Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations

008 - L&L Chit Chat - Education Overload, Social Media Burnout and Managing Expectations

Lisa Huff Season 1 Episode 8

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In this episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, join Leisha & I for a candid discussion where we unravel the complexities were hearing about in our industry. We dive into topics like the realities of education overload, the challenges of social media burnout, and the nuances of managing expectations.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. The Myth of Instant Success: We explore the common misconception that success suddenly 'clicks' into place, emphasizing the importance of gradual progress and continuous effort.
  2. Real-Life Industry Journey: Sharing personal experiences, including insights from the 'Traveling Hairstylists' episode, and reflecting on where we are versus where we thought we'd be.
  3. Navigating Education Overload: Delving into how an excess of information can impact stylists and the importance of discerning what's truly beneficial.
  4. The Social Media Dilemma: A comprehensive discussion on the effects of social media in the industry, including our experiences with social media detox and its impact on both stylists and clients.
  5. Reassessing Client Needs: Understanding how clients view stylists' social media strategies and pricing, and why it's crucial to stay attuned to their perspectives.
  6. Adapting to Market Changes: Recognizing the need to stay updated with evolving market trends and consumer preferences in the hairstyling business.
  7. Personalized Approach to Social Media: Encouraging stylists to find a balance in their use of social media that aligns with their personal and professional goals.
  8. 'Monthly Report' Segment: A personal touch to the episode, sharing our recent reads, activities, and obsessions, offering listeners a glimpse into our lives outside of biz.

Episode Highlights:

  • Discussion on the false narrative of instant success.
  • Personal anecdotes and experiences in the industry.
  • Insights into managing education overload and social media burnout.
  • Reflections on how clients perceive stylists' online presence and pricing.
  • Tips for adapting business strategies to changing market demands.
  • Encouragement for a balanced and personalized use of social media.

This episode offers a blend of personal stories, industry insights, and practical advice, aimed at helping stylists navigate our complex industry. Whether you're battling social media fatigue or trying to align your business with client expectations, this chit-chat session is packed with relatable content and valuable takeaways.

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All right, we had a quick storage issue, so

I'm kind of testing this, but we're gonna see.

But that one situation specifically where she's like, everything's gonna click, I'm like, stop doing that. Like, stop telling yourself that because, do you agree? I mean, sure, there's times, again, you, you do enough things where they compound and you're like, oh, I'm kind of on to something, but I think it's a very false narrative that one day it's gonna click and things are just gonna flow.

That's not how it ever works.

a thousand percent, because I am, Literally living that. I mean, I, you know, I left in, and you probably saw like the Traveling Herstites episode, but I'm almost a year into that, and I can tell you  where I thought I would be at this point is literally not, not even a glimmer of the same of where I'm actually at.

But I'm really grateful for where I'm at right now, and I'm still like, I can't really see where the next Where I'm at in six months from now and there comes a point to I think like when you are in a building stage Like sometimes you do kind of have to just be like really open and let it let be what's gonna be until there's like a moment where you're like Okay I'm gonna kind of like Run with this a little bit because this feels good to me like something about this is like working and and and then you know Maybe you get to a point where you can think a lot more clear about like going in the future but I think it's kind of like everybody's a little bit different with that and sometimes  I think the biggest thing is like, you can have structure, you can have vision, as long as it has an open vast field to live in.

Because like, it has to like, move and groove and shift and, and, You have to kind of be able to like, go with that, rather than like, letting it completely defeat you or be in that space where you're like, waiting for something magical to happen when  A lot of that has to really kind of come

And you can't, like, choose one of those little glimmers of, like, ooh, this is happening. Like, you don't get to choose when those are happening, so you just have to, I think, be really grateful for them when they do and lean into them and, like, savor them for what they're worth. Challenge will come. And I think, I think it's just, like, constantly reminding yourself of that will be helpful for people.

I don't know. We've gone a lot of

directions. Yeah.

to, I hope this all does, like, come together and make sense to everybody. So we had education overload. I think that's kind of the, the,  Most of what we wanted to touch on. So I think the main takeaways for stylists that I hope is that if you guys are hearing this and you find, and again, if you're not feeling this, let this episode go, don't take on this stress.

If it is not already something that you're dealing with. 

And we

just had a masterclass inside of Soul Tribe this last month, where Kristen who's in Leisha's Soul Tribe, she did like this social media detox, and I know Leisha really took it on too, and so that's been a conversation we've been having a lot inside of Stylist Soul Tribe. So one, I think for ourselves, obviously, take what we have said, unplug, mute, what you need to, you've heard a million people say that, but you have an interesting perspective where, like, Do clients also feel that?

And then you were telling me this like TikTok rabbit hole you kind of, should we go there? You kind of


flew down. Yeah

Yeah, I mean and I think like the social media detox is really good even to just like for a stylist point of view because it is like really interesting how when you do step away from like getting that like feeling like you're yelled out from like every angle it is like It is like a reset.

It's a really nice reset. So I do feel like if you are in that place That's a that's a great first step to go to is like literally completely detox. But I do think it's it's an interesting perspective of like we've been feeling that i've heard so So many stylists who are feeling bored burnt out like Like don't know where instagram's going social media is going and I can't help but to kind of also wonder if like Clients feel that way as well, especially because it's become, I almost feel like Instagram has become like an entire industry podcast, or like a marketing podcast, or not podcast, but

have, but really it feels


people in our life who aren't in this industry do not have the same issue that we have.

So there's definitely something happening in this industry specifically.

And I, I think like the thing that Lisa was kind of referencing with the, the Tik Tok thing that I fell down, I was watching a Tik Tok video and it was not even hairstylist related, but there was something mentioned about a, you know, like going to a hair appointment as part of this girl's day or something like that.

And I kind of caught this thread of comments and it was really interesting because a lot of people were really talking about how they felt like stylists are just,  Charging to charge, like they're charging like, you know, really high prices, and then like they have to spend all day at the salon, and it's like, they, they don't really want that, but it, and, and then even too just hearing, I heard specifically a lot of people even saying like, okay, well here comes all the hairstylists who are gonna go on and tell us why they charge this, and why this matters, and why they're doing that, and, and it was just like an interesting perspective to kind of hear, and obviously I like empathize from the other side, because I'm like, no, no!

Oh, you're, yeah! But. But at the same time, like we do have to recognize that like truly  our clients don't care about some of that stuff. So like putting out reels and things like that about like how you run your business or like product costs or like even like.  In the world of like our industry, like, we're obviously the only ones that actually care about that and I think just some of that has turned almost into like clients could be feeling like they're just getting, they're seeing this left and right and getting yelled at from like stylists and salons that they've maybe followed and I think that a lot of like, you know, clients or just people are feeling kind of like bombarded by just so much and I think it's almost, I don't know, I don't know, like,

like when Instagram was fresh, it

it was

like this exciting new space. We have all been on here trying to figure shit out,

taking courses,

how to do reels, using chat GPT. We're all trying to play the same strategy in the same game, but it's almost like you just like leave all these people  to their devices of like, what, what is this going to turn into?

And I do think it's just become this echo chamber, this, you know. regurgitated again and again and again, and you, we've all heard it. It's going to be me saying what other people have said. We've seen the posts about, you know, don't shame your clients for how they come in. And I don't even stay on one side or the other.

I think we're all just playing with our phones. We

don't know what the right thing to

is. And like, again, I empathize for everyone doing that, but it Leisha telling me. What she was reading, because I honestly don't know if I would have dove as deep into that either. Like, I don't know if I would have sat and like, consumed that as much, but I think all that just goes to say is like, It is an app on our phone.

I know that's why you guys are listening to this podcast. That's probably how you, like, so it is important, but in the same breath, it doesn't fucking matter at all, you know? 

And I don't say any of that to like, again, like, cause I'm still out here marketing

making real, doing what we

I think those things are important, but I think it's important, like the whole point, I guess, of where I was even going from that.

And obviously the TikTok comments I saw as a small percentage of like people, but I just think it's important to really reevaluate.  Our customers needs and wants because we've gotten into this place of like, like you said, we're kind of like taking this information and maybe it's regurgitated. Maybe it's built upon and we have to also realize that like those things constantly change.

Like our markets constantly change, consume, consumerism constantly changes, like

keeping your feet on

Yeah, it's so it's just being aware of that and less reassessing as we need to and not getting too, too, like you said, caught up with like it. Things as I said, with the app, how you're coming across, but also just not too caught up too with like what we think that we constantly need to be like doing and putting out and, you know, whether, whatever spectrum that looks like.

So I just want to add that in because I don't want that to seem like I'm like...

totally, but when was the last time we stopped and just said like, let me put myself in my

client's shoes? Yeah. What

do they care about right now? And it is like, going back to education, we've been learning for so long that we need to show up, we need to keep the algorithm primed, we need to hack all these things, we need to go viral, we need to do all this, that we really have like, floated off so far that like, we're not grounded in like, What are we doing all this for, you know?

And again, here, and here's where I find a difference, too, from my perspective watching people. If social media is an outlet for you and it makes you feel good and you


fun creating it and that naturally comes to you, for the love of God, do that. You are the people who are like succeeding with it. If you hate doing it, like when we get on Soul Tribe calls and it's like, okay, what's your homework for the month?

So like, I guess I'm going to post three times on Instagram and I'm like, Do you want to do that? Like, why is that our homework? And like, if it feels right for you, if it's a creative outlet, if it feels like you're like getting your point across great, if you're feeling like, I don't even know what to do, but I was just told that I'm supposed to do it.

Take a break. I'm not saying never do it again. Clearly I've built my business through social media, but like, we just need to come back to like,  what is working. And also there are successful stylists in my community where some of them are. Blowing up on social media, that's where they've seen their success.

And there's some that are not on social media at all, that are more successful than anyone else. So it's just, again, honoring what your journey is supposed to be, and that it doesn't have to be what everybody else is doing.

Oh yeah, totally.

It feels like a lot of this should go without saying, but we just, again, we're in these rooms and we hear these same things come up again and again, and I just feel like sometimes we just have to like turn the lights on and be like, what are we all fucking talking about?

You know?

know, like. Yeah, cause like, I listen, someone could be listening to this podcast, cause I've done this before too, where I'm like, oh yeah, fuck yeah, I'm like so inspired, I'm done with this.

And then it takes like sometimes one moment like maybe the next day where I'm on Instagram and I instantly feel like oh shit Like no, I should be doing that. So I think that's the moment. It's not when you're listening to this right now It's like tomorrow when you're scrolling on instagram Make sure you take a pause when you feel that moment and really like reassess just like everything Lisa was saying earlier and make sure it's It's right for you, aligned for you, what you need.


in Kristen's masterclass, she like really took it serious and she like had a strategy to it and I was like, share this with everyone else. It really worked for you. And she like she said time limit on Instagram for one minute because that was the lowest you could do. She handed her husband her phone and she said, you put in the code because I'm detoxing.

I don't want to lose my drafts. I don't want to delete the app. But she was like, you put the code in and so she could only go on Instagram for one minute and it also made her realize how many, how often she was just subconsciously

looking at it,

Cause again, we're all addicted to our fricking phones. And she said that there was a point then in less than one minute, because that's when the timer went out.

She checked her messages, like is anybody messaging the salon? She's a salon owner. She needs to hear from people. She got a message from another owner that she looks up to as she's inspired by, and that owner had an auto response set up and you know how Instagram is constantly changing. And some of you are like, I didn't even know they had auto responses.

Somebody who's like, yeah, I've had that set up. And in that moment, she goes, Oh, of course, she's like up to date on the newest thing. Of course, I don't have auto responses set up for my, for people who are messaging my, and she said in less than one minute, she was already like, I'm not doing as good as this owner that I could be doing as

good as.

as, and that like, you don't even sometimes notice that it's happening.

It's just these like microscopic feelings that then lead to I'm burnt out. I'm uninspired. I feel like I'm cranking my wheels and nothing's coming of it.


And I just feel like sometimes we just have to like bring awareness to it and talk about it.

Yeah, yeah, cause even to like, I, I did I kind of followed Chris and Social Media Detox too.

And I will say even just like another perspective of that is like almost, just like how you were saying earlier, how you can almost get too deep into your businesses and like your expectations. You can get too deep into like social media to where you're like you, It, you don't, it's like a post analysis or like paralysis or whatever and I felt like that for a while and, and almost taking a complete week off and not looking at, not thinking about it, coming back on, I felt kind of like, re inspired just to like, make a bunch of reels

and post, and

I was like, and I, yeah, and I'm like, I don't even really care if this is like, relevant, like, to what the trends are, whatever, but like, and I put that out and I feel good about that, and like, I didn't get like, too in my head about that, so sometimes, again, It's, I think it can go a lot of different ways with that, but yeah, it's just, it's all about just knowing when you need to like take a step back and take a moment.

Yeah, yeah, and I just, we see so many people again in our circle, if this isn't the reality for you, great, I love that, but if you ever find yourself just feeling down and feeling discouraged and feeling like you're just posting for the sake of posting, you don't even know why you're doing this anymore, you don't even know what to say, you're like, oh, I gotta plan my weekly post, let me scroll Instagram and see what everyone else is doing and do a version of it. 

Why are we doing this? It's a crazy hamster wheel we've all found ourselves in and sometimes we just have to be like, what's going on? Again, I say that in the exact same breath of like, Same. Like, we're

all still trying to figure this out. Like,

Like, I'm not this, like, on my, you know, high horse, like, telling you guys what to do.

Same. I feel it, too. I'm always trying to do it, too. I just think it's empowering to talk about and hear other people say it. And that's what we find so many times during Soul Tribe calls is one person will say it and everybody will be like, same. And we're

like, okay, so

I'm not alone in this. Like, I feel what I'm feeling other people are dealing with as well.

So. I'm glad we got to touch on that. I feel like we kind of went over most of our things. Is there any other, like, major? Things you want to dive into. This has been like a total chit chat

episode, but I kind of dig it. We'll

it listens back, but I kind of like it. No,

No, I feel like we definitely gave a really good overview and even intertwined all three of those things really well. So, yeah,

Okay. So the last thing we're gonna do when we wrap up, who knows if this is gonna be something that continues, but I There's, I was like laying in bed one night scrolling TikTok, which I do way too much, and there's this like cute little TikTok trend. Maybe you guys have seen it. It's like the weekly report or the monthly report.

I don't know if me and Leisha are going to do a quarterly report. I don't know how often we're going to do this, but it's like, it's like photos on TikTok that you like swipe through and there's R E P O R T. R is reading, E is eating. P is play, O is obsessing, R is recommending, and T is treat. And I love looking at them because I always want to know what people are reading.

If you guys are anything like me, I get stuck on these like hyperfixation foods and stuff like that. So this is just silly, this is stupid. I may start bringing this to Soul Tribe episodes, I may not, but I'm gonna have Leisha start off with her,  we'll call it the November report, but I don't know when we're gonna do this next.

So what's your R for reading?

Okay, so this isn't what I'm currently reading, but I did just read and this is an, this is an oldie book. Like I think it came out in like 2017 or something. But it was like I read it at the time I needed to read it. But it's the book Unfuck Yourself, and it's by Scott.

I'm losing the train of his last name, but it's just and it really kind of actually ties into this episode well, because it's really just about like Embracing the uncertainty like getting out of your head and like taking a step back and just like knowing that like It's gonna work out and things and it was a really easy read and I think it yeah It was just that was like my favorite read lately.

I needed it at the moment. Yeah Okay, so E for me is So, dark chocolate granola, I know that is like kind of basic, but there's this specific brand and it's from Hy Vee, which is obviously like a local store here. I don't know if I can find this version other places. I forget, it's something like monkey something, I have no idea.

But anyways, they just have like these like dark chocolate granola bites. and it's like my favorite snack. I'm just like


actually, no, I don't think it is. I think it's kind of mixed into the like, you know, cereal section or whatever, but, but yeah, I don't know. I'm just

on somewhere else and you

know. I know. Yeah.

That's the only

I know these are so stupid, but I love to

hear these little

little things about people. I love it.

Okay, so what is your P for play?

Okay. So recently. My husband and I, we have never done like an indoor climbing gym, but we, there's a really cool one actually here in Bloomington called Upper Limits and it was just so freaking fun and like they turned these farm silos into these like, you know, the, the climbing and like they are almost like 70 feet high.

It is crazy, but it was so much freaking fun. It was such a good workout. It was just like, you're just falling back like a kid. Like it was just like good, like, Play like time. Yes, totally.

I've never even been there so I need to go there. Maybe that's what we need to do that weekend.

maybe we should. Yeah, it's really fun.

It's super fun.

fun. Okay, how about O for obsessing? What are you obsessing over right now?

Okay, again, this, like, feels like such, like, basic, like, I like the basic basics, tell me. But, I, I just recently finally got on the, like, guava stone thing, And I think I literally just lay in bed, and I'm just,

like, Guasha?

Or gua sha, gua sha, sorry. Like, what is

What is Guava?

no. It's

It's like a fruit, isn't it? Yes, it is. Yes. The Guasha Stone.

sha stone. The gua sha stone, yes. It's like a massage, okay. Yes, basically just a facial

put it in the freezer?

like, go to the freezer? Sometimes, I don't always, I forget sometimes. I have one, but I

don't use it as much

Yeah, but I just like, like to sit in bed. I'll like watch shows and I'm just constantly like, I don't know.

What is that lymphatic drainage?

Yeah, yeah, but it's just like, I really enjoy it. I don't know. Okay, so This is kind of corny, but I put social media detox. So again, we talked about that in the episode But I do really like really really recommend it.

I think it's a really great reset that we all need at some point

and then T for treat.

What's your treat?

Recently I treated myself to a massage, and I, again, I know that's like a common thing, but this specific massage literally was like the best massage I ever got in my life. She said we mark up

we get on we get on a weekly call, we call it our L and L meeting every Wednesday morning. 

And we do

a check in, like, how are you feeling? Are you red, yellow, green? Like, are you overwhelmed? Are you good? And then we do, like, a segue. It's from the book Rocket Fuel. That's how I came up with these ideas. And so we always say, like, our personal and professional, like, wins or highs, just so we're staying up to date with each other's lives.

And it was a low week for you. Like, you were already, like, stressed. You were feeling not good. We were all kind of in a rut. There was a lot of people in a rut that week, myself included. And I remember, She sent me a polo and then the very next polo, I don't even think I like watched it yet, but she came in and she was just like, I don't care about anything



I feel so good right now. Everything I said I take back. Yeah. That's all you needed was

just to reset. I know, it was, yeah, it was really good. Like, I, I've never had a massage where you almost feel like you're in, like, a euphoric state afterwards. That's That's literally what I was at. So the moral of the story of all of mine is I just need to make regular trips back to Bloomington for the climbing gyms, the massage, and

my Darkanella treatment.

She just needs to have like a staple living here, a vacation house, or maybe like an Airbnb or

something. I know. I

Because I don't want her to leave me. Okay. My report. Our reading it does not go in alignment with this.

Podcast episode 

I've been reading Buy Back Your Time for a long time.

It's actually in my purse. I'm on the last chapter. I'm about to be done. I don't know what book I'm starting next. And it's good. It was recommended to me by my friend Hunter. It is for like outsourcing and hiring and it's just a really, really good perspective. It's a very actionable book. That's by Dan Martell and I actually was reading it and then it got gifted to me also at my mastermind.

And I have two actually. Do you want one?

Sure. I was like, oh, I can give

that to someone. So make sure I give that to you before you leave. Okay reading, eating, my hyper fixation that I've been eating for a while now and I'm just so obsessed with is good culture cottage cheese mixed with like scramble an egg or two eggs with good culture cottage cheese.

It like melts so good. It's super protein rich. Put that on a slice of sourdough in the morning. I, it's like my go to. I fucking love it. 

Play for

me, I did, Leisha and I did a yoga class a couple weeks ago here where we're at, and that was my first yoga class I've ever done, but it was so much fun. And I'm like, I'm a girly that does yoga now, like

I want to start


So we're actually going to do one again in a couple of weeks. So highly recommend that. I had another one for play, what else did I, oh, and another one for play, I have my daughter and I have been watching The Golden Bachelor, have you watched

that? No. 

It is

I've seen, like, some

fucking good and funny. Okay, in like the way that The Bachelor is.

So I went down a, it was probably a few years ago, I was watching the regular Bachelor and I like got into a habit of that and it was just like turn my brain off, brain off escapism. It's so stupid when you're watching it. Like I say out loud as I'm watching it, this is so stupid. But the regular Bachelor, they would have to like...

Artificially, like, make this drama and so that made it so stupid. The Golden Bachelors, all like older people. So Gary, the guy, he's 73, I think.

and he's, oh my gosh, he's 73.

and he talks like Kermit the Frog. And he's so precious and pure and good. And all these ladies are in their 70s. They don't have to fabricate any drama.

It is so fucking funny all on its

own. Oh my gosh.

And Skylar, my 10 year old daughter, Loves it. Like she, but Skylar loves old people. Like she's so drawn to, like, she just thinks they're so cute. And


she's, here's another random tangent. My papa, my, my papa, Skylar's great papa. He's 92. He's my last grandparent that's alive.

He, this is, my sister told me this yesterday. It made me want to cry. My Aunt Shelly told her he asked for Lily's number because he wants to text Skylar and Lily and start communicating with them more to give him something to remember them by. So he has been having Skylar and him go back and forth with lines of the Gettysburg Address in their text messages.

And Skylar loves it. And so that's why I said, like, it's

Okay, but that's like, precious. It's so cute. Like, what the heck? Like, the

the fact that my papa is 92.

Oh my

gosh. Sitting in his apartment by himself, and he's such a good texter. He sends emojis. He's so good at texting. And so he texts her, he's like, do you know much about Abraham Lincoln?

She said, sadly, no. That's what she wants her own back. And then he goes, okay, let's start what he's the most known for is the Gettysburg Address. I'm gonna send you a line, and you look it up, and you send me a line. It will take some time, but. Let's do it together that it's like four score and seven years ago.

So then we were like on the Alexa asking her to tell us the Gettysburg Address and Skylar was writing it back. So I think before long I'm gonna know the Gettysburg Address, which is the cutest fucking thing. Anyway,

am freaking obsessed with that entire story.

too. So

too. I am too. So

loves it.

Golden Bachelors. She

loves watching these little old ladies with their cute little cringy, funny, precious, adorable.

If you guys haven't watched the

Golden Bachelor, it is so pure and hilarious and stupid

and amazing. If you want to turn your brain off and like that to me, that is play. Yup. Okay. What am I obsessing over? Oh, here's what I'm obsessing over. I.  I'm going to go on tangents with all these. Okay, so I used to sometimes get my nails done and I would always get a full set since like, you know, we all, we're in middle school, we went to the mall and we got a full set for 25.

Every time I go into a nail salon, I kind of panic and I don't know what to say. And I'm like, full set. Like I just freak out. And cause that's all I've ever gotten. That's all I ever know to get. And it destroys my nails. And so I get it sometimes when I take pictures, I try to keep up with it and then my nails look like shit and I like don't have good looking nails.

I've always like. Had this thing with my, like, I, they, they bend, they break, whatever. I got a gel manicure for the first time, which I know is no big deal

to, like, a

a hundred percent of the population, except for myself, I am a

and does yoga classes.

Yeah. So like I walked out of there. And this guy was so nice, he, Rosemary Nails, we're shouting out all the Bloomington places, Jason at Rosemary Nails, he was so great, it didn't hurt, I'm usually like in pain at the nail salon, he was so gentle, my nails look so nice and I just don't feel like grody and it just feels really good.

So I am a new human, I get gel manicures every two weeks and I go to yoga now, apparently, we'll see how long that lasts. Yeah. I've really taken on a new identity, so I've been obsessing now. Recommending, I couldn't really think of anything, so what I'm going with is weightlifting. I have, Ryan and I have been on a good groove.

We have been working out so consistently, like nearly daily. Every single day when he gets off work, we have been training together, we, you know, do our own like split, we do legs, push, PRs on his phone. I just do whatever he tells me to do. But I have been feeling so good. I feel like I've been looking good.

We're on a good groove and I've just been like consuming my own podcast And like there is so much  that ties back to weightlifting of like longevity, anti aging, like your skin. And I know so many people, there's yoga, there's running, there's what are all these things. I just recommend that you guys all start some sort of weightlifting routine because it really is powerful.

And I feel like on top of my fitness right at this very moment. And then treat. I have two different treats. The weekend of my birthday, I hung out with my girlfriends, the Fab Five, that I've been friends with for forever. And we all booked a trip to go to LA to visit my friend Kylie in April. So that was a treat.

I'm so excited. We've always done, like, weekends. Since, like, 2016 we started getting together regularly. Like, we were friends when we were, like, four. And then we would see each other every once in a while. And then Jacqueline's brother passed away in 2018 and we got really close again. And so we've just been, like, seeing each other regularly.

But we've never done like a weekend trip and this is going to be an extended weekend and we're like flying on airplanes together. And it's going to be so much fun. When we were kids, we went to the Wisconsin Dells all together and that was fun. So I'm just like giddy to hang out with all of them. And Kylie, if you're listening to this, you probably are we might get like a helicopter ride because Kylie's getting her helicopter license right now.


be so cool. I'm so excited. I'll probably puke if I do that, but that's a big treat. And then another thing that I'm treating myself to.


in like a week and a half I think because I just got the notification on my phone to stop picking my face because I'm really bad at that, but I'm getting a chemical peel for the first time Like I've gotten like the little ones with a facial but this is like a full it's called a VI peel It's like a seven day peel and on day three and four your skin peels off like a snake and I just love trying weird shit Like I'll try anything once so I'll obviously be posting on my Instagram story as my skin is peeling and

I can't wait to see, yeah,

I can't wait to do that.

So that's my November report. Hope you guys enjoyed that little tidbit and yeah, this was a fun episode. I can't think of anything else. Any other final thoughts from you?

No, apparently just watch Golden Bachelor is what we've learned. Watch the

It's so good. It actually was on last night and we went out

to eat. Oh, yeah. Instead

Watching it.

So me and Skylar are going to binge it tonight because I don't know if it's Leslie that won or if it's Teresa, but I think


it's Leslie,

We'll see.

but we'll see. 

Spoiler alert.

Yeah, but I don't know. Yeah, by the time this comes out, it will definitely

will definitely be.

Okay, thank you guys for listening. Grateful as fuck for all of you, and thank you, Lucia, for these fun

Thanks for having me on today.