what you feel comfortable sharing about what you've been going through. Yeah, I think you know, I think it's very Common for a lot of us when we're starting anything new, or just diving into something that is maybe out of our comfort zone for those highs and lows to come. But I think it's like, until you're like really, really in it, it feels different because like you said, the highs can feel really high, the lows can feel really low. But it's like when you have kind of put yourself into a different kind of situation, the lows almost feel like, oh my gosh, there's nowhere to go from And, and not to say that, you know, there's not a little bit of that and even like smaller things, but I think that's kind of been a big learning lesson for me. Cause yeah, like you said, I, I've been starting a whole new business the last year and I've been so grateful for it, but it's been so hard. And I think I also had some other things going on, just some family stuff to kind of at the end of last year, going into this year. And, you know, we all get a little bit of that. Seasonal depression, I think, too. And I'm in the Pacific Northwest right now, so it's very dark. It's very gloomy. Like, totally feel a lot of that. So I think I did kind of really hit a, some low points there for a couple months and just feeling like. Everything feels so, like, stalled in my business. It felt like, you know, I had some different thoughts of my mind. It just, like, just things from, like I said, with, like, family. Like, you start to doubt yourself. Like, it's just, it's crazy how you have one, like, it's like you have a little bit of a slow day and it starts to spiral into, like, Everything else in your life. Well, nothing that goes to behind the chair as well. Like you, one of your clients says, Oh, I can't afford your services anymore. I'm leaving. Then the next client cancels. And you so quickly are like considering changing career paths altogether. Like that happens to all of us. It's like, well, I suck at doing hair now. Literally it happens all the time. I know I interrupted you. Did you have more? You wanted to keep saying that I was, I was just going to say that Yeah, so kind of going into the beginning of this year and, and kind of really being in the midst of all of that. I feel like something that kept coming back as a reminder for me is I kept hearing this sort of like these words a lot last year where it was like, you have to slow down in order to move forward. And I think it didn't really resonate with me until I was in. These kind of moments where I'm like, well, I guess if I'm going to take this time to do whatever sort of like processing healing white space that I need, I guess the universe is practically yelling at me that this is now and yeah, and it is interesting because it does seem like Once that happened, and I had to kind of like, maybe live in a little bit of funk for a couple weeks, and try to just slowly piece things back together. It's kind of crazy, I'm like, well, gosh, they were right, because then it feels like there's been this nice trajectory going, where I've had a lot of like, things that I've been like, really trying to manifest start to core into my business and my life now. So, so yeah, it is this kind of interesting how slowing down and stepping back and stepping out even slightly, it's, it kind of brings a whole new life to, like, your business, you know, your mindset. Trials and wins and losses come in chunks, you know, because that's when you really start to think, like, shoot, is it really time to, like, throw in the towel here? Like, how many Yeah. roadblocks can I hit in a row before I'm like, okay, universe, are you telling me that it's time to stop? And I remember us having those conversations and me just saying like, you know, is it like, I don't know that advice. I run into that with soul tribe members all the time. Like, obviously they're coming to their tribe for advice. They're coming to me for advice. Nobody has a crystal ball. No, none of us can ever know. And I think that goes back to kind of tapping into your intuition and like, how do you know when it's actually time? To, like, change things. And I also just want to highlight, whether it's for me or you to listen back on this next time we're in a slump, or if somebody's in a slump, it's also so fucking frustrating that when you are, like, trying to, like, squaw yourself out of a slump, doing all the right things. Okay, I'm gonna set my alarm, I'm gonna wake up, I'm gonna put makeup on my face, I'm gonna do my gratitude, I'm gonna do these things that I'm supposed to do, and you're still just hit, like, loss after loss. Sometimes, as much as I believe that, like, action creates results, like, sometimes it is just, like, a bit of surrender and, like, letting the wave kind of toss you around a little bit until you move up for air, and it sucks so bad when you're in that because, like, we're such doers and we're like, what is the one thing I need? And we'd be on Soul Tribe calls, I'd be, like, giving you homework, like, okay, Like, You're getting out of the RV, you're getting in the sunshine, like that's too much to help, but really, with your case this last time, it was just, you just needed to keep waiting a little bit longer, and it was there. You didn't know how soon it was going to be there, but it was, and then it was win, win, win, win, win, and now you're like, okay, I'm back. I've got my mojo back. We're back in it. And I think too, a little bit of that is, even though in the time it's like, it's hard to like. I think have the trust and the faith that it's like things are going in the direction they need to, but I think I did have a little bit, even in the back of my head, because I do really think that sometimes when you are trying, you know, something new, putting yourself out there in a new way, I think we all kind of receive these little tests that, that are supposed to challenge us and it. It's almost going through that, and like, knowing that you can do it no matter what comes your way, I feel like those are like, there for a reason, and I had so much of that in the beginning of this journey, that getting through that kind of also shows you too, that like, You can get through anything. Like, there's a reason why there's always gonna be, like, these little, you know, daggers being thrown at you from every direction, and they're supposed to be there because it continues to, like, build the strength, you know, whether mentally, you know, physically, to get through those hurdles, because they're just, they're always gonna be there, and I think they're almost meant to kind of, like, And I feel like maybe we said this in the last podcast episode, or maybe we've just had these conversations in private. I don't know. I just know we've talked about this before. Also, just recognizing when you're in it, that the good isn't gonna feel as good if you don't feel this Opposite of bad. You know, like, if everything was just good all the time, you'd get so high on your horse, like, the winds wouldn't even feel exciting anymore. It's having that balance and just remembering when you're in the suck that, like, the good is gonna feel so good as you went through the suck. And I remember you even Aware of that. I remember that one, you followed me, you were like, at least I'm driving in the mountains. I'm kind of getting my mojo back, but there was a few more roadblocks that ended up hitting you. But you're like, last night, the RV was so cold. Like, I was literally like, freezing. And in my head, I was like, I know I'm going to remember this moment of like, I should have just thrown in the towel, could have done something else, and it's like, you recognized it. You did know that you needed to think back to that, and something about it almost felt kind of good, and it's like training your brain, and I'm this way too, that's why I've done 75 hard, that's why I do love all these like weird challenges, like training your brain to like endure and embrace like challenges and hardships, knowing it's gonna taste even sweeter when good rush comes next time, right? Yeah, I mean I feel like that's what Life is all about, at the end of the day, you know? It's like, to have those experiences, to have those challenges, so that, yeah, the wins are, like, even bigger wins than you can imagine. So, totally. And then we were gonna talk about, like, trusting that things are gonna work out how they're supposed to. I've got some very big life changes happening in my life right now. I'm hesitant how much to share because it is still, there's so many moving pieces, there's so many things up in the air, but I'd love to know if hindsight now, I don't know if you, if you have this or not, but like a month ago when you really were like, should I just like sell my Ohio house, cash in that equity, like find a space, stay put, not do this anymore. Like what made you just keep going a little bit further and how many more roadblocks would you have had to hit? Throw in the towel. And I. Okay. Okay. Experience that all the time too. I, we have these conversations all the time. When a few hiccups come, I'm like, should I just give this whole thing up? Like is it time? Yeah. Is it run course? And it's like, no bitch. Of course not but like what are your thoughts around that? Like how do you know to just keep trusting or when to stop and finally come to an ending? I don't know. I think for me, and this is something I've really been trying to strengthen, is like my intuition.'cause it's not something that I've always felt like I heard. Loud and clear and in every way. I think there's a lot of people that still probably feel like that they're really trying to get in touch with what their intuition is and like understanding it and knowing when to hear it. And I am very much still in that process, but I do think really just kind of tuning in at some point and remembering why you're doing what you're doing and. And, and really it sounds so simple, but that, that really is so much of like, there's such a big core reason that I believe in to the depths of my core. And I had to kind of like, look at that and be like, so how would I feel if I didn't have that? And I immediately was like, no, I don't want that. Like, and I think when you start to have that urgency of like, oh no, I can't imagine not doing this, like no matter what and how bad it might feel or how, like how many doubts you're having through your head. Like, there's a reason why we're doing what we're doing. And I think just like really getting in touch with like what the intuition is telling you, but also just down to the very gritty reasons of your purpose and, and would it feel better to not have that or how does it make you feel? Yeah. And the other side. So I think. And I don't know, I mean, that's a simple answer, maybe, but that's like really truly what it was for me. Yeah. And do you feel like extreme relief when you think about, okay, this has run its course, I'm gonna let it go, because we see so many people in Soul Tribe and we, you know, regularly are watching people. With new ideas, with, you know, working through big ideas, continuing to push through, continuing to push through, and I'm just so grateful that we both have the same, like, version of this in us, because not everybody does. It is not for everyone, and there are a lot of people who they're familiar with. Pain threshold or whatever it is, is a lot sooner than what I've experienced yet, like I wouldn't have given up yet at that point, not saying what's right for anybody, but it goes back to intuition too, and I know we did that masterclass with Lisa Kay and you were trying to tap in and get to the bottom of that, and I remember when she shared with me about, like, does it feel expansive if you let it go? So, like, my family's considering making a big move, big relocation right now. We've got pictures taken to list our house on the market. Just last night, my husband's like, Oh, God, I actually don't know. So, like, we are in the middle of, like, what is our intuition telling us? And we've had a couple hiccups. So, like, we, we first got this in our head that we were thinking about making a move and relocating, which also could very much have something to do with the Illinois weather. And I'm still trying to, like, check myself. Do I actually want to up and move? Like, that, that, that touch of 70 degrees yesterday, I was like, wait, is this so bad? But originally, we, we talked about moving. We were like, we went and visited family in the Phoenix area and we were like, we really could see ourselves here. Like, schools are better for the kids. It's a booming city. You know, we've got equity in our house. We could roll that over into a house here. You know, the housing market's just going to keep building here. Like, are we ready to make that big of a move? And me and Ryan will just look at us at each other sometimes and like, when we've made big moves before, Okay. It is interesting, though, the older we get, the more we have to lose, the more pressure that it builds. Like, when we moved cross country the first time, and there was literally nothing to lose. We had, like, no money in our bank account. It was like, what the fuck ever? Worst thing that happens is you just come back. But, like, when you build up more and more, Metaphorically and physically, actual assets, life experience, roots around here with friendships and connections and family and things like that. It's so hard to make that decision, but we just had this pull, pull, a pull stronger than we'd ever had before. We're like, okay, we're just going to start, just, Just gonna run some numbers. We're just gonna see if this can easily happen if it can't, and so, and it turned out, yes, it can. Green light, green light, go, green light, go, green light, go. And then we ran into, like, one little hiccup that seemed like it was, like, a red light, and there was a issue with financing and just paperwork that was necessary. Obviously, you guys know if you're self employed, there's a lot of underwriting and stuff like that that goes into it. We ran into a little hiccup where we were like, oh, I actually don't think this, this might not work. We don't have this paper that they need, like, damn. And that was a really good gut check. And I remember Kristen Sosman, when I was talking to her, she was telling me, like, it's good that things are flowing, but get ready, Lisa, because as it gets closer, you're gonna get tested. There's gonna be quite a few tests. That's gonna, that's, you're gonna know. Like, it's good that things are flowing now. Things do come easy. But we had that hiccup. And it would have been very telling at that hiccup if we felt like relief and we were like, all right, I guess that's our sign. We're supposed to stay put. Fine. We were both so stressed out. We went out to eat because that's what we do because I don't want to cook. We like, slept on it. And then the next morning we woke up and we're like, I'm really bummed. And he's like, I'm really, really bummed too. And we're like, okay, let's like, Figure out if we can get creative, you know, let's go back to the drawing board, blah, blah, blah, we found a solution, thankfully, which is great, you know, but it's those moments where it's like, okay, here's your test, how does it feel, and nobody can tell you that, and I'm looking around, like, wanting people to tell me, I'm sending you a link of a house yesterday, I'm sending it to my sister, to my family, like, I'm almost waiting for somebody to be like, yes, go, or somebody to be like, eh, no, but it's like, Nobody else knows that. Nobody else cares as much as you do, but it's so tricky just, like, quieting the noise and really, like, understanding what that is for you, especially when there's another person, like, in the mix as well, that they're being, and I'm sure you and Caleb have gone through things like that when it came to listing or, you know, renting your house out and getting the RV and packing stuff up. It's just so tricky when green light go, red light stop, and, and when to fully give up. Yeah, and, and I'll challenge maybe one thing you said, just saying, like, kind of going back in, you were talking about how, like, it feels like we have, like, almost so much more to lose, and I totally know what you mean by that, and I do think there are instances where that's very fair, but I also think, too, that sometimes we hold on to some of those things, and, like, the feeling it gives it, gives us, maybe then, without realizing that Are we limiting by thinking that that's, it's never going to get better than that, too? That's almost like our ego, too. Yeah, like look at all these accomplished events I've collected or something like that. How can you just walk away from that? Yeah. Yeah, I feel like a lot of people do that with their businesses where they're like, I am like doing the best I could do in my business. How could I think about shifting it? Because what if I lose it all? But what if you lose it all? What are you gaining? You know what I mean? Like, I think sometimes, And I don't think people realize how actually painful it is to stay the same for long because you're afraid to lose it. But you will not be happy five years from now if you haven't grown at all either. And the only way to grow is with risk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I would just, like I said, I don't think what you're saying is completely, like, untrue because I do think that those things are there for a reason to, like, gut check you and be Like, you know, is this really what you want? Would I be happy with this? Is this pulling me out of my comfortability that I'm not going to enjoy this no, no more? Like, I think those things are, are important to check into, but I think it's like being aware of, like, what you might be limiting to by those same thoughts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And me and Ryan will talk about that all the time, too, when it comes around moving. Like, there's so many people in the Midwest, and I know you feel the same, Leisha, because look at the life you're living, but we're like, they're just truly so content, and I'm not judging that. I love that, but it's like, yeah, why do we have this, like, pull for more and more and more and more? I'm like, I am only 31. There is so much of this world to see, so much life to live. After a while, when you just, Start for me. This is my truth, if you guys are content, I love that for you. But like my Yeah. Is like, you just start having the same conversations with the same people and eating the same food and doing the same thing, and all the days just start to kind of blend together. It's like, Mm-Hmm, Okay. I need to, I personally, me, I need to start to shake things up when that happens. I just have to, it's in me. I don't know. And I think it's in a lot of, you know. Any self sufficient, like, entrepreneurs who have their businesses, a lot of the hairstylists, like, I think a lot of times we recognize those feelings as feeling bored, and then it's like we kind of just get to that place where, yeah, like, you want to shake things up, but I think, I think that can be a tricky spot, too, because sometimes I think it's kind of the, yeah, what we know we want to talk about, so go there, share that kind of pivot, because it, it can veer a little far in the other direction, right? Yeah, because I think, Cause I've been in this place where like, you know, before I really had the business idea that I came up with now, I felt bored. Like I had, it felt like I kind of reached this really great spot in my business. Like it was thriving. I had new clients. I, my like financial goals were being met. I was taking great education, you know, like you're just, it feels like your bucket is filled with like all these great things, your cups filled and. And I, but yeah, you like, you got, get kind of bored and I feel like you, it's really easy to get into this place, at least I did, where I'm kind of just chasing after every little thing that, yeah, and for a while it was like, I wanted to have like an assistant program and then another time I was like, Oh, I'm going to be an influencer and it's like, you get all these ideas, which I think is great. I think it's, it's like good to start to stretch that creative brain, but I think. You have to, it's like recognizing what you want out of that and, and sort of connecting that to like, again, like what your intuition, your gut, like whatever that is, that self track is, and really thinking about like how you want to lean into that because idea, like I said, ideas are great, but not every idea is something that you need to like, you know, jump on, like, you know, move forward into a whole business, but. And Leisha brought this up because we were just talking about a situation inside of Soul Tribe where we were watching some people new, new venture, new venture, new venture, new venture, and I, again, and I feel like I said this in our last chit chat, I have so much empathy for that because I remember being in that, like, tasting season. Yeah. Like, something is it. I'm tasting everything. I need to figure out what it is. And then again, that's why I'm so transfixed on Big Magic because since the moment that Style of Soul Tribe has came into my head, even when I'm bored with, like, my home life and I think I want to move, that has not budged even a microscopic little bit. Like, that is still my thing. And I'll know if and when that ever changes, but, like, I haven't hit it yet. And it's like differentiating a big magic idea, which then I preach to fast, messy action, because I see so many people have a million. It's like one side or the other. People have a million big magic ideas and never take any action on them. Or people take action on all these like almost surface level ideas, and it's almost so volatile that there's not a lot of Foundation and structure under it. And that's kind of hard to watch from the outside looking in as a coach wanting to like help people, but again, all layered with like deep, deep empathy, because I understand where both those people coming from that fear of like perfectionism and finally putting some something out there versus fast, messy action, taste, taste, taste, taste, taste. Sometimes what I also see is happening in that situation is avoidance of something bigger that actually needs to be taken care of. It's just complicated and very, like, in broad to talk about, but I know every single person listening to this can find themselves in there somewhere, because I am in there, too, when I'm having this conversation, you know? Yeah. Yeah, and I think, too like, getting to that, like, you kind of said something about, like, Possibly having avoidance too and I think, I think we sometimes get into a spot where maybe we really are so fulfilled but like what's going on. Maybe we've already had the big magic idea and we're really living it out. Maybe we're still in the search but I think there are, and this kind of goes back to the beginning, like there are moments where like you have to slow down and have to like find contentness, content in your life and in your routines or whatever that needs to look like because It's like you're kind of, you have to have those periods of time to ramp up what maybe those ideas are or ramp up finding those Finding those big magic, but then, yeah, there are times where it's like, when you are in that moment, and it, you just feel it, like, it's like, it's weird. You just know when that is, like, the thing, and it is kind of, like, ramping up into that, you know, that action, and just, like, goals, and, and kind of going right into it. How many of you understand this way of thinking? I'm almost going to take, like, a poll from Gary Vee and how he talks. I would say, for me personally, and for a lot of people that I feel like live a similar kind of path, on the macro, Oh! It is true contentment. It's that deep purpose. It's, I know I'm where I'm meant to be. This does feel right. This does feel good from a, like, core, core, value, deep, why am I doing this? That's there. On the micro, There's like discomfort and that's when you kind of follow those itches because you were even saying, Lisa, how do you variantiate, that's not a word, whatever, how do you decide what is fast messy action and what needs to just like sit and marinate? Because sometimes people are taking so much fast messy action, there's no time to even get traction under something because they're skipping that idea and moving on to the next. Yeah. And I think for me, macro, like, big, big, big picture, you have to know you're actually in alignment. If not, maybe that's where, like, healing kind of comes in before you can get to that. And then micro itches, I will pursue. I think. I don't know. Yeah. No, I, I still definitely see what you What you mean with that because and I'm always a person like I like to just sleep on anything so and I think like I think you really know when you're sort of like it's it's really deeper than that when It's almost lighting you up more and more and more each day And it's like the ideas continue to flow and expand within that more and more and more each day because I can recognize the difference from when I've had just like You know, like an idea that scratched the itch, like you're saying, and it's kind of just there. Like the idea is there and I'm like, all right, let me just do this, this, this, this, that, and Move forward with it. Like it's kind of like it's almost like when the creative stops It's like you've got you're using your creative brain to bring the itch. But then if the creativity stops, it's almost like Yeah, like that's what's telling to me. What about like but what about for you like? How does that kind of work for you? What do you recognize? Well, let me say this. That is super telling, I think, in the beginning of an idea. And again, if you guys haven't read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, you need to read it and you'll know what I'm talking about. But the way she, like, words the chapter on, like, ideas and how just, like, the rush of creativity, the universal download, just, like, the truly, this didn't exist. Someone plugged a USB in. All of a sudden, this is here. That's when I have found, like, massive creative flow. I will tell the truth, though. Now, later in this journey of, like, bringing a business to life, and I think you're gonna probably feel the same way, Lesha, because Traveling Hair Salon has existed for a while, Those rushes of creative flow aren't quite as exciting as they were in the beginning, because it's not a brand new thing. It's bringing projects to life that have to withstand what keeps the ship going, which is nowhere near as like, Oh my God, nobody's ever done this before. It's all in my brain. I need to get it out now. My creative flow moves differently. I still will get on some wild creative flows. You'll see all of a sudden I've got seven podcast episodes back. Where did all of these come from? That wasn't even on your homework, you know? But like, not in the same way where now I do have to force a little bit of creativity more than I used to have to. But again, macro, I still know it's for the best sense and it feels very in alignment and it feels very good. But at a certain point, you lose the luxury. Of an idea and a creative flow, because this is an actual business at some point that's pumping. And I feel like that's also when stylists get burnt out. Because they built this big, beautiful thing, and now they have to withstand it. Which is its own set of, like, you know, work. Again, macro, like it has to still feel worth it every morning when you wake up and you're doing it. So I do feel like I kind of went a different direction with that, because when it's a baby idea and you're having these ideas and you lose that creativity and it's not even a fully formed entity yet, that's probably telling. Once it's a fully formed entity, for me, the creativity has to get pushed and, and, and massaged a little bit more than just dropping in, like, wild. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah, no, I definitely, definitely understand that. And I think it probably, yeah, it does reflect slightly different. But I, I do think there is a clear difference of, like, when it just scratches the itch, it's, it's like, it's like you've already hit the end of the road. That creativity and I, that's like I said, just what is so such a telling sign for me, but I do understand because there's always going to be like little aspects of anything where it is like you have to kind of really stretch and expand and push to kind of like get that there. So I definitely, yeah, understand that. Yeah, and so, we've talked about fast messy action, we talked about marinating, I guess, I liked what you said about, I always love sleeping on something, and I think if somebody is listening to this and they're like, yes, I've been there, I've felt that, and again, it's that one side or the other, I don't know what side of the, the pendulum you're gonna fall on. I do feel like majority of people fall on, they have an idea and they don't take action, and that's why I'm so big to push, push fast messy action, but then every once in a while. It's kind of like, whoa, friend, slow down. Let's actually see all of our options right now. Let's stay focused on one so it can come into fruition and then go from there. So, again you listening to this right now in your ear, I don't know which side of that you fall on, but it's definitely a balance. It has to be. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, do you feel like when people have brought ideas to you, do you feel like there's usually like, Kind of go to signs to be like, okay, like you should approach like full speed ahead or signs for like, okay, sit with that merit, like see where that's at. Like, is there anything that like comes to mind for you? Like when you're hearing things like that? I think I gauge their intuition, even if they're not aware of it. So I can think of one person in particular. I don't even think I shared this with you. So you're definitely not going to know who I'm talking about, but it's a soul tribe member. And she came to me with an idea and I'm going to be very vague with it because I obviously want to keep like confidential. She sent me a solo polo and she's a newer member. I don't know. I don't know her super duper duper well, but she sent me a solo poll of like, I have this idea for this app. I can't tell you how many app ideas people have shared with me. And again, I'm not throwing shade at any of you. I love all of you. We've all been there. But like, I've watched people try to build apps. It's fallen through. It hasn't worked. And so she sent me this idea. And so I Reflected back as a mirror up to her. Okay, let me just point out to you, your bigger why beneath this idea is this. The actual project of what you're talking about is you running a tech company. Like, I just want to point that out to you. Are you aware of that? Because one, that's a bigger upfront cost. It's a whole realm of an industry that you don't know. Like, I just want to make you aware of that. And she came back with, I'm very aware of that. I have the money. It's not, it's not like she had to find it. I have the money. I'm ready to pursue it. I'm not somebody that just talks about ideas and doesn't make them happen. Like, when I held Amir up, she didn't get afraid. Where I, even in that situation, probably would have gotten afraid. And her response back to me was like, Challenge accepted. And I'm like, To me, move forward. That's very interesting. So, and it's also so tricky because our brain plays tricks with us, and I do feel like sometimes that almost is like a privilege thing. Like, some of us are just born with a brain with that confidence, and I don't know how to, like, instill that in other people, but the fact that I could hold a mirror up and repeat back to her what her idea was in the not so glamorous, you just received a universal download Mm hmm. Way, and she felt good about it still. That was really interesting for me to say, yeah, I'm excited, you better keep me posted, run full speed ahead, fast messy action, go go go go go before you lose this creativity and this excitement. Yeah, yeah, so it's kind of like almost Like you said, putting a mirror up, showcasing, like, the really good aspects of it, but also the tricky aspects of it, the confusing aspects, the, the not so pretty, and, like, still feeling the same, if not even more excited. So, that's fascinating, yeah. I think that's interesting. Yeah, and now, looking back, I feel like, had we have done that with you, like, you, I mean, and that's the thing, too, some people just take action, and, like, If you just, like, sometimes you don't even need, I don't know, like, there are certain people that end up with ideas that there's nothing stopping them. This idea is getting brought to life, you know? And so, if someone held that mirror up to you, Leisha, by the time we even had the time to hold the mirror up to you, the RV was already bought and there was paint getting put on it. So, like, that's the thing, too. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like we can talk in circles about that, but if somebody's like, well, fuck, I'm not taking action, but I do have this idea, eventually, hate to say it, you gotta shit or get off the pot, right? Yeah. That's what it comes down to. I don't know. I do think something that is so important, I think this is why, like, just Soul Tribe in itself is so special, is no matter where you're at in that journey, or if you've not even really begun that journey, I, this is. the reality of having just support and like people to show you the different perspectives of things and also help guide you with like What should my next step even be? Or should, you know, should I go full force ahead or not? And I think that's just like, that's the power of just community and support and people who, who just know even a little like inkling of who you are in your business and being able to just like, and not that you need people to tell you answers, but just to like, like I said, guide, give different perspectives, like really show different lights of these ideas or your journey to really know. Or just really understand, like, what that could look like. Okay, so you, this just dropped in, so I'm gonna share it. And again, I'll keep it confidential. I, I'm sorry if you're not, if this is annoying when I always say this, but I have to. I can't share people's things without them allowing it. So we have also had a situation more recently in Soul Tribe where Someone is bringing a big magic idea to life, and this is my role, obviously, in leading Soul Tribe and being the person that has created it. She had a situation come up where, again, this is such a curated, important energy and group of people that I'm letting, putting these people around, trusting them with their big magic ideas, whatever. One person reached out to another person and shared something out of her big magic idea. That person Maybe held a mirror up, said, is that even needed? Like do you even think, like, ask the little question that triggered bad, the big magic ideas person of like, fuck, I'm not doing the right thing, everybody thinks this is stupid, nobody even likes my idea, I shouldn't even do it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Word got back to me that that happened. I'm like, oh, well, we can't be having that in Soul Tribe. This is not a place where we crush big magic ideas. Even if we want to hold a mirror up, we need to make sure we're doing it in a way that's not crushing people, because that can't be what the space is. Like, that's so important to me. That's something I know so clearly. So I did a little bit more digging, and I asked that original girl, like, hey, I'd kind of like to get to the bottom of this. I definitely don't want there to be, like, crushing of big magic ideas. Do you mind if I reach out to that person? Tell me a little bit more about what happened. And she went back and replayed the video that originally spiraled her and sent her off the deep end that made all of her self doubt and fear creep in and just, like, get so worked up. And the polo that was sent was not even That at all. Like, she took that on, on her own. So, where a Soul Tribe member, kind of held a mirror up and just asked a simple question, really, really, really triggered somebody's self doubt that they already had. And I can tell you guys examples of this. I remember when Soul Tribe was, like, still growing and building, very baby stages, way before you joined, Leisha. There was a moment in time where multiple people were leaving and, like, giving me harsh feedback, you know, which they're allowed to do. They were paying me and it didn't have much structure to it yet. I was just kind of winging it. And I remember those little comments that people would make that, like, They didn't mean that much by, but to me, it was like, I, there was a time period where it was so close to just shutting it all down. And that's when I told myself, if there's even one person here, you have to keep going, or else, where is the bait, like, where is that line? So if 15 people over here are loving it, but this one person is like, Girl, what are you doing here? Like, stop taking my money. This is not working. I was like, oh my god, I'm stealing money from 15 people. This isn't a good idea. Nobody, Soul Tribe isn't needed by anybody, you know? But that I had to eventually come up with a baseline of what that was. And so that's, again, not to say talking in all these big meta circles that just because that mirror got held up to that one person who all that self doubt came in, that happened to me before too. But it's those, like, tests and trials and, like, okay, you felt that. What does that tell you? And now you got that out of the way so that when a paying customer or something says that same question, does somebody even need this? You're not having, like, an emotional response where you just, like, spiral out of control. Did any of that make sense, me talking that vague or no? Yeah, no, it definitely did. And again, it's like, it's almost another test. And it's like, Bill, it's, I think things that constantly like question what you're doing and why you're doing it are so important because either it's going to bring out things that you didn't know that were actually a problem, which I think happened in that situation that had. That needed to kind of be addressed so that getting the mindset around being, putting something out so vulnerable to the world, like that could kind of strengthen, or it also is a way to just like reassure what you're doing and like getting that gut check. So, yeah, I, I think those are moments are really important and sometimes it is hard to see it until you're kind of like reflecting back or somebody is there to almost help. Like, open your eyes and mind a little bit to, like, hold on. It's not just this, this singular thing. Like, let's really look at the entire, mm hmm. In a space like Soul Tribe is really, like, putting an idea or a business under a microscope, but with that comes building a way deeper brand, because you know deep down what it is you're trying to do, and there is going to come a time, now, the moment the idea comes in is not when I should be bringing objections up to you, but eventually. This girl was about to launch something. You need to be ready to Rebuttal some objections, you know, and just going through that practice and feeling it and recognizing it. I mean, she was the first one to admit it. She's like, I really think I kind of got it all wrong. I think I heard something different because I already had this fear in the self doubt and I was so grateful even, I mean, you have to be an incredibly strong and self aware person to even be able to admit that. I don't know if I even would have been able to admit that in that situation. So I know you that is listening will know that I'm talking about you. So I'm proud of you. I already told her that, but. It's, it's a really cool chamber to, like, be in to have all of these different directions and deeper thinkings and dissections taking place. It really does build a deeper, stronger business and brand of whatever it's gonna be, yeah. Yeah, a thousand percent. Agree. All right, I don't remember what time we started Leash. How deep are we into this? Do you have any idea how long we are into recording? Because I'm trying to decide if I should go into the feeling like a fraud or if we should jump straight to our report and save the feeling like a fraud to the next episode. I think we're just about 40, 45 minutes in, maybe? Alright, I'm gonna scratch the surface on it. If this really, really resonates with you listening, tell me and we can go deeper. Another thing, as Leisha and I were just deciding, What's the pulse on all things Soul Tribe right now? What's coming up in the calls? What's coming up in Marco Polo? What are people dealing with? Something came up on a on a Soul Tribe call that I was on the other day that again, I thought took major bravery to even admit and try to come to a solution for because I think a lot of us feel this, but aren't even self aware enough to recognize it, say it out loud, and then try to rebuttal it and figure it out. So, I have a Soul Tribe member who, from my perspective, has made massive changes over the years. It has been beautiful to watch her grow into her bigger, better version of herself. She does a lot of work, she has done a lot in her business, it is beautiful to watch, but She's still stuck at this one roadblock where she is she moved to a new salon to embrace this new identity that she wanted to have as a hairstylist. She wanted to have a higher, you know, level of clientele. She wanted to be able to charge higher prices. She wanted to be inspired by the people she worked with. So she moved into this new salon. And when she moved into this new salon, she's kind of tried, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this. She's kind of tried, like, DIYing this path and this strategy of like, okay, I'm going to charge my new clients a certain amount because I'm this new, better version of me, and then I'm not going to charge my old clients a new amount, which, if you guys have ever been coached by me, you know, I would not coach to that. However, if that's your journey and that's the only way we can do it, explore it, scratch that itch, let me know how it goes. I'm not judging you, let me know how it goes. And she is finding herself. Really having a hard time charging the new prices, even to new clients. She's had clients who left her years ago and has now come back to this new salon. And I'm like, well, are you charging them these new prices that you said you were going to charge? And she's like, no. And I'm like, well, why not? Is it that the point of why you did this? And she was like, yeah, I guess. And she said, Lisa, I just feel like such a fraud when I try. To, like, be this new, bigger, better version of me that I'm intentionally trying to craft. But I feel weird and fake and, like, a fraud. And I was like, oh, god, like, that's deep, you know? I, like, how do we get to the bottom of that? And what I told her, you know, I was like, Have you brought this up in therapy? Like, I don't know. I never know what direction to go with it. She's like, No, that's why I'm in Soul Tribe. I'm like, Okay, I'm allowed to go there. Let's freaking go there. If I woke up in your shoes, which I'm not saying I'm a therapist, I don't know if this is the right answer, but I woke up in your shoes, and I knew I'm I want to be a better version of me. I see her clearly. I just feel fake being her. If that were me, I would, you know, it goes back to my morning routine. I would wake up earlier every single morning. I would meditate. I would visualize. I would journal. I would put myself in that bigger, better version of Lisa's shoes every single day. I would sit in meditation. I would think, All these target market clients are, are blowing me up. I don't feel stressed when their appointment comes in because that's the thing is she was literally repelling it. If a new client came in, she was like, oh yeah, I'm, I'm a fraud. I can't do this. You have to like train your subconscious. Tap into that. I am able to receive that. I feel it. Here they are. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Here they come in. I feel good about it. I'm accepting of them. Now I'm going to do their hair. Look how good it's going to turn out. Now I'm going to charge them my price. It's going to feel so good. And then eventually, which is just the only way you should do it, is just start showing up as that all together. Eventually your demand will grow and you can just raise your prices. You don't have to be living this double life, which I wouldn't coach to, you know. But, so she's going to work on that. That's what we said that she needs to work on is just really. Envisioning, because like, I can't be in her pocket or in her ear every single time a new client inquires and it's time to ring them out and things like that. Do you have any thoughts around that, Leesh? I do, yeah, and I think I, because I still feel like a fraud some days, too. Like, am I doing that? I think there's a little bit, like, because I, I have, like, this Like person that I always visualize and like they're like the most perfect version of me I guess you could say and like they do all the things I Want to do or whatever. And so my goal is like, I'm always like trying to bring elements of that into my life now, which is kind of a little bit where you're saying on the flip side of that, I think sometimes I have to recognize that I don't have to have all of the elements of this person that sometimes I think I have to recognize little things in myself now that I really accept or enjoy. Or so I think sometimes. When, cause like in pricing is always what brings out, I think fraud and vulnerability and all the things like it just always how it is. But I think sometimes it's like bringing yourself to where you want to be, but then meeting yourself there too, at the same time, I don't know if that makes sense, but cause I, I do think there's a little bit of like, you are up leveling, but you also have to like, deeply believe that you are. the value of what you're up leveling to. So I think there's sometimes a weird thing. But if it's all or nothing, then you're not going to charge your clients these new prices until you're working out seven days a week and doing all these things that you say you're going to do. And like, that's not fair either, you know, like, you have to give yourself grace and be accepting and loving of the version of you still. That has to make that one tiny hard decision to be that version today. But it doesn't mean just because you haven't scratched ticked every single other box that you haven't deserved this. Because that's almost what people trick themselves into thinking. Yeah. And I mean, really, you could, and this is kind of a silly way to look at it, but it's like, you could almost look at it that and be like, what would be. the fastest and easiest way for me to start meeting myself to this person. Is it going to be working out seven days a week? Or is it going to be charging your prices today? Exactly. Yeah. So it's like, I think just really choosing to make that conscious effort and what you can do right now to have those, like, Those versions meet together, I guess. So, I don't know. That's probably a silly way to look at that, but. I love that. No, and I, you know, people want to hear more about manifestation and, like, I think what we're explaining right now is that. Because there's gonna be pushback from you and, again, I don't know if I'd identify it as ego or whatever it is. I'm not that educated on it all, but you're gonna feel pushback every time. But this is how you still bring to fruition some of those things is by, like, like you said, embracing them every micro step along the way. Because some people say, oh, that's all bullshit. Because if it wasn't, then like every single person would just be millionaires and would be like living this great life. But it really is like a journey. And once you watch enough things happen, you can't really deny, okay, there's something energetically happening here. But like, I have to, again, it comes back to like, be, do, have. And I think that's what we put for her homework is to like, listen to some of those podcasts, things like that, rather than thinking you have to. Have something and then once you have that, you'll do it and then once you do it, you'll be that person. It's the opposite. You have to be something. You have to become that person to then do the things and then you'll have the life that you think you want to have. It's like that flip flop of it. If you've never heard of it, look that up. Yeah. Okay, but I'll just one last point I say and I this is a little bit was the same in the beginning is like I for me personally I still think there's almost like a one more step to that like be you do have and like that last one is acceptance because I can do the thing but sometimes I don't accept that that's like what I Should have done like it's like it's almost like I can sometimes backtrack or I don't accept that like, okay Like this is just what it is now and like who I am and what I'm doing So like I and maybe this is just for some people because I've always been someone who struggled with a little bit of like self confidence And maybe for some people that maybe relate to that I think you also to get to a place where you really accept your journey where you're at and what you're doing so That's just a layer of like self love. Yeah. Judgment is not going to help you do any of those things you want to do. Yeah. Awesome. Okay. That was what I wanted to touch on. I'm glad we went there. So if that landed with anybody, send me a message about it and I can go deeper on that specifically. But literally in my head, I was like, I just want to record you some guided meditations that you can just do every single morning because you just have to, you just have to. Fuckin do it! And then it gets easier and easier and easier and easier. And if you need that pep talk in the morning, I don't know what it's gonna be, but something's gotta happen eventually for you, for this to be able to continue on. And right now, the only person in the way was her, herself, and she knew it. So, okay. If you guys listened to our last L& L Chit Chat, we did this fun little thing at the end called the quarterly report and I got this off of TikToks, because, you know, I watch a lot of TikToks, and report stands for reading, eating, playing, obsessing, recommending, and treat, and it was such a fun one to do. The last one, I had multiple people tell me they tried my cottage cheese eggs and they loved them. So like, I just love throwing like little lifestyle things in as well. So I'm going to share my report and then Leisha will share her report and then we'll go ahead and wrap up. Okay, so reading right now, I am reading The Body Keeps the Score. It is a book that I feel like I probably should have read a long time ago. I feel like everybody in the world has read that book. It's all about like how your body stores trauma and things like that. And it's really good so far. I'm liking it. So it's been on my list forever. And again, I'm so obnoxious with the way I act about these things, but I went into Barnes and Noble just to get a kid's book with Skylar's gift card. I think it was actually when we were marketing that day. And it was sitting in the children's section, just that book by itself. And I'm like, okay, universe, I will buy it finally, if that's what you're trying to tell me. So it was like right by Skylar's book. And I just, I don't know, I'm always, like, looking for You have the most interesting bookstore experiences. I love it. I see where something magical happens when it comes to what I'm supposed to read next. Okay, that's what I'm reading. I did finish Life in Four or Five Senses that Leisha gifted to me. And it was so good, so I would also recommend that. Okay, I've been eating. This is gonna be a weird one. I have been on a garlic stuffed green olive kick. I cannot get I am going through jars of them. I'm drinking the olive juice. You would think I'm pregnant. I'm not pregnant. They're so good. I tried a dirty martini for the first time because apparently that's what that is. I am in my green olive era and they're so good. So, my sodium I am not a big olive person, but I love garlic. Like, I cannot get enough garlic in things. You need to try Hy Vee's garlic stuffed green olives. I could literally chug the juice. It's so salty, but it's so good. I want it right now. My mouth is like salivating. Okay. Laying, I went on a trip to Arizona just last week. I don't even know what day it is or where I am or anything like that. Just last week to explore neighborhoods and schools and things like that, and I was gonna go by myself just to save some money and Ryan could stay home with the kids, and last minute, my best friend Riley decided to buy a plane ticket and tag along, and we had a fucking blast together. I, it was so So great to just go on a girl's trip with her just like an impromptu we fucking laughed so hard. I had a puff on my inhaler more than I've had a puff on my inhaler in years and it felt so good. Oh my god. We ate the best food and we just had the best time. So that was definitely my version of the play. Obsessing. Ryan and I have been obsessing over Zillow listings, no surprise. Where it's unhealthy. There's not one that exists in the Greater Phoenix area that we are not aware of which is a little bit overwhelming, but it's, that's what obsessed means. I am recommending micro gratitude lists. I'll try not to be too long winded with this, but on another Soul Tribe call that I just got on, there was a member who was sharing She lost her salon space for a reason of, like, lease issues, legal mumbo jumbo. She lost her salon space and she had to move into a smaller space, and she is trying to grow her team, and she doesn't like her space right now. And it's going to be very, very hard for her to grow a team and convince people to want to work there if she doesn't love it. And another Soul Tribe member recommended why don't you, for the next month, start to pay attention to every single little thing that you do like about your space? Because right now, what I just heard you say is it's small, it's small, it's small, it's small, it's small. What do you like? And she was like, I like the lighting. And she's like, well, then you go all in on that. But I bet there's 5, 000 more things that you can find that you like. And after she said that, I was like, I think we all need to do that. We need to do that with the places we work. We need to do that with our life, with our friends, with our houses. Like, I love a micro gratitude list. Like, if you're walking into the salon that you otherwise don't feel that great about and you like a flower you see as you're walking in, write that shit down and zoom in on that because that is going to be powerful. So, I love that. I'm going to do that too. I'm recommending micro gratitude lists. And then for a treat, I would say yesterday was a treat because Bennett was sick. I hate that for him, but I canceled my clients and it was 75 degrees out yesterday and I had nothing to do and I watched two episodes of Love is Blind. I went for a walk. I laid in my hammock and it was such a treat and I didn't know that I was going to get kicked off and yeah, It was just exactly what I needed. That's amazing. And the sunshine was so good. I was, I was pulling the tissue from my hammock with Benny and his underwear and it was such a good day. Yeah. I love it. That's my, that's my report. What's yours? All right. So, reading for me, probably no surprise to you, but is, I actually brought it with me to show people, but it's the Creative Act. Say that again. Sorry, I started talking. It's called Oh, you're fine. It's called The Creative Act, A Way of Being, and this is by Rick Rubin. And if you're a music fan, you'll probably know that name because he's a huge music producer. He's worked with like so many people, but it's not about that though. It's, it's kind of, it's really, it's actually very, very relevant to everything we talked about in this episode. So I feel like if you would enjoy this episode, you would love this book. I'm obsessed with this book right now. Like I, Love it so much. It's probably one of my favorite reads I've had in a long time, like just more from in the creative aspect. And it's Written, like, in a really easy way to read and, like, very digestible, but I've also taken my time with it very purposely, and, like, because there's a lot of very, just, interesting thoughts that you just can marinate on, and, I don't know, I love the book, and Hardcore would recommend anybody to read the book. Whether you're already in a journey of doing something or you want to be because I think it's a really good way to even like get yourself to that point, but anyways, so my next one eating is I had to actually take a little bit of a break on these because I was so obsessed with the it's my favorite day at Target. They have these like sweet spreads and they have like, Oh, I remember you put it's almost like, Oh my gosh. Yes, yeah, but they have like a white dark chocolate one. They had a, my favorite one is a salted caramel cocoa one. They also have a s'mores one and I just like would dip like teddy grahams or graham crackers But it was like just the most yummiest like thing and I was going through like you're talking about going through jars of that I was going through jars of this and I'm like, okay, I need a break. I have noticed already I'm curious to see if this continues. I am definitely more savory and you are definitely more sweet. That's a very Such a sweet tooth. I love sweets. So I have been obsessed with it though. It's so delicious. It's like a good little, just like end of the day kind of sweet snack, but. Playing, so my husband is a gamer, and so I'm not a huge gamer, but there's every once in a while there's something we'll play together, and we have been obsessed with Overcooked lately. I don't know if you've ever played it, but it's like this like restaurant game, but it, there's actually like, there's like Overcooked TikTok, and it's so relevant because it's just so funny because. it's like you're running a restaurant but you just get so into it and like we've gotten to the point where we're like literally strategizing before we play we're like he's like all right if i'll get three rices down you get the steak going and well like it's so stupid i have fallen in rabbit holes with cell phone games like that before we're like okay and you're plating and yes i know exactly what you're talking about but it's just been like such good fun and we just like laugh so hard because we just get so stupidly into it and it's just if you've played overbooked Cooked, you probably know what I'm talking about, but it's kind of just been a funny thing lately. I am currently obsessing over, I got this like red light vibrating tool for like your face and it has like a few different lights like there's some for like lymphatic drainage or some for like sun damage and then it has like red light and I have been loving that tool. It's just I mean, you know, it does all the right red light things, but it's just like super easy to use. It's really nice. And if you're into like a good skincare routine, I feel like it's an easy thing to kind of add in. Love it. Recommending. So this is a, I don't know, a weird thing, but I wrote. Trying something new, but what I mean by that is I get the pleasure to like be in a lot of different areas and it's always really exciting to get to a new area and I'm like constantly looking at like, what's all the things to do? What's all the cool parks? Where's all the cool coffee shops, the restaurants, but The thing I think that's different is I used to do that even where I lived and I think a lot of people you get kind of in a rut or you get stuck with like, gosh, I haven't tried like anything new or we're going to all the same places and, and I am never against like, let's go take like a 40 minute drive to just go to some random town because there's a cool restaurant there that I want to go to or something. That was just my recommendation. If like you're feeling in a rut and you need something fresh, like maybe approach your hometown as if you were like a tourist and you might be surprised at what you find to go do so. And then my last thing, my treat I did start, I'm a big fan of Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube, and I started every year at the beginning, she does a 30 day yoga routine. I didn't do it in January but I did just start that a week ago, and that really is like such a treat, and it's crazy like how different your body feels even just by like day five, when it's just so nice. So it's just, that's just been like a good little treat lately. So there's my report. Love it. Love it. Thank you for sharing your report. So, yeah, we're gonna do these L& L chit chats with our quarterly reports once a quarter, every three months. We, we thought about doing it monthly, but I've been cranking out podcast episodes, so I think quarterly makes the most sense. It was a good one. It was all over the place. It was off the cuff. A little bit, yeah, but. Beyond what, how everyone needs it to land. Yeah as usual, like we do. So, thank you, Leash, for your time. Thank you, everybody, for listening, and I will see you next week. Bye. Thank you.