Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations

039 - L&L Chit-Chat: The Power of Community and Mastering Morning Routines

Lisa Huff

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Welcome back to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations! In this episode, Lisa Huff and Leisha Thompson dive deep into the significance of community support and the transformative power of mastering morning routines. Join us as we explore personal updates, share practical business tips, and discuss the importance of having a balanced life outside of work. Whether you’re looking for ways to enhance your productivity or seeking inspiration to tap into your creative side, this episode is packed with valuable insights and heartfelt conversations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consistency in Content: The importance of maintaining regular updates despite busy schedules.
  • Personal Updates: Leisha's move from RV life to a rental house in California and Lisa's decision to stay in Illinois.
  • Community Support and Vulnerability: The impact of a Soul Tribe member sharing her struggles and the subsequent community support.
  • Practical Business Tips: Tips on setting alarms for morning routines, showing up early, and maintaining a professional appearance.
  • Addressing Burnout and Work-Life Balance: The necessity of having hobbies and interests outside of work to prevent burnout.
  • Importance of Morning Routines and Intentionality: How setting intentions and visualizing a successful day can boost productivity.
  • Utilizing Resources: Encouraging active engagement with community resources and support systems.
  • Creating White Space and Pocketbooking: Scheduling personal time to ensure a balance between work and personal life.
Quarterly REPORT:

  • Reading: Lisa is reading "The Artist's Way" and Leisha is reading "The 90s".
  • Eating: Lisa is enjoying grilling and cooking at home, while Leisha loves grilled food and Granny Smith apples with peanut butter.
  • Playing: Lisa has been attending her kids' softball and baseball games, and Leisha enjoyed a recent concert.
  • Obsessing: Lisa is obsessed with her new backyard and Leisha with tubing mascara.
  • Recommending: Lisa recommends pocketbooking personal time and Leisha suggests writing gratitude letters.
  • Treat: Lisa's treat is cherry limeade poppies, and Leisha enjoys having fun dance parties.
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Welcome to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I'm your host, Lisa Huff. Over the last five years, I've coached hundreds of hairstylists and beauty industry professionals, helping them work their dream schedules exclusively with their dream clientele and earn their dream income. income, all while fostering genuine connections and lifelong friendships inside the beauty industry. And this podcast, we dive deep into abundance, manifestation, business building strategies, and creating a life that you are truly proud of both behind the chair and at home. Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, success, and sisterhood, then hit that subscribe button now and get ready to experience the pure magic of Silas Old Tribe Conversations. Hi friends, welcome back to Stylus Ultribe Conversations. I'm here with Alicia for another L& L Chit Chat. We originally wanted to do these quarterly, and we were going to do one a couple weeks ago post our just weekly meeting, and honestly we were so busy with the Resource Fair coming up, leading into launch, we were just like, Like, okay, we can't do this. We gotta scrap it. So we pushed it out a couple weeks. So if you've missed us on our quarterly little chit chats we're still here. We still plan to do these every so often. How are you doing, Leesh? I am good. It has been a really busy couple weeks, but It was, it's been fun though. We've had a lot of fun things happening and coming up. So, yeah. Give everyone an update on your life. I know, I mean, some Soul Tribe members cared enough. Yeah. Now in California, give everyone like a little recap. I'm trying to think when of the last one we recorded, like, was it? I think it was in Washington still. Okay. So, like, so lots has changed. So, yeah. So yeah, if you know me, I'm the traveling hairstylist and I've been living in an RV. But I'm still obviously doing the traveling hairstylist business, but we are down in California and my husband and I decided to take a little bit break from RV life. So we actually moved into a little rental house and it's actually been a really just refreshing, nice change of pace. Not that I don't love RV life, but it's not a forever thing. And we've been doing it For a year and a half at that point and I think we just, yeah, we've been enjoying the change and the coziness and the beautiful yard that I have here and open kitchen and the little things you just don't always think about. I'm like, oh, this is so nice. It has to feel surprisingly grounding to like be on a foundation and not on wheels. Like, I know you love that and that is like, honestly, kind of you as a person, like you are somebody that likes to move, that likes to shake, but there has to be something like, grounding and rooting about doing that. So I'm happy that you guys are getting settled. And now, once you started talking, I was thinking about it. Yeah, the last time we recorded, I like, was talking about potentially moving to Arizona. So so much. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That's how long it's been. So long story short, I didn't end up moving to Arizona. I had quite a processing period of time through all of that. We got some clarity. We decided to stay put in Illinois. We did still move. It was almost like the enticement of an out of state move started a conversation, which then made us really look at everything in our life. And it warmed up a little bit in Illinois. We were like, maybe we don't want to live in the desert, actually. My husband received a really great promotion at work. And we decided to just move about 10 minutes away. Better school district for the kids and. So I have been obviously over the last three, four months, however long it's been, been getting settled in my new home. We did a massive patio project. Leisha knows I can't stop talking about it. I am obsessed with my backyard. So that's what's been happening with me. That's what's been happening with you. So it's obviously been a long time coming this, this little chit chat. So let's get into it. So when we were first discussing doing this, like I said, truthfully, it was a couple of weeks ago. I just can't even pretend like this isn't the case. And a couple of weeks ago. Something that was really relevant inside of Soul Tribe was we had a member jump into the Mega group, the Mega Marco Polo group. Those of you that are Soul Tribe members know what I'm talking about. Those of you that aren't, I'm probably speaking another language. But we communicate on Marco Polo, which is like a video, almost like a Snapchat meets a group text message kind of thing, where you just kind of chit chat on videos and stuff. Someone chimed in, I'm not gonna say your name but obviously everyone in Soul Tribe who's listening will know who I'm talking about, and her specifically, and I really, if you're a listening friend, want to commend you for this, because I feel like you were so brave in coming into the megagroup and sharing this, but she basically was just like, guys, I'm struggling, like, I'm struggling really bad, I'm not retaining my clients. I, there's no new clients coming in. Money is tighter than it's ever been. I feel like I'm trying all the things. I feel like I'm doing all the things and I'm just not seeing any, you know, traction and One, that's, like, so hard to do, to jump into a group of nearly a hundred people and, like, say that out loud. That's really hard to do, but what was really cool after that was seeing all of Soul Tribe. I mean, it turned into, like, a mini hot seat. Yeah. All of Soul Tribe frickin showed out and came up with such Simple, yet unique, yet just really clear and decisive action that she can start taking. So like, what were some of your biggest takeaways, you know, leading up to that? Obviously you were in the group, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, cause I feel like a lot of people also came in and I think first just was like, I can relate to you on this or I've been there right there with you on this. So I think just also it takes that one person just to be like vulnerable and open to spend sometimes kind of realize like, Oh, I actually kind of struggle with that too. Like, I'm actually kind of really glad we're having this conversation with everybody. So I do just want to add that too, because I think that. It, that's usually how it goes. You just need that one person to be like brave enough and just kind of open up and be vulnerable. But there's always other people who are in the same boat with their feelings. Yeah. But yeah, there were a lot of like good talk and I think it was kind of like, we had to really focus in on like, okay, what can we do today, right now, tomorrow? So I think just, you know, if you're in that similar boat, it's also kind of like, you can have all the things, you know, be Things that feel like a problem or whatnot, but it is also kind of like tackle what you can do right now to start making those small changes. Cause then that can kind of snowball. So I think that was really insightful, but one of the things that came up that I thought was just really smart and such a simple hack was Somebody came in and talked about how they set different alarms for themselves throughout the day. So if like, if you're, if you're someone who's always rushing in the morning or you have a, you know, you have kids, you've got to like run and do these things before you get to work. Really kind of setting these different alarms. Like, okay, I need to have You know, I need to be showered by this time. I need to have the kids dressed by this time. I need to pack all the lunches for me and everybody else by this time. This is the time that I need to leave. This is like the oh shit I really need to leave time like just these little alarms. So it's just kind of like that check in in the morning I just thought that was so smart and such a simple little hack, especially if you're someone who gets distracted really easily or You just feel like you have a lot of you know Different things that you have to do in the morning and you want to sleep stay on track, obviously, and on time. Totally. And to backtrack that a little bit, kind of where the conversation went from this, like, initial, like, kind of cry for help was you know, people came in with a really reasonable kind of what we're doing. Are you posting on social media? Are you asking your clients for reviews? Are you asking for referrals? But Krissa, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me saying that. She's been on the podcast before. She jumped in and she said Here are two things you can do that are free. They take nearly no energy at all. Maybe you're already doing them, but I think all hairstylists need to hear this. Oh, anybody probably needs to hear this because this is something we can slip on so easily, but the people who are on it, it really, really works well for them and it will never steer you wrong. Chris was like, you can show up looking the part every single day. That's something that so slowly slips away from us. Like it starts with like, One cute messy bun, which then turns into a not so cute messy bun, which then turns into a pair of leggings, which then turns into just like whatever my clients know me and love me. I can show up however I want. But after months and months and sometimes years can pile of that slow trickle effect and you stop and someone holds a mirror up and says, wait, are you actually showing up like a beauty professional into this business? Even if you think, oh, I don't have to. My clients love me. They know me. We have this comfort level. I want to say, if your business is, is showing you otherwise, that was some tough love that I thought she shared really eloquently, really nice. And then another thing she said is, are you showing up early? And the girl, the woman responded back, honestly, I'm a right on time kind of person, or I'm a maybe five minutes before my client if I'm lucky kind of person. And again, this is like a tough love kind of comment. We all need that reminder sometimes because it starts with 30 minutes early, then what do I need to do? So. for 30 minutes. I know I'm 15 minutes early than before. I know what I'm walking in at the same time as my client, and I'll own it. Honestly, you guys, yesterday I walked in at the same time as my client because I had a little one on one check in call that I did before I left for work, and I turned on the light switch, and the freaking power was off at the salon, and I had my client there with me, because we had bad storms. So, like, I'm not saying it to make anyone feel like crap, but also, like, if your business It's suffering right now, which the tone of the industry is kind of feeling like a lot of people are feeling that way. We've gotten so overachiever with everything and like we've done so many big, beautiful things in our business that sometimes we just lose sight of the really simple, free, beautiful There's no reason you can't do a tomorrow kind of things. And so then that conversation then led into, well, it's hard for me to get there early because of this or because of this, and that's where Alicia was talking about that reminder of the alarms. We then talked about, okay, well, how are we spending our morning? Like, make sure you're waking up early, envision what your day is going to look like. Set the intention for the day. Who do you want to show up like today? What do you, you know, if the day is smoothly, perfectly played out in front of you, what would that look like? Spend some time visualizing that. How do you show up? And I just think that reminder was so important and, and so needed for so many people. Again, literally, like I said, myself included, I'm not judging anyone, but I definitely should not have walked in at the same time as my client yesterday, because then I would have saw that the power was out and not had to have that awkward situation. I mean, it's just real. Yeah, and I think that even kind of adds into a form of us nurturing our, Current clients now, which is kind of, you know, a lot of people talk about, you know, how they're maybe just not getting as many new clients and focused on those clients you have now. Cause that is a form of nurture. If you are showing up to them and you are feeling refreshed and fueled, you are, you're not rushing to get set up like that, that really does like make such a difference, I think, to a client's mind. That they're gonna value that time because you are valuing that time. And again, I don't mean that to like, sound like harsh that like, if you're rushing in at the last minute that, but some people could take it like that, that they're like, Oh, well, they don't value this enough to like, be ready for me. So yeah, I think it does just kind of take that really, Like kind of tough look at yourself and your habits and what might be happening. And like one other thing that got shared too with like even just if you're someone who's struggling with the morning that I thought was really smart is she the person who came up with this problem also mentioned how sometimes she gets carried away with doom scrolling in the morning and That's like, we all have that trouble. But there's so many times and somebody else had a really great suggestion for that too. And kind of said that, you know, You, maybe you reward yourself with doom scrolling by getting to work 30 minutes, 40 minutes early. You get set up and then you have 25 minutes to just sit there and doom scroll until your client gets there. Like that's so smart. So smart. Yeah. And I would just want to say this too because it just popped into my head. In the salon that I work at, there's a couple other girls, one being, like, my best friend Riley, and then we had another girl that was working there with us for a while, she's actually not there anymore, she got a full time, like, corporate job and, I'm sure this is okay to share, it's really not a secret at all, she was notoriously late for her clients. I am someone, I'm not, again, I'm not trying to pass judgment, if you're listening to this and you're like, shit, that's me, shit, that's me, it's okay, again, I do it every once in a while, but I am somebody who's like, if I'm not 30 minutes early, I'm stressed out. Like I have to be not even 15 minutes. I like to be 30 minutes early. And I watched for years, her clients come in and they would sit and then be like, she's not here yet. And they, you know, sometimes even five minutes go by. Oh, she texted me to the point where it was almost just kind of like, almost a slight running joke. Like, you know how it is. She'll be here five minutes after your appointment. And at some point, let me just say people who are in that position, Think my clients don't really care. Her clients loved her, they would've stuck with her, she got a different job, clearly her heart wasn't fully in it, but like, they don't care, they would make comments, they wouldn't say it to her because they don't want to make her feel like shit, but like, yes, people do care I've had plenty of appointments one person specifically where I would go get my eyebrows done, she would come like 20, 40 minutes late, and there'd be other times where I'd I'm pre booking my next appointment with somebody else because this is so frustrating. So we just make up stories I think sometimes to protect ourselves. And sometimes you just need someone to say it, and sometimes we need to hear it too. Of just like, stop making excuses and telling yourself lies when you can be doing better, and should be doing better. And don't be surprised when, when you're not. You know, your results are, are showing how, you know, what the cause of the cause and effect kind of playing out of your actions. So this was our result of tough love. I'm going to remind you how to, how to combat it. Yeah. Yeah, you actually, you bringing that up actually brought up a really similar point that I'll just throw in really quick. I had a stylist that I worked with at my last salon and One of her clients that she did color on wanted to get extensions So then I started doing her extensions and I remember one time having a conversation with her and I don't remember how it started But she told me because like even if you're someone were like, well, I have my clients and they're fine with it She was someone who Who was fine with like the stylist I work with is always late to always running behind her appointments always took way longer than they needed to be. And so this client that we were both kind of working on mentioned to me one time, she was like, yeah, she's like, it doesn't bother me so much, but she's like, I would, I really wouldn't refer anybody to her though. Cause like, I wouldn't want to feel like almost like I'm putting somebody else in that position that they trusted my input. And that I just remember being like, Oh, that's actually. Kind of interesting and we moved on from it, but even just to that point, even if you are someone who are like you have room for new clients and you have these clients who maybe do stick with you and maybe they genuinely are a little bit more relaxed about that, they may not be referring anybody to you though, and that could still be kind of a slow problem in itself too, so just Yeah. That's a, that's a great point. And that's just really interesting to hear someone say, no, it's okay. Like I'm used to it. And honestly, I, like I said, I kind of have an eyebrow girl who does that and it's okay. I just know to plan it. Don't plan something right after. Cause it's going to be at least 20 minutes, 20 to 40 minutes later than what you think you're going to get out because she's probably not going to start for at least 20 minutes after the appointment time. And I know that. But. That is such a good point that they're not going to be out here shouting your names from the rooftops. And again, that literally was part of the question. I'm not receiving referrals. My clients notoriously don't refer was the exact quote, you know? So again, we just sometimes need, and I know you're probably listening to this friend, and I want to say again, I'm so proud of you for reaching out and for being brave enough, because you don't know how many people are just Doing those actions and too afraid to speak up and say it because they know they're stuck in that rut. So even like you said, the little tweak of, you could still doom scroll, just do it at the salon. Like we get it. There's, there's reasons you've gotten into this, these habits. We're not saying you have to totally like change overnight and become this like perfect version of yourself. Sometimes that's too hard to reach. So it feels like you can't change anything. But sometimes those little, those little tweaks help. So I think, We should evolve that then into the conversation of, and just to again be transparent with you guys, Leisha and I were doing what we call our weekly L& L right before we hit record on this, and we were just touching base on all things Soul Tribe, as we do every single Wednesday morning. And we were overviewing just kind of the stats from the last quarter and looking. This is gonna, again, make more sense for people who are in Soul Tribe. If you're not listening, it's still fascinating, but this is gonna make sense more for the people who are in Soul Tribe. And we were looking at the stats from last year, and we were just kind of noticing Certain people being a little bit less active and this is something I've struggled with, you know from day one I have always said I want soul tribe to be a tool I don't want it to be a task, you know as someone who says like put your phone down unplug have white space It's like such a fine line but I think the person in Marco Polo that we're talking about was really a good example of, like, sometimes if you're struggling, like, all you need to do is reach out and ask for support, and you'd be surprised how many other people are there, you know, to give it and need it as well, and I think a lot of people, specifically right now, even in Soul Tribe, almost are so used to it. So, yeah. All this access at their fingertips that they just don't even like tap in and use it in the way that they Could and should when they need it. Yeah Yeah, and I think in any Aspect of this, you know, if you're someone who's not in soul tribe It's really easy to just kind of like maybe you are in your salon You have your salon team and maybe you are seeking more you need support and it's really easy to just kind of like Sit in that place you know, it's it's a it's a process without taking action and but still you're gonna feel the same. If not, eventually, maybe it, it compounds on itself. And it really is just that initiative and action of if you need something, sometimes you have to take that first step. And if you do, and you don't get what you're expecting, then maybe that's, you know, maybe you need a change of scenery, or you need to approach it a different way, or just, but I think just it's so easy to kind of Like sit in that place for a bit and be like, well, I could use more of this or I wish I had This or I want to feel more inspired and then you just don't do anything And that's like and we and again, we've all been there. We've all like been in that place But rather than waiting for something to like drop in your lap or come to you or tell you what to do I think so many times people are like just tell me what to do Sometimes we do have to just like decide that for ourself. And I think that's where probably I mean, I know for you, a lot of that is, like, your intuition leading you, but, like, sometimes it's just, like, take a step, even if it feels unsure, like, you have to kind of go somewhere with it, because you're just gonna, yeah. And I said this to Alicia, too, like, some people will say, I just don't have the time for this right now, I'm overwhelmed, it's summer break, my kids, I have so many things on my plate, which, like, just a moment of tough love, like, Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, like, you're, none of us are the only ones with really booked and busy and packed schedules and, like, overwhelmed, but Leisha, when I, when I said that back to her, that's where people are at right now, she's like, well, I'm sorry, but, like, that's when people need to tap in, if that's how you're feeling, like, that is the sign that you need that, that, like, and so, again, for anyone listening to this, no matter where you are, Bye. Bye. There is a 90 percent chance that there is something festering somewhere in your brain where you know a change needs to be made, but you're stuck in the hamster wheel, you're stuck in the, you know, monotony of doing the same thing over and over and over again, and this is just a reminder of like, something's gotta change, and you can literally choose to do that at any time. You know, so it's just that, that reminder, that call for help, whether it's in your relationship, whether it's with your family, whether it's in Soul Tribe, like we're talking about, because that's our own little bubble, whether it's your, you know, team at the salon. I can't tell you how many people, if I ask them right now, like, should your salon team have a come to Jesus moment and like discuss something that we're all just kind of sweeping under the rug? Almost always, yes. So like, it's just that continuous reminder. We just want to be that person in your ear of like, Face the things that feel hard and feel complicated. Lean in if you need help from other people. Just because you can't figure all the answers out by yourself in your head, sometimes communication is just like step one in that. Sometimes you just need to say it out loud and someone else gets to help you piece it together and then you have a ton of clarity after that. Yeah. Yeah, because just like, The first, you know, example we were talking about with the Soul Trey member, I mean, you might be surprised what comes out of it and there's no reason to feel shame or confusion or feel like you have to come approach something with all the pieces together and, you know, and that's why it was like, so refreshing to have, you know, this member kind of come up with Yeah. to come into the group and ask support and be very real. Cause like, that's what many of us need to kind of remember that we can utilize and do. And it's just, especially in our soul tribe group, you know, you're going to be met with so much love and ideas and inspiration. And so, yeah, tap into that. You know, Could not agree more. Okay, so when we were sitting down, I think that's kind of everything we wanted to say on that. I'm actually happy you were able to share that message with me, because Alicia was like, maybe you just need to get on a Facebook Live and just kind of, like, say that to everyone. I'm like, oh, that's so hard for me. I don't want to be, like, pestering or whatever, but there are literally so many resources that we work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide for people, to then hear, like, Oh, I wish we had this, or I wish we had this, or I could use some more support. And it's like, chances are you have so much support around you, you just need to tap into it and use it. So that's gonna be my with love, little, you know, tough love reminder for that. But then as we were talking about talking points for this, Leisha said, she actually shared this with me yesterday on a Marco Polo, that she saw a Instagram post that caught her attention from somebody she loves to follow. If you want to give her a shout out, you can, or you don't have to. Someone she loves to follow shared a post about, like, Not having hobbies in your business being your only hobby isn't cute or something like that. Tell us what the post was and let's just kind of dive in. Because I have thoughts you shared with me, but I haven't shared my thoughts with her yet. So tell me. So I'll share. This is from Coach Anyan on Instagram. She does some social media work and she was an extension educator or whatnot. But she she posts really, I love her content. Like if you need a little inspiration, you should, That said, being obsessed with your job and having no hobby isn't cute. And I think the comments went in a really different direction than what honestly I would have expected. And I think what she expected, but there were comments that kind of almost were being met a little bit with I don't, like, negativity. Like, people were triggered, maybe. People were triggered. They felt called out and they didn't like that. So what were some of the comments that were on that? Yeah, so there were some that, so this one was said, well, if your job is your, or what if your job is your favorite thing in the world? And saying that you know, I love what I do and I'm not going to stop loving it and I think that I should be okay with that. People were saying that, This kind of stings because I love what I do and I feel like it's so much of who I am and I love giving that to people. And this person said I, I would be happy for the people who actually enjoy what they do and getting to do that as a job. So I need to go look at that post. Cause that is wild. That is not what I would have expected. Exactly. So that was just a handful. There's probably some more, but it was just, yeah, it was met in such a bizarre way. I was not expecting. And these are all like, you know, these are hairstylists or beauty industry people. Yeah. And because I have to hard agree with what her reel was about and I know you would too. So I mean, I would love to just hear your initial thoughts on that. So I would have to hard agree, but I also uber empathize with the commenter. So let me say this. I would say For many, many, many, many, many years, I was grateful that, and prided myself on, my hobby for a chunk of time, you guys, was solely business building. Like, it, it made me happier than anything else, it was what I thought about when I would fall asleep at night, it made me excited when I woke up in the morning, I empathize with people like that, and honestly, I'm a little, envious that I've lost that fully because I think that way of thinking, I'm curious to know like the demographic or what has happened of the people in those comments, I will tell you, which I've heard a lot of people say before and I didn't think I was one of them, that only lasts for so long, you know, until the business building gets hard, which it does eventually. And until you're, you know, your identity is so wrapped up in your career and then things aren't, you know, perfect every second of the day, and you can literally, like, demolish your self worth if that's the only thing you have. So, I will say, I can't tell you how many years when Ryan was traveling, the kids were young, during nap times, during whatever, I literally wouldn't watch TV. I would write blog posts. I would film content. I would, like, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. So, like, I kind of get it. I kind of, that is one of my favorite hobbies. But now, as I'm, you know, this distinguished 31 year old, I will tell you, from my experience that only lasts so long, and when things get hard, it's gonna be a lot trickier for you to navigate that when your business is no longer doing so well, then you stop and think, oh, well, the hobby that used to be so fun for me is now not giving me that and I have nothing else to me. There's nothing else behind the, the hairstylist. So now I'm this elder millennial that's gardening. Oh my god. Doing all of my things to say like, yeah, I mean, I'm not even mad at the people who comment that, if that's the season of life you're in, but maybe, maybe not. I think people will eventually learn it is definitely a healthier approach to have. Some more substance to you than just that or your left feeling then you're literally just at the whim of how well your business is doing And that's not that's not fun. There has to be something more to that Did you think that was the take I was gonna say or no? Exactly but actually as you're saying that I can really really like understand that because I feel like I was always somebody who used to Joke that I didn't have hobbies because my business wasn't my life And I and at the same time though You I mean, I don't regret that because it did bring me to a huge piece of where I'm at, but I will say like, I think one of the biggest realizations maybe of this is, is really when COVID happened and you were kind of forced to be home. And I did really dive into a lot of strategic things, but there were only so much I could do. And I remember feeling literally like a lost puppy dog in my house because my husband actually was still working during that time. Yeah. He was still essential. And so I was like by myself and I'm like, I don't like this. Like, what am I supposed to do right now? Like I literally am just sitting here. You can't go anywhere. And like, that was a big realization for me where I'm like, to find something to find, like, what in the world? Like, this is not good. And, and so I definitely go through shifts where I am very business focused and a little less hobby focused, but I will say that I don't, think I would be here where I'm at today if I didn't have those like fun things that I got to do that completely took me out of my business where you get these random pops of ideas or you get to be creative with something and those start to like bleed into Your business in a really positive way. I agree, and I am so grateful we've had this, like, creative journey along the same time as each other. Like, I feel like me and Leisha are both, like, experienced and, like, really diving into creativity. We read, she read The Creative Act. She recommended it to me. We talked about it in the last podcast episode when we get into our report. I'll share with you guys what I'm reading right now because I Wholeheartedly agree. Being a business owner, I think you are an artist. Your art is your business. That is what you create. Being a hairstylist, obviously you're an artist. You're painting hair, you're cutting hair. Doing so many of these careers, I think is like, the ultimate form of creativity. And I would be curious to hear from any of those people who commented on that, how long their only hobby has been their business. Because from my experience, you can only do that for so long until you start to need something to fuel the creativity, or you just hit a wall and you drive yourself mad because there's no more inspiration anymore. There's no more I don't know, anything kind of like fueling that fire and it almost goes into like my realization of like white space and why that's so important for me. And maybe this goes into that and you or someone are always looking for someone else to give them the answer where I am so to a point intuitively when I know I just need to get quiet, I need to get some distance between me and my business just mentally, energetically, and I need to pour myself into something else so that that can keep the Inspiration flowing and it moving. I didn't even realize how full circle that was gonna get, but I do. I know, right? That is the answer. Yeah, so good. Yeah So I would love to know like what's been like your favorite hobby lately Has there been anything that's really been fueling that kind of? Yeah, I don't know, Avi. I mean, those of you that aren't following me closely on Instagram, I posted a video on Facebook too. I have gotten into gardening so I literally wake up every single morning and I check my little green bean plants and I check my little radishes, so that's definitely been mine. Is just kind of my time out on the patio. We're gonna go into the report. I've been reading a book. So I've been going out every single morning and doing that. And that, for a little while there, Leesh, I lost my sacred morning time. And it was between the move and between the stress. It just wasn't naturally coming to me. And you guys know I don't fall asleep. And I'm not going to force anything that isn't naturally coming to me. And I lost that. I mean, I still had it a little bit. I do my regular check and things I needed to do, but they weren't hitting like they used to. It didn't leave me feeling as like inspired when I would wake up in the morning. And lately I have been. So right now for me, it is reading. It is my like gardening. It is my, I've been cooking a lot more in our new house. Leisha knows that I've had a bad addiction with going out to eat. I've been cooking a lot more and. I mean, my hobbies right now too, my kids are on winter or on summer break. We are just also like getting all the sunshine, all the beach days, all the cool days, all the everything that I can squeeze out because I just know how quickly it's over. So those are my hobbies right now. What are yours? Actually some similar ones. I feel like cooking a lot lately and I, I enjoy cooking. I just never always put a lot of time into it sometimes, or I'd rather do something else. So cooking for sure. My husband and I have been way more lately just kind of like, like, turning music on and like, singing and I don't know, like, that's just our thing. We love music. Little plug for Alicia's other podcast. She has a podcast called Road to a 3D with her husband. Where they talk about music together. No, because that's always been one of your hobbies. And so I love that that has been. You guys are just in it right now. Again, sometimes things flow, sometimes they don't, but you guys are in that season right now. And I will say also baths, because as a, coming from RV life, we, I don't have a bath. So I've been really enjoying just like having like just baths where I can get all the extra goodies stuff. I get my book, I just like hang. So that's been like How often are you taking baths right now? Nightly? Multiple times a week? Not nightly, like a few times a week. Yeah, a few times a week. But I've really been making that, like, and I think just even going into reading, this year I decided to read way less business books and just read way more for pleasure. And like the other day week I literally read an entire book in like a day and a half and that was so amazing to me Like I haven't done that in so long. And so I know that doesn't maybe feel like the most crazy hobby but like sometimes it's just that little switch of really turning your brain off and I don't know. Just following. Yeah, going back to that post, I'm really curious. I would love to pick the brains. You know how I am. I always, I just so empathize for people in every situation. So I just wonder where are they at right now, but I would love to know how long people commenting that have been in business and how they do during low slumps. Because for me, that is like my escape is what am I outside of my business? What am I, and now it's even Soul Tribe. It's not just the chair business. What am I outside of that? I'm a mom. What am I outside of a mom? Like, what am I, you know, and that is like where I find peace and what keeps me sane through entrepreneurship because I feel like you, I think most people would eventually hit a point where they need to find that separation or it can be a downward spiral really quickly if that's all you have, you know. Yeah, and I mean it but that's also a tricky thing too and and not to take that in like a darker way But it's also just like if you one day didn't have your business for whatever reason whatever thing might happen What are you left with and and that's like that's a scary place to be like you have to be so much more Than your business and I think That again, I think that just bleeds into all aspects of your life in such a positive way to kind of pour back into yourself without feeling like you need an immediate gratification of like, I can make income from this. It's just the same of like, I was talking to someone in soul tribe just a few days ago, and she's really been into painting murals. And she was like, I, she's like, I hate that my entrepreneur mind wants to go into like, Oh, can I turn this into a business? And I was like, don't do that. Like, this is like such a like free form, like Just a thing that you are enjoying. This is a hobby. And I know, like, we all kind of have that spirit of, like, wanting to turn everything into a business. Well, let it be that, yeah. Yeah, not everything needs to have any, like, you know, not everything needs to be bringing you more than just the gratitude of, like, Enjoyment, you know, as a moment with that activity. Yeah. Oh, such good, such good topics. We dove into I'm glad we went a little over on our L and L meeting. I'm like, shoot, are we going to have to cancel our our podcast episode again, but no, I'm glad we pulled it off. So I think we should do our quarterly report. And for those of you that haven't listened to an LNL chitchat before, I totally copycatted this off of TikTok. I've seen a few TikToks about it and it's R E P O R T. And the first R is reading, eating. Laying, obsessing, recommending, and treat, and people just, like, make TikToks of it, like, saying their favorite things, and I think it's a fun little tidbit, and since we've done the few L& L chit chats, I always get polos about, like, the food that I say I'm eating or whatever, so I know people kind of like this too, so I'm going to share mine. And then you can go ahead and share yours. So my reading is The Artist's Way, which I wanted to mention many times as we were talking but I wanted to save it for the report. It is so good. It's by Julia Cameron, maybe? That might be wrong. The Artist's Way by Julia something. And it's a 12 week course or challenge or something like that. Like, each, the chapters are weeks, and there'll be some reading, and then there'll be some journal prompts, and then there'll be tasks, and then a check in at the end of every week. And part of doing this 12 week experience is you have to do the morning pages every single morning. The first thing when you wake up in the morning, you need to write down. three pages of long form journaling. Just whatever comes to your mind. Even if you say, I don't know what to write. I don't know what to write. I don't know what to write. But you have to write three full pages every morning. And so I bought a new journal and it's big. So I have to write a lot in the morning. Like to the point where my head was cramping in the beginning. But I've been really enjoying that on my patio. And then another thing she says is you have to like take yourself on an artist date once a week where it's like just you by yourself doing something just for fun. Kind of what we've talked about. It's. So good. Which is like, yeah, it's a lot of like repeating what I already know and love, but it's really landing for what I need right now. So I'm on week four of that right now. And it's really, really good. So I would highly recommend that. Eating, we've been doing tons of grilling out. Like I said, I've been doing tons of cooking. I put arugula on everything right now, I'm just, I'm eating lots of grilled foods, lots of, I did a dinner the other day, I've been posting on my Instagram stories all my like, fresh bread and red wine, I always joke that communion is my favorite food, I made this like, Pasta dish with burrata on it and hot honey, and you dip the bread in it. I mean, I've really been, like, eating good. Nice. So I'd say grilling out and cooking at home. P was play. I put softball and baseball games, which technically, now that we're recording that, the season's over, but that has been my entire summer. My, both my kids were in softball and baseball. They had tournaments, and that's where I've been spending, like, all of my time. Obsessing, I put finishing my backyard two weeks ago when we were still finishing it, now I've just been obsessing over my backyard and my patio and sitting out there and enjoying first thing in the morning, late at night with the lights on, fire on, it's been so good. I know, it's like dreamy out there. It's so good. Recommending is pocketbooking your end of summer white space and honestly, now that we're a few more weeks in, It might be too soon for that, but I'm just going to touch on pocketbooking real quick because I don't know if I ever have on the podcast. I do a lot of pocketbooking in the summer. I have for years, especially when I was behind the chair, a lot, a lot, a lot. Whenever I start to feel time poor, whenever I go to prebook my next client and I'm like, shit, six weeks from now, my life is going to be so busy. I, you know, appointments are getting crowded. Kids summer activities. I had this moment a couple weeks ago and I was like, this summer is about to be over before I know it. I need to save some space just to have for mine, so that it doesn't just get filled up by work things and other things and just, you know, disappear. So I just go into, I use Vegaro. I just go into my Vegaro and I make personal chunks of time for myself, and I call it pocketbooking. And for me, it's a beach day with my kids, or it's, you know, start late one morning so I can take a slow morning, or get off early so we can go to the movies, or something like that. But I highly recommend pocketbooking, especially through the end of the summer, if you guys are parents. And then treat, I will say, I can't stop drinking. These cherry limeade poppies, they're s what? So that's my treat. I've never had the poppy brand, but I know, you said you love Olipop, right? Yeah, yeah. I really like, I mean, I'm a sucker for a Sonic cherry limeade with like the crunch ice and the cherries and stuff in it. This flavor is really, really good and it's good for you. And so that's my treat lately. Oh my gosh, love it All right. Well my report so Reading i'm actually reading a book. That's just called the 90s It's kind of just like literally all about the decade like a documentary but in book form So it's just been a really fun read. I mean i'm a 90s child. So it's just fun And eating I had two things And they're very different. So we've also been grilling a lot out. We just did like burgers and corn on the cob and, and vegetables. I love that on the grill. And then I, but I've also been eating, and it's the simplest thing, but just like Granny Smith apples dipped in peanut butter every single night. Yum. I just forget how much I love that combination. You use like an apple slicer or what are you doing? No, I just cut it up and then I get the, I have like this, the the natural peanut butter. Cause it's like more like creamier. And I'm like, man, I forget this. Like, and it has to be a Granny Smith outfit. I don't know. It really does. I love it. I've literally had it every single night for like two weeks. That's your hyper fixation right now. I don't know. Yeah. I feel like I find these like sweet treat like fixations every time lately. I don't know. But love it. Bye. For play, I had concert. My husband and I just went to Angus and Julia Stone concert. It's like one of my favorite, favorite groups. And it was just so good. And I just love concerts. And I remember when you booked that months ago and how excited you were. So I'm glad you got to experience so excited. It was so good. So, so good. Obsessing. I just recently discovered tubing mascara. Okay, that is hilarious. I have seen your polos about that. We were, we were talking about the report. She's like, Shoot, I don't have anything for obsessing then. She's like, Oh my god, yes, I did when she wrote it down. I didn't know what you were going to say. Tubing mascara. Okay, I don't know what that is. So fill me in the classes, would you? I, I know. I, I'm like, if I've been missing out on something for years, is it new? I don't know. But it's just basically a different type of A mascara where it kind of tubes around your lashes So it literally does not move like I always have an issue and i've spent so much money on like fancy Like primers and mascaras and I always would have this issue at the end of the day where i'm just like it bleeds and smudges And i'm a real smiley person. I have my eyes definitely like I don't know. So I saw, kept seeing people talk about this on TikTok, of course, and there's the Tarte brand, but they had a dupe, the Milani brand at Walmart. It's like 13. I went and got it. And the true test for me was a full day at work where it was like 90 degrees. And when I looked in the mirror at the end of the day, I was like, stop, like there's no mascara literally anywhere. And I know I'm getting low on my regular mascara, so I will be getting the Milani. Yeah, no, it's amazing. And it's so easy to put on. And so some people, I guess, don't like how it comes off because it's a little different. I actually think it's way easier to take off than other mascaras because you just get some more water. So does it come out like the clumps? Yes. Like the tube thing? Yeah. Interesting. It's kind of funky, but like, I mean, you just warm water and you could literally just like, vroop, and it just is like all these little I'm so excited to play with this. But it's really good. I don't know. I've been obsessed with it and I feel like I can finally wear full mascara again. I just would stop, but, so yeah, that's my random obsess. But recommend, I have gratitude letters. So something that I did this year I wanted to at the end of every month just Write a very just simple gratitude letter and mail it to people because I feel like we don't ever get fun stuff in the Mail anymore, and I just I don't know so i've been doing that as just kind of like a little surprise and just Gratitude and it's just been really nice. It's like halfway through the year. So Every time I send one it's just always unexpected and I always end up getting a message back and they're like I just needed that it comes on like it seems like it just comes on the right day So that's just been like a good little like feel good. And if you're someone who wants to just express gratitude in a different way. I just pick a person, whatever feel, I feel called to and I just write them a letter and send it in the mail and that's it. And I love that so much. Yeah. Gratitude thing. That's so good. And then for tree, I had I feel like every once in a while you just need like a good dance party because like my husband and I the other night we were listening to music literally like we had music videos on again I'm such a 90s person music videos on music on loud and we were just like being so goofy like like like kids it was such a like tap into your inner child and just like have fun and I just love nights like that and sometimes you just need those to just I don't know. Put on a music. So like if we're getting on youtube and we want some music videos in the background What are you recommending for the youtube playlist? I'm like a weird one to ask for that because I love I love like alternative and rock and that's just kind of our thing. But I do also love a lot of like I don't know. I mean, I Whatever it is for you. Something with music videos. Cause yeah, that's, you're right. I mean, that's slept on. I mean, I play, my Alexa, I have to be quiet saying it so it doesn't go off, plays in my kitchen every time I start cooking. I say, Alexa, play, there's Bliss Kitchen on Spotify. Love cooking. There's sautéing and slow dancing on Spotify, those are like my cooking playlists. My kid, Skylar, will always say she loves, it's like old, almost like 60s music sometimes. Oh yeah, yeah. She loves that. It's just like, it feels good. It feels like you're in the 90s. You know? Soundtrack kind of music. But I never put on music videos and I think that that's a great little tip. And maybe next time I'm cleaning the house and I'm ready for a cleaning dance party, I'll put that on the TV. Well, I've been, we've been doing a lot of Kings of Leon, so there's a lot of like, fun, like, like it's easy songs to kind of sing, they're not like dance songs, but like, it's a good, like, easy going, so there's my, I would recommend Kings of Leon. Love. Okay, that's amazing, I'm gonna think of you when I do that next time, that's amazing. Okay! That was good. I'm so glad we decided to hit record. We pushed this off. I think we probably did for a reason. I was a little bit stressed out two weeks ago when we were going to record this. So I'm glad that you guys got this energy of me instead of two weeks ago. And just thank you, Leisha. I feel like we touched on all the things perfectly. I hope this landed. Exactly where, where and when you guys need it when you're listening to this, and hopefully in just three months we're gonna do this again. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, this was a good, good conversation. I liked this one. It was. Alright, thank you for listening, friends. I will talk to you all next week. Bye.